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linq2db model
// <auto-generated>
// This code was generated by T4Model template for T4 (
// Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated.
// </auto-generated>
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using LinqToDB;
using LinqToDB.Mapping;
namespace Models
/// <summary>
/// Database : Adventureworks
/// Data Source : tcp://localhost:5432
/// Server Version : 10.4
/// </summary>
public partial class AdventureworksDB : LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection
public ITable<A> A { get { return this.GetTable<A>(); } }
public ITable<Address> Addresses { get { return this.GetTable<Address>(); } }
public ITable<Addresstype> Addresstypes { get { return this.GetTable<Addresstype>(); } }
public ITable<At> Ats { get { return this.GetTable<At>(); } }
public ITable<Be> Bes { get { return this.GetTable<Be>(); } }
public ITable<Bea> Beas { get { return this.GetTable<Bea>(); } }
public ITable<Bec> Becs { get { return this.GetTable<Bec>(); } }
public ITable<Billofmaterial> Billofmaterials { get { return this.GetTable<Billofmaterial>(); } }
public ITable<Bom> Boms { get { return this.GetTable<Bom>(); } }
public ITable<Businessentity> Businessentities { get { return this.GetTable<Businessentity>(); } }
public ITable<Businessentityaddress> Businessentityaddresses { get { return this.GetTable<Businessentityaddress>(); } }
public ITable<Businessentitycontact> Businessentitycontacts { get { return this.GetTable<Businessentitycontact>(); } }
public ITable<C> C { get { return this.GetTable<C>(); } }
public ITable<C> C { get { return this.GetTable<C>(); } }
public ITable<Cc> Ccs { get { return this.GetTable<Cc>(); } }
public ITable<Contacttype> Contacttypes { get { return this.GetTable<Contacttype>(); } }
public ITable<Countryregion> Countryregions { get { return this.GetTable<Countryregion>(); } }
public ITable<Countryregioncurrency> Countryregioncurrencies { get { return this.GetTable<Countryregioncurrency>(); } }
public ITable<Cr> Crs { get { return this.GetTable<Cr>(); } }
public ITable<Cr> Crs { get { return this.GetTable<Cr>(); } }
public ITable<Crc> Crcs { get { return this.GetTable<Crc>(); } }
public ITable<Creditcard> Creditcards { get { return this.GetTable<Creditcard>(); } }
public ITable<Ct> Cts { get { return this.GetTable<Ct>(); } }
public ITable<Cu> Cus { get { return this.GetTable<Cu>(); } }
public ITable<Culture> Cultures { get { return this.GetTable<Culture>(); } }
public ITable<Currency> Currencies { get { return this.GetTable<Currency>(); } }
public ITable<Currencyrate> Currencyrates { get { return this.GetTable<Currencyrate>(); } }
public ITable<Customer> Customers { get { return this.GetTable<Customer>(); } }
public ITable<D> D { get { return this.GetTable<D>(); } }
public ITable<D> D { get { return this.GetTable<D>(); } }
public ITable<Department> Departments { get { return this.GetTable<Department>(); } }
public ITable<Document> Documents { get { return this.GetTable<Document>(); } }
public ITable<E> E { get { return this.GetTable<E>(); } }
public ITable<E> E { get { return this.GetTable<E>(); } }
public ITable<Edh> Edhs { get { return this.GetTable<Edh>(); } }
public ITable<Emailaddress> Emailaddresses { get { return this.GetTable<Emailaddress>(); } }
public ITable<Employee> Employees { get { return this.GetTable<Employee>(); } }
public ITable<Employeedepartmenthistory> Employeedepartmenthistories { get { return this.GetTable<Employeedepartmenthistory>(); } }
public ITable<Employeepayhistory> Employeepayhistories { get { return this.GetTable<Employeepayhistory>(); } }
public ITable<Eph> Ephs { get { return this.GetTable<Eph>(); } }
public ITable<I> I { get { return this.GetTable<I>(); } }
public ITable<Illustration> Illustrations { get { return this.GetTable<Illustration>(); } }
public ITable<Jc> Jcs { get { return this.GetTable<Jc>(); } }
public ITable<Jobcandidate> Jobcandidates { get { return this.GetTable<Jobcandidate>(); } }
public ITable<L> L { get { return this.GetTable<L>(); } }
public ITable<Location> Locations { get { return this.GetTable<Location>(); } }
public ITable<P> P { get { return this.GetTable<P>(); } }
public ITable<P> P { get { return this.GetTable<P>(); } }
public ITable<Pa> Pas { get { return this.GetTable<Pa>(); } }
public ITable<Password> Passwords { get { return this.GetTable<Password>(); } }
public ITable<Pc> Pcs { get { return this.GetTable<Pc>(); } }
public ITable<Pcc> Pccs { get { return this.GetTable<Pcc>(); } }
public ITable<Pch> Pches { get { return this.GetTable<Pch>(); } }
public ITable<Pd> Pds { get { return this.GetTable<Pd>(); } }
public ITable<Pdoc> Pdocs { get { return this.GetTable<Pdoc>(); } }
public ITable<Person> People { get { return this.GetTable<Person>(); } }
public ITable<Personcreditcard> Personcreditcards { get { return this.GetTable<Personcreditcard>(); } }
public ITable<Personphone> Personphones { get { return this.GetTable<Personphone>(); } }
public ITable<Phonenumbertype> Phonenumbertypes { get { return this.GetTable<Phonenumbertype>(); } }
public ITable<Pi> Pis { get { return this.GetTable<Pi>(); } }
public ITable<Plph> Plphs { get { return this.GetTable<Plph>(); } }
public ITable<Pm> Pms { get { return this.GetTable<Pm>(); } }
public ITable<Pmi> Pmis { get { return this.GetTable<Pmi>(); } }
public ITable<Pmpdc> Pmpdcs { get { return this.GetTable<Pmpdc>(); } }
public ITable<Pnt> Pnts { get { return this.GetTable<Pnt>(); } }
public ITable<Pod> Pods { get { return this.GetTable<Pod>(); } }
public ITable<Poh> Pohs { get { return this.GetTable<Poh>(); } }
public ITable<Pp> Pps { get { return this.GetTable<Pp>(); } }
public ITable<Pp> Pps { get { return this.GetTable<Pp>(); } }
public ITable<Ppp> Ppps { get { return this.GetTable<Ppp>(); } }
public ITable<Pr> Prs { get { return this.GetTable<Pr>(); } }
public ITable<Product> Products { get { return this.GetTable<Product>(); } }
public ITable<Productcategory> Productcategories { get { return this.GetTable<Productcategory>(); } }
public ITable<Productcosthistory> Productcosthistories { get { return this.GetTable<Productcosthistory>(); } }
public ITable<Productdescription> Productdescriptions { get { return this.GetTable<Productdescription>(); } }
public ITable<Productdocument> Productdocuments { get { return this.GetTable<Productdocument>(); } }
public ITable<Productinventory> Productinventories { get { return this.GetTable<Productinventory>(); } }
public ITable<Productlistpricehistory> Productlistpricehistories { get { return this.GetTable<Productlistpricehistory>(); } }
public ITable<Productmodel> Productmodels { get { return this.GetTable<Productmodel>(); } }
public ITable<Productmodelillustration> Productmodelillustrations { get { return this.GetTable<Productmodelillustration>(); } }
public ITable<Productmodelproductdescriptionculture> Productmodelproductdescriptioncultures { get { return this.GetTable<Productmodelproductdescriptionculture>(); } }
public ITable<Productphoto> Productphotoes { get { return this.GetTable<Productphoto>(); } }
public ITable<Productproductphoto> Productproductphotoes { get { return this.GetTable<Productproductphoto>(); } }
public ITable<Productreview> Productreviews { get { return this.GetTable<Productreview>(); } }
public ITable<Productsubcategory> Productsubcategories { get { return this.GetTable<Productsubcategory>(); } }
public ITable<Productvendor> Productvendors { get { return this.GetTable<Productvendor>(); } }
public ITable<Psc> Pscs { get { return this.GetTable<Psc>(); } }
public ITable<Purchaseorderdetail> Purchaseorderdetails { get { return this.GetTable<Purchaseorderdetail>(); } }
public ITable<Purchaseorderheader> Purchaseorderheaders { get { return this.GetTable<Purchaseorderheader>(); } }
public ITable<Pv> Pvs { get { return this.GetTable<Pv>(); } }
public ITable<S> S { get { return this.GetTable<S>(); } }
public ITable<S> S { get { return this.GetTable<S>(); } }
public ITable<Salesorderdetail> Salesorderdetails { get { return this.GetTable<Salesorderdetail>(); } }
public ITable<Salesorderheader> Salesorderheaders { get { return this.GetTable<Salesorderheader>(); } }
public ITable<Salesorderheadersalesreason> Salesorderheadersalesreasons { get { return this.GetTable<Salesorderheadersalesreason>(); } }
public ITable<Salesperson> Salespersons { get { return this.GetTable<Salesperson>(); } }
public ITable<Salespersonquotahistory> Salespersonquotahistories { get { return this.GetTable<Salespersonquotahistory>(); } }
public ITable<Salesreason> Salesreasons { get { return this.GetTable<Salesreason>(); } }
public ITable<Salestaxrate> Salestaxrates { get { return this.GetTable<Salestaxrate>(); } }
public ITable<Salesterritory> Salesterritories { get { return this.GetTable<Salesterritory>(); } }
public ITable<Salesterritoryhistory> Salesterritoryhistories { get { return this.GetTable<Salesterritoryhistory>(); } }
public ITable<Sci> Scis { get { return this.GetTable<Sci>(); } }
public ITable<Scrapreason> Scrapreasons { get { return this.GetTable<Scrapreason>(); } }
public ITable<Shift> Shifts { get { return this.GetTable<Shift>(); } }
public ITable<Shipmethod> Shipmethods { get { return this.GetTable<Shipmethod>(); } }
public ITable<Shoppingcartitem> Shoppingcartitems { get { return this.GetTable<Shoppingcartitem>(); } }
public ITable<Sm> Sms { get { return this.GetTable<Sm>(); } }
public ITable<So> Soes { get { return this.GetTable<So>(); } }
public ITable<Sod> Sods { get { return this.GetTable<Sod>(); } }
public ITable<Soh> Sohs { get { return this.GetTable<Soh>(); } }
public ITable<Sohsr> Sohsrs { get { return this.GetTable<Sohsr>(); } }
public ITable<Sop> Sops { get { return this.GetTable<Sop>(); } }
public ITable<Sp> Sps { get { return this.GetTable<Sp>(); } }
public ITable<Sp> Sps { get { return this.GetTable<Sp>(); } }
public ITable<Specialoffer> Specialoffers { get { return this.GetTable<Specialoffer>(); } }
public ITable<Specialofferproduct> Specialofferproducts { get { return this.GetTable<Specialofferproduct>(); } }
public ITable<Spqh> Spqhs { get { return this.GetTable<Spqh>(); } }
public ITable<Sr> Srs { get { return this.GetTable<Sr>(); } }
public ITable<Sr> Srs { get { return this.GetTable<Sr>(); } }
public ITable<St> Sts { get { return this.GetTable<St>(); } }
public ITable<Stateprovince> Stateprovinces { get { return this.GetTable<Stateprovince>(); } }
public ITable<Sth> Sths { get { return this.GetTable<Sth>(); } }
public ITable<Store> Stores { get { return this.GetTable<Store>(); } }
public ITable<Th> Ths { get { return this.GetTable<Th>(); } }
public ITable<Tha> Thas { get { return this.GetTable<Tha>(); } }
public ITable<Tr> Trs { get { return this.GetTable<Tr>(); } }
public ITable<Transactionhistory> Transactionhistories { get { return this.GetTable<Transactionhistory>(); } }
public ITable<Transactionhistoryarchive> Transactionhistoryarchives { get { return this.GetTable<Transactionhistoryarchive>(); } }
public ITable<Um> Ums { get { return this.GetTable<Um>(); } }
public ITable<Unitmeasure> Unitmeasures { get { return this.GetTable<Unitmeasure>(); } }
public ITable<V> V { get { return this.GetTable<V>(); } }
public ITable<Vadditionalcontactinfo> Vadditionalcontactinfoes { get { return this.GetTable<Vadditionalcontactinfo>(); } }
public ITable<Vemployee> Vemployees { get { return this.GetTable<Vemployee>(); } }
public ITable<Vemployeedepartment> Vemployeedepartments { get { return this.GetTable<Vemployeedepartment>(); } }
public ITable<Vemployeedepartmenthistory> Vemployeedepartmenthistories { get { return this.GetTable<Vemployeedepartmenthistory>(); } }
public ITable<Vendor> Vendors { get { return this.GetTable<Vendor>(); } }
public ITable<Vindividualcustomer> Vindividualcustomers { get { return this.GetTable<Vindividualcustomer>(); } }
public ITable<Vjobcandidate> Vjobcandidates { get { return this.GetTable<Vjobcandidate>(); } }
public ITable<Vjobcandidateeducation> Vjobcandidateeducations { get { return this.GetTable<Vjobcandidateeducation>(); } }
public ITable<Vjobcandidateemployment> Vjobcandidateemployments { get { return this.GetTable<Vjobcandidateemployment>(); } }
public ITable<Vpersondemographic> Vpersondemographics { get { return this.GetTable<Vpersondemographic>(); } }
public ITable<Vproductmodelcatalogdescription> Vproductmodelcatalogdescriptions { get { return this.GetTable<Vproductmodelcatalogdescription>(); } }
public ITable<Vproductmodelinstruction> Vproductmodelinstructions { get { return this.GetTable<Vproductmodelinstruction>(); } }
public ITable<Vsalesperson> Vsalespersons { get { return this.GetTable<Vsalesperson>(); } }
public ITable<Vsalespersonsalesbyfiscalyear> Vsalespersonsalesbyfiscalyears { get { return this.GetTable<Vsalespersonsalesbyfiscalyear>(); } }
public ITable<Vsalespersonsalesbyfiscalyearsdata> Vsalespersonsalesbyfiscalyearsdatas { get { return this.GetTable<Vsalespersonsalesbyfiscalyearsdata>(); } }
public ITable<Vstorewithaddress> Vstorewithaddresses { get { return this.GetTable<Vstorewithaddress>(); } }
public ITable<Vstorewithcontact> Vstorewithcontacts { get { return this.GetTable<Vstorewithcontact>(); } }
public ITable<Vstorewithdemographic> Vstorewithdemographics { get { return this.GetTable<Vstorewithdemographic>(); } }
public ITable<Vvendorwithaddress> Vvendorwithaddresses { get { return this.GetTable<Vvendorwithaddress>(); } }
public ITable<Vvendorwithcontact> Vvendorwithcontacts { get { return this.GetTable<Vvendorwithcontact>(); } }
public ITable<W> W { get { return this.GetTable<W>(); } }
public ITable<Workorder> Workorders { get { return this.GetTable<Workorder>(); } }
public ITable<Workorderrouting> Workorderroutings { get { return this.GetTable<Workorderrouting>(); } }
public ITable<Wr> Wrs { get { return this.GetTable<Wr>(); } }
public AdventureworksDB()
public AdventureworksDB(string configuration)
: base(configuration)
partial void InitDataContext();
[Table(Schema="pe", Name="a", IsView=true)]
public partial class A
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("addressid"), Nullable] public int? Addressid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("addressline1"), Nullable] public string Addressline1 { get; set; } // character varying(60)
[Column("addressline2"), Nullable] public string Addressline2 { get; set; } // character varying(60)
[Column("city"), Nullable] public string City { get; set; } // character varying(30)
[Column("stateprovinceid"), Nullable] public int? Stateprovinceid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("postalcode"), Nullable] public string Postalcode { get; set; } // character varying(15)
[Column("spatiallocation"), Nullable] public string Spatiallocation { get; set; } // character varying(44)
[Column("rowguid"), Nullable] public Guid? Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="person", Name="address")]
public partial class Address
[Column("addressid"), PrimaryKey, Identity] public int Addressid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("addressline1"), NotNull ] public string Addressline1 { get; set; } // character varying(60)
[Column("addressline2"), Nullable ] public string Addressline2 { get; set; } // character varying(60)
[Column("city"), NotNull ] public string City { get; set; } // character varying(30)
[Column("stateprovinceid"), NotNull ] public int Stateprovinceid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("postalcode"), NotNull ] public string Postalcode { get; set; } // character varying(15)
[Column("spatiallocation"), Nullable ] public string Spatiallocation { get; set; } // character varying(44)
[Column("rowguid"), NotNull ] public Guid Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_BusinessEntityAddress_Address_AddressID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Addressid", OtherKey="Addressid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Businessentityaddress> BusinessEntityAddressAddressAddressIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_SalesOrderHeader_Address_BillToAddressID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Addressid", OtherKey="Billtoaddressid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Salesorderheader> SalesOrderHeaderAddressBillToAddressIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_SalesOrderHeader_Address_ShipToAddressID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Addressid", OtherKey="Shiptoaddressid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Salesorderheader> SalesOrderHeaderAddressShipToAddressIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_Address_StateProvince_StateProvinceID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Stateprovinceid", OtherKey="Stateprovinceid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_Address_StateProvince_StateProvinceID", BackReferenceName="AddressStateProvinceStateProvinceIDs")]
public Stateprovince stateprovince { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="person", Name="addresstype")]
public partial class Addresstype
[Column("addresstypeid"), PrimaryKey, Identity] public int Addresstypeid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("name"), NotNull ] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("rowguid"), NotNull ] public Guid Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_BusinessEntityAddress_AddressType_AddressTypeID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Addresstypeid", OtherKey="Addresstypeid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Businessentityaddress> BusinessEntityAddressAddressTypeAddressTypeIDs { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="pe", Name="at", IsView=true)]
public partial class At
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("addresstypeid"), Nullable] public int? Addresstypeid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("name"), Nullable] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("rowguid"), Nullable] public Guid? Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="pe", Name="be", IsView=true)]
public partial class Be
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("businessentityid"), Nullable] public int? Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("rowguid"), Nullable] public Guid? Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="pe", Name="bea", IsView=true)]
public partial class Bea
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("businessentityid"), Nullable] public int? Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("addressid"), Nullable] public int? Addressid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("addresstypeid"), Nullable] public int? Addresstypeid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("rowguid"), Nullable] public Guid? Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="pe", Name="bec", IsView=true)]
public partial class Bec
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("businessentityid"), Nullable] public int? Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("personid"), Nullable] public int? Personid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("contacttypeid"), Nullable] public int? Contacttypeid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("rowguid"), Nullable] public Guid? Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="production", Name="billofmaterials")]
public partial class Billofmaterial
[Column("billofmaterialsid"), PrimaryKey, Identity] public int Billofmaterialsid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("productassemblyid"), Nullable ] public int? Productassemblyid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("componentid"), NotNull ] public int Componentid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("startdate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Startdate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("enddate"), Nullable ] public DateTime? Enddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("unitmeasurecode"), NotNull ] public string Unitmeasurecode { get; set; } // character(3)
[Column("bomlevel"), NotNull ] public short Bomlevel { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("perassemblyqty"), NotNull ] public decimal Perassemblyqty { get; set; } // numeric(8,2)
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_BillOfMaterials_UnitMeasure_UnitMeasureCode
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Unitmeasurecode", OtherKey="Unitmeasurecode", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_BillOfMaterials_UnitMeasure_UnitMeasureCode", BackReferenceName="BillOfMaterialsUnitMeasureUnitMeasureCodes")]
public Unitmeasure BillOfMaterialsUnitMeasureUnitMeasureCode { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_BillOfMaterials_Product_ComponentID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Componentid", OtherKey="Productid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_BillOfMaterials_Product_ComponentID", BackReferenceName="BillOfMaterialsProductComponentIDs")]
public Product component { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_BillOfMaterials_Product_ProductAssemblyID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productassemblyid", OtherKey="Productid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_BillOfMaterials_Product_ProductAssemblyID", BackReferenceName="BillOfMaterialsProductProductAssemblyIDs")]
public Product productassembly { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="pr", Name="bom", IsView=true)]
public partial class Bom
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("billofmaterialsid"), Nullable] public int? Billofmaterialsid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("productassemblyid"), Nullable] public int? Productassemblyid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("componentid"), Nullable] public int? Componentid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("startdate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Startdate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("enddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Enddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("unitmeasurecode"), Nullable] public string Unitmeasurecode { get; set; } // character(3)
[Column("bomlevel"), Nullable] public short? Bomlevel { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("perassemblyqty"), Nullable] public decimal? Perassemblyqty { get; set; } // numeric(8,2)
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="person", Name="businessentity")]
public partial class Businessentity
[Column("businessentityid"), PrimaryKey, Identity] public int Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("rowguid"), NotNull ] public Guid Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_BusinessEntityAddress_BusinessEntity_BusinessEntityID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Businessentityaddress> BusinessEntityAddressBusinessEntityBusinessEntityIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_BusinessEntityContact_BusinessEntity_BusinessEntityID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Businessentitycontact> BusinessEntityContactBusinessEntityBusinessEntityIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_Person_BusinessEntity_BusinessEntityID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToOne, IsBackReference=true)]
public Person PersonBusinessEntityBusinessEntityID { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_Store_BusinessEntity_BusinessEntityID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToOne, IsBackReference=true)]
public Store StoreBusinessEntityBusinessEntityID { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_Vendor_BusinessEntity_BusinessEntityID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToOne, IsBackReference=true)]
public Vendor VendorBusinessEntityBusinessEntityID { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="person", Name="businessentityaddress")]
public partial class Businessentityaddress
[Column("businessentityid"), PrimaryKey(1), NotNull] public int Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("addressid"), PrimaryKey(2), NotNull] public int Addressid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("addresstypeid"), PrimaryKey(3), NotNull] public int Addresstypeid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("rowguid"), NotNull] public Guid Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_BusinessEntityAddress_Address_AddressID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Addressid", OtherKey="Addressid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_BusinessEntityAddress_Address_AddressID", BackReferenceName="BusinessEntityAddressAddressAddressIDs")]
public Address address { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_BusinessEntityAddress_AddressType_AddressTypeID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Addresstypeid", OtherKey="Addresstypeid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_BusinessEntityAddress_AddressType_AddressTypeID", BackReferenceName="BusinessEntityAddressAddressTypeAddressTypeIDs")]
public Addresstype addresstype { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_BusinessEntityAddress_BusinessEntity_BusinessEntityID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_BusinessEntityAddress_BusinessEntity_BusinessEntityID", BackReferenceName="BusinessEntityAddressBusinessEntityBusinessEntityIDs")]
public Businessentity businessentity { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="person", Name="businessentitycontact")]
public partial class Businessentitycontact
[Column("businessentityid"), PrimaryKey(1), NotNull] public int Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("personid"), PrimaryKey(2), NotNull] public int Personid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("contacttypeid"), PrimaryKey(3), NotNull] public int Contacttypeid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("rowguid"), NotNull] public Guid Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_BusinessEntityContact_BusinessEntity_BusinessEntityID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_BusinessEntityContact_BusinessEntity_BusinessEntityID", BackReferenceName="BusinessEntityContactBusinessEntityBusinessEntityIDs")]
public Businessentity businessentity { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_BusinessEntityContact_ContactType_ContactTypeID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Contacttypeid", OtherKey="Contacttypeid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_BusinessEntityContact_ContactType_ContactTypeID", BackReferenceName="BusinessEntityContactContactTypeContactTypeIDs")]
public Contacttype contacttype { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_BusinessEntityContact_Person_PersonID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Personid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_BusinessEntityContact_Person_PersonID", BackReferenceName="BusinessEntityContactPersonPersonIDs")]
public Person person { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="pr", Name="c", IsView=true)]
public partial class C
[Column("id"), Nullable] public string Id { get; set; } // character(6)
[Column("cultureid"), Nullable] public string Cultureid { get; set; } // character(6)
[Column("name"), Nullable] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="sa", Name="c", IsView=true)]
public partial class C
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("customerid"), Nullable] public int? Customerid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("personid"), Nullable] public int? Personid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("storeid"), Nullable] public int? Storeid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("territoryid"), Nullable] public int? Territoryid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("rowguid"), Nullable] public Guid? Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="sa", Name="cc", IsView=true)]
public partial class Cc
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("creditcardid"), Nullable] public int? Creditcardid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("cardtype"), Nullable] public string Cardtype { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("cardnumber"), Nullable] public string Cardnumber { get; set; } // character varying(25)
[Column("expmonth"), Nullable] public short? Expmonth { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("expyear"), Nullable] public short? Expyear { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="person", Name="contacttype")]
public partial class Contacttype
[Column("contacttypeid"), PrimaryKey, Identity] public int Contacttypeid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("name"), NotNull ] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_BusinessEntityContact_ContactType_ContactTypeID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Contacttypeid", OtherKey="Contacttypeid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Businessentitycontact> BusinessEntityContactContactTypeContactTypeIDs { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="person", Name="countryregion")]
public partial class Countryregion
[Column("countryregioncode"), PrimaryKey, NotNull] public string Countryregioncode { get; set; } // character varying(3)
[Column("name"), NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_CountryRegionCurrency_CountryRegion_CountryRegionCode_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Countryregioncode", OtherKey="Countryregioncode", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Countryregioncurrency> CountryRegionCurrencyCountryRegionCountryRegionCodes { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_SalesTerritory_CountryRegion_CountryRegionCode_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Countryregioncode", OtherKey="Countryregioncode", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Salesterritory> SalesTerritoryCountryRegionCountryRegionCodes { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_StateProvince_CountryRegion_CountryRegionCode_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Countryregioncode", OtherKey="Countryregioncode", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Stateprovince> StateProvinceCountryRegionCountryRegionCodes { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="sales", Name="countryregioncurrency")]
public partial class Countryregioncurrency
[Column("countryregioncode"), PrimaryKey(1), NotNull] public string Countryregioncode { get; set; } // character varying(3)
[Column("currencycode"), PrimaryKey(2), NotNull] public string Currencycode { get; set; } // character(3)
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_CountryRegionCurrency_CountryRegion_CountryRegionCode
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Countryregioncode", OtherKey="Countryregioncode", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_CountryRegionCurrency_CountryRegion_CountryRegionCode", BackReferenceName="CountryRegionCurrencyCountryRegionCountryRegionCodes")]
public Countryregion CountryRegionCurrencyCountryRegionCountryRegionCode { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_CountryRegionCurrency_Currency_CurrencyCode
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Currencycode", OtherKey="Currencycode", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_CountryRegionCurrency_Currency_CurrencyCode", BackReferenceName="CountryRegionCurrencyCurrencyCurrencyCodes")]
public Currency CountryRegionCurrencyCurrencyCurrencyCode { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="pe", Name="cr", IsView=true)]
public partial class Cr
[Column("countryregioncode"), Nullable] public string Countryregioncode { get; set; } // character varying(3)
[Column("name"), Nullable] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="sa", Name="cr", IsView=true)]
public partial class Cr
[Column("currencyrateid"), Nullable] public int? Currencyrateid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("currencyratedate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Currencyratedate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("fromcurrencycode"), Nullable] public string Fromcurrencycode { get; set; } // character(3)
[Column("tocurrencycode"), Nullable] public string Tocurrencycode { get; set; } // character(3)
[Column("averagerate"), Nullable] public decimal? Averagerate { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("endofdayrate"), Nullable] public decimal? Endofdayrate { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="sa", Name="crc", IsView=true)]
public partial class Crc
[Column("countryregioncode"), Nullable] public string Countryregioncode { get; set; } // character varying(3)
[Column("currencycode"), Nullable] public string Currencycode { get; set; } // character(3)
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="sales", Name="creditcard")]
public partial class Creditcard
[Column("creditcardid"), PrimaryKey, Identity] public int Creditcardid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("cardtype"), NotNull ] public string Cardtype { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("cardnumber"), NotNull ] public string Cardnumber { get; set; } // character varying(25)
[Column("expmonth"), NotNull ] public short Expmonth { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("expyear"), NotNull ] public short Expyear { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_PersonCreditCard_CreditCard_CreditCardID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Creditcardid", OtherKey="Creditcardid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Personcreditcard> PersonCreditCardCreditCardCreditCardIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_SalesOrderHeader_CreditCard_CreditCardID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Creditcardid", OtherKey="Creditcardid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Salesorderheader> SalesOrderHeaderCreditCardCreditCardIDs { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="pe", Name="ct", IsView=true)]
public partial class Ct
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("contacttypeid"), Nullable] public int? Contacttypeid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("name"), Nullable] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="sa", Name="cu", IsView=true)]
public partial class Cu
[Column("id"), Nullable] public string Id { get; set; } // character(3)
[Column("currencycode"), Nullable] public string Currencycode { get; set; } // character(3)
[Column("name"), Nullable] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="production", Name="culture")]
public partial class Culture
[Column("cultureid"), PrimaryKey, NotNull] public string Cultureid { get; set; } // character(6)
[Column("name"), NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_ProductModelProductDescriptionCulture_Culture_CultureID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Cultureid", OtherKey="Cultureid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Productmodelproductdescriptionculture> ProductModelProductDescriptionCultureCultureCultureIDs { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="sales", Name="currency")]
public partial class Currency
[Column("currencycode"), PrimaryKey, NotNull] public string Currencycode { get; set; } // character(3)
[Column("name"), NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_CountryRegionCurrency_Currency_CurrencyCode_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Currencycode", OtherKey="Currencycode", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Countryregioncurrency> CountryRegionCurrencyCurrencyCurrencyCodes { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_CurrencyRate_Currency_FromCurrencyCode_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Currencycode", OtherKey="Fromcurrencycode", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Currencyrate> CurrencyRateCurrencyFromCurrencyCodes { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_CurrencyRate_Currency_ToCurrencyCode_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Currencycode", OtherKey="Tocurrencycode", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Currencyrate> CurrencyRateCurrencyToCurrencyCodes { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="sales", Name="currencyrate")]
public partial class Currencyrate
[Column("currencyrateid"), PrimaryKey, Identity] public int Currencyrateid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("currencyratedate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Currencyratedate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("fromcurrencycode"), NotNull ] public string Fromcurrencycode { get; set; } // character(3)
[Column("tocurrencycode"), NotNull ] public string Tocurrencycode { get; set; } // character(3)
[Column("averagerate"), NotNull ] public decimal Averagerate { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("endofdayrate"), NotNull ] public decimal Endofdayrate { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_CurrencyRate_Currency_FromCurrencyCode
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Fromcurrencycode", OtherKey="Currencycode", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_CurrencyRate_Currency_FromCurrencyCode", BackReferenceName="CurrencyRateCurrencyFromCurrencyCodes")]
public Currency CurrencyRateCurrencyFromCurrencyCode { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_CurrencyRate_Currency_ToCurrencyCode
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Tocurrencycode", OtherKey="Currencycode", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_CurrencyRate_Currency_ToCurrencyCode", BackReferenceName="CurrencyRateCurrencyToCurrencyCodes")]
public Currency CurrencyRateCurrencyToCurrencyCode { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_SalesOrderHeader_CurrencyRate_CurrencyRateID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Currencyrateid", OtherKey="Currencyrateid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Salesorderheader> SalesOrderHeaderCurrencyRateCurrencyRateIDs { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="sales", Name="customer")]
public partial class Customer
[Column("customerid"), PrimaryKey, Identity] public int Customerid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("personid"), Nullable ] public int? Personid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("storeid"), Nullable ] public int? Storeid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("territoryid"), Nullable ] public int? Territoryid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("rowguid"), NotNull ] public Guid Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_Customer_Person_PersonID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Personid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_Customer_Person_PersonID", BackReferenceName="CustomerPersonPersonIDs")]
public Person person { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_SalesOrderHeader_Customer_CustomerID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Customerid", OtherKey="Customerid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Salesorderheader> SalesOrderHeaderCustomerCustomerIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_Customer_Store_StoreID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Storeid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_Customer_Store_StoreID", BackReferenceName="CustomerStoreStoreIDs")]
public Store store { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_Customer_SalesTerritory_TerritoryID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Territoryid", OtherKey="Territoryid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_Customer_SalesTerritory_TerritoryID", BackReferenceName="CustomerSalesTerritoryTerritoryIDs")]
public Salesterritory territory { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="hr", Name="d", IsView=true)]
public partial class D
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("departmentid"), Nullable] public int? Departmentid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("name"), Nullable] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("groupname"), Nullable] public string Groupname { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="pr", Name="d", IsView=true)]
public partial class D
[Column("title"), Nullable] public string Title { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("owner"), Nullable] public int? Owner { get; set; } // integer
[Column("folderflag"), NotNull ] public bool Folderflag { get; set; } // boolean
[Column("filename"), Nullable] public string Filename { get; set; } // character varying(400)
[Column("fileextension"), Nullable] public string Fileextension { get; set; } // character varying(8)
[Column("revision"), Nullable] public string Revision { get; set; } // character(5)
[Column("changenumber"), Nullable] public int? Changenumber { get; set; } // integer
[Column("status"), Nullable] public short? Status { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("documentsummary"), Nullable] public string Documentsummary { get; set; } // text
[Column("document"), Nullable] public byte[] Document { get; set; } // bytea
[Column("rowguid"), Nullable] public Guid? Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("documentnode"), Nullable] public string Documentnode { get; set; } // character varying
[Table(Schema="humanresources", Name="department")]
public partial class Department
[Column("departmentid"), PrimaryKey, Identity] public int Departmentid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("name"), NotNull ] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("groupname"), NotNull ] public string Groupname { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_EmployeeDepartmentHistory_Department_DepartmentID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Departmentid", OtherKey="Departmentid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Employeedepartmenthistory> EmployeeDepartmentHistoryDepartmentDepartmentIDs { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="production", Name="document")]
public partial class Document
[Column("title"), NotNull] public string Title { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("owner"), NotNull] public int Owner { get; set; } // integer
[Column("folderflag"), NotNull] public bool Folderflag { get; set; } // boolean
[Column("filename"), NotNull] public string Filename { get; set; } // character varying(400)
[Column("fileextension"), Nullable ] public string Fileextension { get; set; } // character varying(8)
[Column("revision"), NotNull] public string Revision { get; set; } // character(5)
[Column("changenumber"), NotNull] public int Changenumber { get; set; } // integer
[Column("status"), NotNull] public short Status { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("documentsummary"), Nullable ] public string Documentsummary { get; set; } // text
[Column("document"), Nullable ] public byte[] Document_Column { get; set; } // bytea
[Column("rowguid"), NotNull] public Guid Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("documentnode"), PrimaryKey, NotNull] public string Documentnode { get; set; } // character varying
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_Document_Employee_Owner
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Owner", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_Document_Employee_Owner", BackReferenceName="DocumentEmployeeOwners")]
public Employee DocumentEmployeeOwner { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_ProductDocument_Document_DocumentNode_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Documentnode", OtherKey="Documentnode", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Productdocument> ProductDocumentDocumentDocumentNodes { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="pe", Name="e", IsView=true)]
public partial class E
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("businessentityid"), Nullable] public int? Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("emailaddressid"), Nullable] public int? Emailaddressid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("emailaddress"), Nullable] public string Emailaddress { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("rowguid"), Nullable] public Guid? Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="hr", Name="e", IsView=true)]
public partial class E
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("businessentityid"), Nullable] public int? Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("nationalidnumber"), Nullable] public string Nationalidnumber { get; set; } // character varying(15)
[Column("loginid"), Nullable] public string Loginid { get; set; } // character varying(256)
[Column("jobtitle"), Nullable] public string Jobtitle { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("birthdate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Birthdate { get; set; } // date
[Column("maritalstatus"), Nullable] public char? Maritalstatus { get; set; } // character(1)
[Column("gender"), Nullable] public char? Gender { get; set; } // character(1)
[Column("hiredate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Hiredate { get; set; } // date
[Column("salariedflag"), NotNull ] public bool Salariedflag { get; set; } // boolean
[Column("vacationhours"), Nullable] public short? Vacationhours { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("sickleavehours"), Nullable] public short? Sickleavehours { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("currentflag"), NotNull ] public bool Currentflag { get; set; } // boolean
[Column("rowguid"), Nullable] public Guid? Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("organizationnode"), Nullable] public string Organizationnode { get; set; } // character varying
[Table(Schema="hr", Name="edh", IsView=true)]
public partial class Edh
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("businessentityid"), Nullable] public int? Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("departmentid"), Nullable] public short? Departmentid { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("shiftid"), Nullable] public short? Shiftid { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("startdate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Startdate { get; set; } // date
[Column("enddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Enddate { get; set; } // date
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="person", Name="emailaddress")]
public partial class Emailaddress
[Column("businessentityid"), PrimaryKey(1), NotNull ] public int Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("emailaddressid"), PrimaryKey(2), Identity] public int Emailaddressid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("emailaddress"), Nullable ] public string Emailaddress_Column { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("rowguid"), NotNull ] public Guid Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_EmailAddress_Person_BusinessEntityID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_EmailAddress_Person_BusinessEntityID", BackReferenceName="EmailAddressPersonBusinessEntityIDs")]
public Person businessentity { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="humanresources", Name="employee")]
public partial class Employee
[Column("businessentityid"), PrimaryKey, NotNull] public int Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("nationalidnumber"), NotNull] public string Nationalidnumber { get; set; } // character varying(15)
[Column("loginid"), NotNull] public string Loginid { get; set; } // character varying(256)
[Column("jobtitle"), NotNull] public string Jobtitle { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("birthdate"), NotNull] public DateTime Birthdate { get; set; } // date
[Column("maritalstatus"), NotNull] public char Maritalstatus { get; set; } // character(1)
[Column("gender"), NotNull] public char Gender { get; set; } // character(1)
[Column("hiredate"), NotNull] public DateTime Hiredate { get; set; } // date
[Column("salariedflag"), NotNull] public bool Salariedflag { get; set; } // boolean
[Column("vacationhours"), NotNull] public short Vacationhours { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("sickleavehours"), NotNull] public short Sickleavehours { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("currentflag"), NotNull] public bool Currentflag { get; set; } // boolean
[Column("rowguid"), NotNull] public Guid Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("organizationnode"), Nullable ] public string Organizationnode { get; set; } // character varying
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_Employee_Person_BusinessEntityID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.OneToOne, KeyName="FK_Employee_Person_BusinessEntityID", BackReferenceName="EmployeePersonBusinessEntityID")]
public Person businessentity { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_Document_Employee_Owner_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Owner", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Document> DocumentEmployeeOwners { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_EmployeeDepartmentHistory_Employee_BusinessEntityID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Employeedepartmenthistory> EmployeeDepartmentHistoryEmployeeBusinessEntityIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_EmployeePayHistory_Employee_BusinessEntityID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Employeepayhistory> EmployeePayHistoryEmployeeBusinessEntityIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_JobCandidate_Employee_BusinessEntityID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Jobcandidate> JobCandidateEmployeeBusinessEntityIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_PurchaseOrderHeader_Employee_EmployeeID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Employeeid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Purchaseorderheader> PurchaseOrderHeaderEmployeeEmployeeIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_SalesPerson_Employee_BusinessEntityID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToOne, IsBackReference=true)]
public Salesperson SalesPersonEmployeeBusinessEntityID { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="humanresources", Name="employeedepartmenthistory")]
public partial class Employeedepartmenthistory
[Column("businessentityid"), PrimaryKey(1), NotNull] public int Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("departmentid"), PrimaryKey(2), NotNull] public short Departmentid { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("shiftid"), PrimaryKey(3), NotNull] public short Shiftid { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("startdate"), PrimaryKey(4), NotNull] public DateTime Startdate { get; set; } // date
[Column("enddate"), Nullable ] public DateTime? Enddate { get; set; } // date
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_EmployeeDepartmentHistory_Employee_BusinessEntityID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_EmployeeDepartmentHistory_Employee_BusinessEntityID", BackReferenceName="EmployeeDepartmentHistoryEmployeeBusinessEntityIDs")]
public Employee businessentity { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_EmployeeDepartmentHistory_Department_DepartmentID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Departmentid", OtherKey="Departmentid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_EmployeeDepartmentHistory_Department_DepartmentID", BackReferenceName="EmployeeDepartmentHistoryDepartmentDepartmentIDs")]
public Department department { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_EmployeeDepartmentHistory_Shift_ShiftID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Shiftid", OtherKey="Shiftid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_EmployeeDepartmentHistory_Shift_ShiftID", BackReferenceName="EmployeeDepartmentHistoryShiftShiftIDs")]
public Shift shift { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="humanresources", Name="employeepayhistory")]
public partial class Employeepayhistory
[Column("businessentityid"), PrimaryKey(1), NotNull] public int Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("ratechangedate"), PrimaryKey(2), NotNull] public DateTime Ratechangedate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("rate"), NotNull] public decimal Rate { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("payfrequency"), NotNull] public short Payfrequency { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_EmployeePayHistory_Employee_BusinessEntityID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_EmployeePayHistory_Employee_BusinessEntityID", BackReferenceName="EmployeePayHistoryEmployeeBusinessEntityIDs")]
public Employee businessentity { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="hr", Name="eph", IsView=true)]
public partial class Eph
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("businessentityid"), Nullable] public int? Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("ratechangedate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Ratechangedate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("rate"), Nullable] public decimal? Rate { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("payfrequency"), Nullable] public short? Payfrequency { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="pr", Name="i", IsView=true)]
public partial class I
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("illustrationid"), Nullable] public int? Illustrationid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("diagram"), Nullable] public string Diagram { get; set; } // xml
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="production", Name="illustration")]
public partial class Illustration
[Column("illustrationid"), PrimaryKey, Identity] public int Illustrationid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("diagram"), Nullable ] public string Diagram { get; set; } // xml
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_ProductModelIllustration_Illustration_IllustrationID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Illustrationid", OtherKey="Illustrationid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Productmodelillustration> ProductModelIllustrationIllustrationIllustrationIDs { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="hr", Name="jc", IsView=true)]
public partial class Jc
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("jobcandidateid"), Nullable] public int? Jobcandidateid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("businessentityid"), Nullable] public int? Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("resume"), Nullable] public string Resume { get; set; } // xml
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="humanresources", Name="jobcandidate")]
public partial class Jobcandidate
[Column("jobcandidateid"), PrimaryKey, Identity] public int Jobcandidateid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("businessentityid"), Nullable ] public int? Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("resume"), Nullable ] public string Resume { get; set; } // xml
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_JobCandidate_Employee_BusinessEntityID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_JobCandidate_Employee_BusinessEntityID", BackReferenceName="JobCandidateEmployeeBusinessEntityIDs")]
public Employee businessentity { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="pr", Name="l", IsView=true)]
public partial class L
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("locationid"), Nullable] public int? Locationid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("name"), Nullable] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("costrate"), Nullable] public decimal? Costrate { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("availability"), Nullable] public decimal? Availability { get; set; } // numeric(8,2)
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="production", Name="location")]
public partial class Location
[Column("locationid"), PrimaryKey, Identity] public int Locationid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("name"), NotNull ] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("costrate"), NotNull ] public decimal Costrate { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("availability"), NotNull ] public decimal Availability { get; set; } // numeric(8,2)
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_ProductInventory_Location_LocationID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Locationid", OtherKey="Locationid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Productinventory> ProductInventoryLocationLocationIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_WorkOrderRouting_Location_LocationID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Locationid", OtherKey="Locationid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Workorderrouting> WorkOrderRoutingLocationLocationIDs { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="pe", Name="p", IsView=true)]
public partial class P
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("businessentityid"), Nullable] public int? Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("persontype"), Nullable] public string Persontype { get; set; } // character(2)
[Column("namestyle"), NotNull ] public bool Namestyle { get; set; } // boolean
[Column("title"), Nullable] public string Title { get; set; } // character varying(8)
[Column("firstname"), Nullable] public string Firstname { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("middlename"), Nullable] public string Middlename { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("lastname"), Nullable] public string Lastname { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("suffix"), Nullable] public string Suffix { get; set; } // character varying(10)
[Column("emailpromotion"), Nullable] public int? Emailpromotion { get; set; } // integer
[Column("additionalcontactinfo"), Nullable] public string Additionalcontactinfo { get; set; } // xml
[Column("demographics"), Nullable] public string Demographics { get; set; } // xml
[Column("rowguid"), Nullable] public Guid? Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="pr", Name="p", IsView=true)]
public partial class P
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("productid"), Nullable] public int? Productid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("name"), Nullable] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("productnumber"), Nullable] public string Productnumber { get; set; } // character varying(25)
[Column("makeflag"), NotNull ] public bool Makeflag { get; set; } // boolean
[Column("finishedgoodsflag"), NotNull ] public bool Finishedgoodsflag { get; set; } // boolean
[Column("color"), Nullable] public string Color { get; set; } // character varying(15)
[Column("safetystocklevel"), Nullable] public short? Safetystocklevel { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("reorderpoint"), Nullable] public short? Reorderpoint { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("standardcost"), Nullable] public decimal? Standardcost { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("listprice"), Nullable] public decimal? Listprice { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("size"), Nullable] public string Size { get; set; } // character varying(5)
[Column("sizeunitmeasurecode"), Nullable] public string Sizeunitmeasurecode { get; set; } // character(3)
[Column("weightunitmeasurecode"), Nullable] public string Weightunitmeasurecode { get; set; } // character(3)
[Column("weight"), Nullable] public decimal? Weight { get; set; } // numeric(8,2)
[Column("daystomanufacture"), Nullable] public int? Daystomanufacture { get; set; } // integer
[Column("productline"), Nullable] public string Productline { get; set; } // character(2)
[Column("class"), Nullable] public string @class { get; set; } // character(2)
[Column("style"), Nullable] public string Style { get; set; } // character(2)
[Column("productsubcategoryid"), Nullable] public int? Productsubcategoryid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("productmodelid"), Nullable] public int? Productmodelid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("sellstartdate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Sellstartdate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("sellenddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Sellenddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("discontinueddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Discontinueddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("rowguid"), Nullable] public Guid? Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="pe", Name="pa", IsView=true)]
public partial class Pa
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("businessentityid"), Nullable] public int? Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("passwordhash"), Nullable] public string Passwordhash { get; set; } // character varying(128)
[Column("passwordsalt"), Nullable] public string Passwordsalt { get; set; } // character varying(10)
[Column("rowguid"), Nullable] public Guid? Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="person", Name="password")]
public partial class Password
[Column("businessentityid"), PrimaryKey, NotNull] public int Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("passwordhash"), NotNull] public string Passwordhash { get; set; } // character varying(128)
[Column("passwordsalt"), NotNull] public string Passwordsalt { get; set; } // character varying(10)
[Column("rowguid"), NotNull] public Guid Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_Password_Person_BusinessEntityID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.OneToOne, KeyName="FK_Password_Person_BusinessEntityID", BackReferenceName="PasswordPersonBusinessEntityID")]
public Person businessentity { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="pr", Name="pc", IsView=true)]
public partial class Pc
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("productcategoryid"), Nullable] public int? Productcategoryid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("name"), Nullable] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("rowguid"), Nullable] public Guid? Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="sa", Name="pcc", IsView=true)]
public partial class Pcc
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("businessentityid"), Nullable] public int? Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("creditcardid"), Nullable] public int? Creditcardid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="pr", Name="pch", IsView=true)]
public partial class Pch
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("productid"), Nullable] public int? Productid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("startdate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Startdate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("enddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Enddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("standardcost"), Nullable] public decimal? Standardcost { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="pr", Name="pd", IsView=true)]
public partial class Pd
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("productdescriptionid"), Nullable] public int? Productdescriptionid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("description"), Nullable] public string Description { get; set; } // character varying(400)
[Column("rowguid"), Nullable] public Guid? Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="pr", Name="pdoc", IsView=true)]
public partial class Pdoc
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("productid"), Nullable] public int? Productid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("documentnode"), Nullable] public string Documentnode { get; set; } // character varying
[Table(Schema="person", Name="person")]
public partial class Person
[Column("businessentityid"), PrimaryKey, NotNull] public int Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("persontype"), NotNull] public string Persontype { get; set; } // character(2)
[Column("namestyle"), NotNull] public bool Namestyle { get; set; } // boolean
[Column("title"), Nullable ] public string Title { get; set; } // character varying(8)
[Column("firstname"), NotNull] public string Firstname { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("middlename"), Nullable ] public string Middlename { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("lastname"), NotNull] public string Lastname { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("suffix"), Nullable ] public string Suffix { get; set; } // character varying(10)
[Column("emailpromotion"), NotNull] public int Emailpromotion { get; set; } // integer
[Column("additionalcontactinfo"), Nullable ] public string Additionalcontactinfo { get; set; } // xml
[Column("demographics"), Nullable ] public string Demographics { get; set; } // xml
[Column("rowguid"), NotNull] public Guid Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_Person_BusinessEntity_BusinessEntityID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.OneToOne, KeyName="FK_Person_BusinessEntity_BusinessEntityID", BackReferenceName="PersonBusinessEntityBusinessEntityID")]
public Businessentity businessentity { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_BusinessEntityContact_Person_PersonID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Personid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Businessentitycontact> BusinessEntityContactPersonPersonIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_Customer_Person_PersonID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Personid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Customer> CustomerPersonPersonIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_EmailAddress_Person_BusinessEntityID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Emailaddress> EmailAddressPersonBusinessEntityIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_Employee_Person_BusinessEntityID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToOne, IsBackReference=true)]
public Employee EmployeePersonBusinessEntityID { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_Password_Person_BusinessEntityID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToOne, IsBackReference=true)]
public Password PasswordPersonBusinessEntityID { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_PersonCreditCard_Person_BusinessEntityID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Personcreditcard> PersonCreditCardPersonBusinessEntityIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_PersonPhone_Person_BusinessEntityID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Personphone> PersonPhonePersonBusinessEntityIDs { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="sales", Name="personcreditcard")]
public partial class Personcreditcard
[Column("businessentityid"), PrimaryKey(1), NotNull] public int Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("creditcardid"), PrimaryKey(2), NotNull] public int Creditcardid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_PersonCreditCard_Person_BusinessEntityID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_PersonCreditCard_Person_BusinessEntityID", BackReferenceName="PersonCreditCardPersonBusinessEntityIDs")]
public Person businessentity { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_PersonCreditCard_CreditCard_CreditCardID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Creditcardid", OtherKey="Creditcardid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_PersonCreditCard_CreditCard_CreditCardID", BackReferenceName="PersonCreditCardCreditCardCreditCardIDs")]
public Creditcard creditcard { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="person", Name="personphone")]
public partial class Personphone
[Column("businessentityid"), PrimaryKey(1), NotNull] public int Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("phonenumber"), PrimaryKey(2), NotNull] public string Phonenumber { get; set; } // character varying(25)
[Column("phonenumbertypeid"), PrimaryKey(3), NotNull] public int Phonenumbertypeid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_PersonPhone_Person_BusinessEntityID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_PersonPhone_Person_BusinessEntityID", BackReferenceName="PersonPhonePersonBusinessEntityIDs")]
public Person businessentity { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_PersonPhone_PhoneNumberType_PhoneNumberTypeID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Phonenumbertypeid", OtherKey="Phonenumbertypeid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_PersonPhone_PhoneNumberType_PhoneNumberTypeID", BackReferenceName="PersonPhonePhoneNumberTypePhoneNumberTypeIDs")]
public Phonenumbertype phonenumbertype { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="person", Name="phonenumbertype")]
public partial class Phonenumbertype
[Column("phonenumbertypeid"), PrimaryKey, Identity] public int Phonenumbertypeid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("name"), NotNull ] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_PersonPhone_PhoneNumberType_PhoneNumberTypeID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Phonenumbertypeid", OtherKey="Phonenumbertypeid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Personphone> PersonPhonePhoneNumberTypePhoneNumberTypeIDs { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="pr", Name="pi", IsView=true)]
public partial class Pi
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("productid"), Nullable] public int? Productid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("locationid"), Nullable] public short? Locationid { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("shelf"), Nullable] public string Shelf { get; set; } // character varying(10)
[Column("bin"), Nullable] public short? Bin { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("quantity"), Nullable] public short? Quantity { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("rowguid"), Nullable] public Guid? Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="pr", Name="plph", IsView=true)]
public partial class Plph
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("productid"), Nullable] public int? Productid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("startdate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Startdate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("enddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Enddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("listprice"), Nullable] public decimal? Listprice { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="pr", Name="pm", IsView=true)]
public partial class Pm
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("productmodelid"), Nullable] public int? Productmodelid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("name"), Nullable] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("catalogdescription"), Nullable] public string Catalogdescription { get; set; } // xml
[Column("instructions"), Nullable] public string Instructions { get; set; } // xml
[Column("rowguid"), Nullable] public Guid? Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="pr", Name="pmi", IsView=true)]
public partial class Pmi
[Column("productmodelid"), Nullable] public int? Productmodelid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("illustrationid"), Nullable] public int? Illustrationid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="pr", Name="pmpdc", IsView=true)]
public partial class Pmpdc
[Column("productmodelid"), Nullable] public int? Productmodelid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("productdescriptionid"), Nullable] public int? Productdescriptionid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("cultureid"), Nullable] public string Cultureid { get; set; } // character(6)
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="pe", Name="pnt", IsView=true)]
public partial class Pnt
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("phonenumbertypeid"), Nullable] public int? Phonenumbertypeid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("name"), Nullable] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="pu", Name="pod", IsView=true)]
public partial class Pod
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("purchaseorderid"), Nullable] public int? Purchaseorderid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("purchaseorderdetailid"), Nullable] public int? Purchaseorderdetailid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("duedate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Duedate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("orderqty"), Nullable] public short? Orderqty { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("productid"), Nullable] public int? Productid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("unitprice"), Nullable] public decimal? Unitprice { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("receivedqty"), Nullable] public decimal? Receivedqty { get; set; } // numeric(8,2)
[Column("rejectedqty"), Nullable] public decimal? Rejectedqty { get; set; } // numeric(8,2)
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="pu", Name="poh", IsView=true)]
public partial class Poh
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("purchaseorderid"), Nullable] public int? Purchaseorderid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("revisionnumber"), Nullable] public short? Revisionnumber { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("status"), Nullable] public short? Status { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("employeeid"), Nullable] public int? Employeeid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("vendorid"), Nullable] public int? Vendorid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("shipmethodid"), Nullable] public int? Shipmethodid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("orderdate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Orderdate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("shipdate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Shipdate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("subtotal"), Nullable] public decimal? Subtotal { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("taxamt"), Nullable] public decimal? Taxamt { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("freight"), Nullable] public decimal? Freight { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="pe", Name="pp", IsView=true)]
public partial class Pp
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("businessentityid"), Nullable] public int? Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("phonenumber"), Nullable] public string Phonenumber { get; set; } // character varying(25)
[Column("phonenumbertypeid"), Nullable] public int? Phonenumbertypeid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="pr", Name="pp", IsView=true)]
public partial class Pp
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("productphotoid"), Nullable] public int? Productphotoid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("thumbnailphoto"), Nullable] public byte[] Thumbnailphoto { get; set; } // bytea
[Column("thumbnailphotofilename"), Nullable] public string Thumbnailphotofilename { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("largephoto"), Nullable] public byte[] Largephoto { get; set; } // bytea
[Column("largephotofilename"), Nullable] public string Largephotofilename { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="pr", Name="ppp", IsView=true)]
public partial class Ppp
[Column("productid"), Nullable] public int? Productid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("productphotoid"), Nullable] public int? Productphotoid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("primary"), NotNull ] public bool Primary { get; set; } // boolean
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="pr", Name="pr", IsView=true)]
public partial class Pr
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("productreviewid"), Nullable] public int? Productreviewid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("productid"), Nullable] public int? Productid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("reviewername"), Nullable] public string Reviewername { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("reviewdate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Reviewdate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("emailaddress"), Nullable] public string Emailaddress { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("rating"), Nullable] public int? Rating { get; set; } // integer
[Column("comments"), Nullable] public string Comments { get; set; } // character varying(3850)
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="production", Name="product")]
public partial class Product
[Column("productid"), PrimaryKey, Identity] public int Productid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("name"), NotNull ] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("productnumber"), NotNull ] public string Productnumber { get; set; } // character varying(25)
[Column("makeflag"), NotNull ] public bool Makeflag { get; set; } // boolean
[Column("finishedgoodsflag"), NotNull ] public bool Finishedgoodsflag { get; set; } // boolean
[Column("color"), Nullable ] public string Color { get; set; } // character varying(15)
[Column("safetystocklevel"), NotNull ] public short Safetystocklevel { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("reorderpoint"), NotNull ] public short Reorderpoint { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("standardcost"), NotNull ] public decimal Standardcost { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("listprice"), NotNull ] public decimal Listprice { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("size"), Nullable ] public string Size { get; set; } // character varying(5)
[Column("sizeunitmeasurecode"), Nullable ] public string Sizeunitmeasurecode { get; set; } // character(3)
[Column("weightunitmeasurecode"), Nullable ] public string Weightunitmeasurecode { get; set; } // character(3)
[Column("weight"), Nullable ] public decimal? Weight { get; set; } // numeric(8,2)
[Column("daystomanufacture"), NotNull ] public int Daystomanufacture { get; set; } // integer
[Column("productline"), Nullable ] public string Productline { get; set; } // character(2)
[Column("class"), Nullable ] public string @class { get; set; } // character(2)
[Column("style"), Nullable ] public string Style { get; set; } // character(2)
[Column("productsubcategoryid"), Nullable ] public int? Productsubcategoryid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("productmodelid"), Nullable ] public int? Productmodelid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("sellstartdate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Sellstartdate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("sellenddate"), Nullable ] public DateTime? Sellenddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("discontinueddate"), Nullable ] public DateTime? Discontinueddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("rowguid"), NotNull ] public Guid Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_BillOfMaterials_Product_ComponentID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productid", OtherKey="Componentid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Billofmaterial> BillOfMaterialsProductComponentIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_BillOfMaterials_Product_ProductAssemblyID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productid", OtherKey="Productassemblyid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Billofmaterial> BillOfMaterialsProductProductAssemblyIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_ProductCostHistory_Product_ProductID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productid", OtherKey="Productid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Productcosthistory> ProductCostHistoryProductProductIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_ProductDocument_Product_ProductID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productid", OtherKey="Productid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Productdocument> ProductDocumentProductProductIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_ProductInventory_Product_ProductID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productid", OtherKey="Productid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Productinventory> ProductInventoryProductProductIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_ProductListPriceHistory_Product_ProductID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productid", OtherKey="Productid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Productlistpricehistory> ProductListPriceHistoryProductProductIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_Product_ProductModel_ProductModelID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productmodelid", OtherKey="Productmodelid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_Product_ProductModel_ProductModelID", BackReferenceName="ProductProductModelProductModelIDs")]
public Productmodel productmodel { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_ProductProductPhoto_Product_ProductID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productid", OtherKey="Productid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Productproductphoto> ProductProductPhotoProductProductIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_ProductReview_Product_ProductID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productid", OtherKey="Productid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Productreview> ProductReviewProductProductIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_Product_ProductSubcategory_ProductSubcategoryID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productsubcategoryid", OtherKey="Productsubcategoryid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_Product_ProductSubcategory_ProductSubcategoryID", BackReferenceName="ProductProductSubcategoryProductSubcategoryIDs")]
public Productsubcategory productsubcategory { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_Product_UnitMeasure_SizeUnitMeasureCode
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Sizeunitmeasurecode", OtherKey="Unitmeasurecode", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_Product_UnitMeasure_SizeUnitMeasureCode", BackReferenceName="ProductUnitMeasureSizeUnitMeasureCodes")]
public Unitmeasure ProductUnitMeasureSizeUnitMeasureCode { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_Product_UnitMeasure_WeightUnitMeasureCode
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Weightunitmeasurecode", OtherKey="Unitmeasurecode", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_Product_UnitMeasure_WeightUnitMeasureCode", BackReferenceName="ProductUnitMeasureWeightUnitMeasureCodes")]
public Unitmeasure ProductUnitMeasureWeightUnitMeasureCode { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_ProductVendor_Product_ProductID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productid", OtherKey="Productid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Productvendor> ProductVendorProductProductIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_PurchaseOrderDetail_Product_ProductID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productid", OtherKey="Productid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Purchaseorderdetail> PurchaseOrderDetailProductProductIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_ShoppingCartItem_Product_ProductID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productid", OtherKey="Productid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Shoppingcartitem> ShoppingCartItemProductProductIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_SpecialOfferProduct_Product_ProductID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productid", OtherKey="Productid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Specialofferproduct> SpecialOfferProductProductProductIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_TransactionHistory_Product_ProductID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productid", OtherKey="Productid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Transactionhistory> TransactionHistoryProductProductIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_WorkOrder_Product_ProductID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productid", OtherKey="Productid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Workorder> WorkOrderProductProductIDs { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="production", Name="productcategory")]
public partial class Productcategory
[Column("productcategoryid"), PrimaryKey, Identity] public int Productcategoryid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("name"), NotNull ] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("rowguid"), NotNull ] public Guid Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_ProductSubcategory_ProductCategory_ProductCategoryID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productcategoryid", OtherKey="Productcategoryid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Productsubcategory> ProductSubcategoryProductCategoryProductCategoryIDs { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="production", Name="productcosthistory")]
public partial class Productcosthistory
[Column("productid"), PrimaryKey(1), NotNull] public int Productid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("startdate"), PrimaryKey(2), NotNull] public DateTime Startdate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("enddate"), Nullable ] public DateTime? Enddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("standardcost"), NotNull] public decimal Standardcost { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_ProductCostHistory_Product_ProductID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productid", OtherKey="Productid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_ProductCostHistory_Product_ProductID", BackReferenceName="ProductCostHistoryProductProductIDs")]
public Product product { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="production", Name="productdescription")]
public partial class Productdescription
[Column("productdescriptionid"), PrimaryKey, Identity] public int Productdescriptionid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("description"), NotNull ] public string Description { get; set; } // character varying(400)
[Column("rowguid"), NotNull ] public Guid Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_ProductModelProductDescriptionCulture_ProductDescription_Pro_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productdescriptionid", OtherKey="Productdescriptionid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Productmodelproductdescriptionculture> ProductModelProductDescriptionCultureProductDescriptionPros { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="production", Name="productdocument")]
public partial class Productdocument
[Column("productid"), PrimaryKey(1), NotNull] public int Productid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("documentnode"), PrimaryKey(4), NotNull] public string Documentnode { get; set; } // character varying
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_ProductDocument_Product_ProductID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productid", OtherKey="Productid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_ProductDocument_Product_ProductID", BackReferenceName="ProductDocumentProductProductIDs")]
public Product product { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_ProductDocument_Document_DocumentNode
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Documentnode", OtherKey="Documentnode", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_ProductDocument_Document_DocumentNode", BackReferenceName="ProductDocumentDocumentDocumentNodes")]
public Document ProductDocumentDocumentDocumentNode { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="production", Name="productinventory")]
public partial class Productinventory
[Column("productid"), PrimaryKey(1), NotNull] public int Productid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("locationid"), PrimaryKey(2), NotNull] public short Locationid { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("shelf"), NotNull] public string Shelf { get; set; } // character varying(10)
[Column("bin"), NotNull] public short Bin { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("quantity"), NotNull] public short Quantity { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("rowguid"), NotNull] public Guid Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_ProductInventory_Location_LocationID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Locationid", OtherKey="Locationid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_ProductInventory_Location_LocationID", BackReferenceName="ProductInventoryLocationLocationIDs")]
public Location location { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_ProductInventory_Product_ProductID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productid", OtherKey="Productid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_ProductInventory_Product_ProductID", BackReferenceName="ProductInventoryProductProductIDs")]
public Product product { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="production", Name="productlistpricehistory")]
public partial class Productlistpricehistory
[Column("productid"), PrimaryKey(1), NotNull] public int Productid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("startdate"), PrimaryKey(2), NotNull] public DateTime Startdate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("enddate"), Nullable ] public DateTime? Enddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("listprice"), NotNull] public decimal Listprice { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_ProductListPriceHistory_Product_ProductID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productid", OtherKey="Productid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_ProductListPriceHistory_Product_ProductID", BackReferenceName="ProductListPriceHistoryProductProductIDs")]
public Product product { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="production", Name="productmodel")]
public partial class Productmodel
[Column("productmodelid"), PrimaryKey, Identity] public int Productmodelid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("name"), NotNull ] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("catalogdescription"), Nullable ] public string Catalogdescription { get; set; } // xml
[Column("instructions"), Nullable ] public string Instructions { get; set; } // xml
[Column("rowguid"), NotNull ] public Guid Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_ProductModelIllustration_ProductModel_ProductModelID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productmodelid", OtherKey="Productmodelid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Productmodelillustration> ProductModelIllustrationProductModelProductModelIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_ProductModelProductDescriptionCulture_ProductModel_ProductMo_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productmodelid", OtherKey="Productmodelid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Productmodelproductdescriptionculture> ProductModelProductDescriptionCultureProductModelProductMoes { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_Product_ProductModel_ProductModelID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productmodelid", OtherKey="Productmodelid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Product> ProductProductModelProductModelIDs { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="production", Name="productmodelillustration")]
public partial class Productmodelillustration
[Column("productmodelid"), PrimaryKey(1), NotNull] public int Productmodelid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("illustrationid"), PrimaryKey(2), NotNull] public int Illustrationid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_ProductModelIllustration_Illustration_IllustrationID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Illustrationid", OtherKey="Illustrationid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_ProductModelIllustration_Illustration_IllustrationID", BackReferenceName="ProductModelIllustrationIllustrationIllustrationIDs")]
public Illustration illustration { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_ProductModelIllustration_ProductModel_ProductModelID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productmodelid", OtherKey="Productmodelid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_ProductModelIllustration_ProductModel_ProductModelID", BackReferenceName="ProductModelIllustrationProductModelProductModelIDs")]
public Productmodel productmodel { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="production", Name="productmodelproductdescriptionculture")]
public partial class Productmodelproductdescriptionculture
[Column("productmodelid"), PrimaryKey(1), NotNull] public int Productmodelid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("productdescriptionid"), PrimaryKey(2), NotNull] public int Productdescriptionid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("cultureid"), PrimaryKey(3), NotNull] public string Cultureid { get; set; } // character(6)
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_ProductModelProductDescriptionCulture_Culture_CultureID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Cultureid", OtherKey="Cultureid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_ProductModelProductDescriptionCulture_Culture_CultureID", BackReferenceName="ProductModelProductDescriptionCultureCultureCultureIDs")]
public Culture culture { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_ProductModelProductDescriptionCulture_ProductDescription_Pro
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productdescriptionid", OtherKey="Productdescriptionid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_ProductModelProductDescriptionCulture_ProductDescription_Pro", BackReferenceName="ProductModelProductDescriptionCultureProductDescriptionPros")]
public Productdescription productdescription { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_ProductModelProductDescriptionCulture_ProductModel_ProductMo
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productmodelid", OtherKey="Productmodelid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_ProductModelProductDescriptionCulture_ProductModel_ProductMo", BackReferenceName="ProductModelProductDescriptionCultureProductModelProductMoes")]
public Productmodel productmodel { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="production", Name="productphoto")]
public partial class Productphoto
[Column("productphotoid"), PrimaryKey, Identity] public int Productphotoid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("thumbnailphoto"), Nullable ] public byte[] Thumbnailphoto { get; set; } // bytea
[Column("thumbnailphotofilename"), Nullable ] public string Thumbnailphotofilename { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("largephoto"), Nullable ] public byte[] Largephoto { get; set; } // bytea
[Column("largephotofilename"), Nullable ] public string Largephotofilename { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_ProductProductPhoto_ProductPhoto_ProductPhotoID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productphotoid", OtherKey="Productphotoid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Productproductphoto> ProductProductPhotoProductPhotoProductPhotoIDs { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="production", Name="productproductphoto")]
public partial class Productproductphoto
[Column("productid"), PrimaryKey(1), NotNull] public int Productid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("productphotoid"), PrimaryKey(2), NotNull] public int Productphotoid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("primary"), NotNull] public bool Primary { get; set; } // boolean
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_ProductProductPhoto_Product_ProductID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productid", OtherKey="Productid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_ProductProductPhoto_Product_ProductID", BackReferenceName="ProductProductPhotoProductProductIDs")]
public Product product { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_ProductProductPhoto_ProductPhoto_ProductPhotoID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productphotoid", OtherKey="Productphotoid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_ProductProductPhoto_ProductPhoto_ProductPhotoID", BackReferenceName="ProductProductPhotoProductPhotoProductPhotoIDs")]
public Productphoto productphoto { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="production", Name="productreview")]
public partial class Productreview
[Column("productreviewid"), PrimaryKey, Identity] public int Productreviewid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("productid"), NotNull ] public int Productid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("reviewername"), NotNull ] public string Reviewername { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("reviewdate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Reviewdate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("emailaddress"), NotNull ] public string Emailaddress { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("rating"), NotNull ] public int Rating { get; set; } // integer
[Column("comments"), Nullable ] public string Comments { get; set; } // character varying(3850)
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_ProductReview_Product_ProductID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productid", OtherKey="Productid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_ProductReview_Product_ProductID", BackReferenceName="ProductReviewProductProductIDs")]
public Product product { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="production", Name="productsubcategory")]
public partial class Productsubcategory
[Column("productsubcategoryid"), PrimaryKey, Identity] public int Productsubcategoryid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("productcategoryid"), NotNull ] public int Productcategoryid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("name"), NotNull ] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("rowguid"), NotNull ] public Guid Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_ProductSubcategory_ProductCategory_ProductCategoryID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productcategoryid", OtherKey="Productcategoryid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_ProductSubcategory_ProductCategory_ProductCategoryID", BackReferenceName="ProductSubcategoryProductCategoryProductCategoryIDs")]
public Productcategory productcategory { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_Product_ProductSubcategory_ProductSubcategoryID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productsubcategoryid", OtherKey="Productsubcategoryid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Product> ProductProductSubcategoryProductSubcategoryIDs { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="purchasing", Name="productvendor")]
public partial class Productvendor
[Column("productid"), PrimaryKey(1), NotNull] public int Productid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("businessentityid"), PrimaryKey(2), NotNull] public int Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("averageleadtime"), NotNull] public int Averageleadtime { get; set; } // integer
[Column("standardprice"), NotNull] public decimal Standardprice { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("lastreceiptcost"), Nullable ] public decimal? Lastreceiptcost { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("lastreceiptdate"), Nullable ] public DateTime? Lastreceiptdate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("minorderqty"), NotNull] public int Minorderqty { get; set; } // integer
[Column("maxorderqty"), NotNull] public int Maxorderqty { get; set; } // integer
[Column("onorderqty"), Nullable ] public int? Onorderqty { get; set; } // integer
[Column("unitmeasurecode"), NotNull] public string Unitmeasurecode { get; set; } // character(3)
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_ProductVendor_Vendor_BusinessEntityID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_ProductVendor_Vendor_BusinessEntityID", BackReferenceName="ProductVendorVendorBusinessEntityIDs")]
public Vendor businessentity { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_ProductVendor_Product_ProductID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productid", OtherKey="Productid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_ProductVendor_Product_ProductID", BackReferenceName="ProductVendorProductProductIDs")]
public Product product { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_ProductVendor_UnitMeasure_UnitMeasureCode
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Unitmeasurecode", OtherKey="Unitmeasurecode", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_ProductVendor_UnitMeasure_UnitMeasureCode", BackReferenceName="ProductVendorUnitMeasureUnitMeasureCodes")]
public Unitmeasure ProductVendorUnitMeasureUnitMeasureCode { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="pr", Name="psc", IsView=true)]
public partial class Psc
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("productsubcategoryid"), Nullable] public int? Productsubcategoryid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("productcategoryid"), Nullable] public int? Productcategoryid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("name"), Nullable] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("rowguid"), Nullable] public Guid? Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="purchasing", Name="purchaseorderdetail")]
public partial class Purchaseorderdetail
[Column("purchaseorderid"), PrimaryKey(1), NotNull ] public int Purchaseorderid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("purchaseorderdetailid"), PrimaryKey(2), Identity] public int Purchaseorderdetailid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("duedate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Duedate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("orderqty"), NotNull ] public short Orderqty { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("productid"), NotNull ] public int Productid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("unitprice"), NotNull ] public decimal Unitprice { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("receivedqty"), NotNull ] public decimal Receivedqty { get; set; } // numeric(8,2)
[Column("rejectedqty"), NotNull ] public decimal Rejectedqty { get; set; } // numeric(8,2)
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_PurchaseOrderDetail_Product_ProductID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productid", OtherKey="Productid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_PurchaseOrderDetail_Product_ProductID", BackReferenceName="PurchaseOrderDetailProductProductIDs")]
public Product product { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_PurchaseOrderDetail_PurchaseOrderHeader_PurchaseOrderID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Purchaseorderid", OtherKey="Purchaseorderid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_PurchaseOrderDetail_PurchaseOrderHeader_PurchaseOrderID", BackReferenceName="PurchaseOrderDetailPurchaseOrderHeaderPurchaseOrderIDs")]
public Purchaseorderheader purchaseorder { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="purchasing", Name="purchaseorderheader")]
public partial class Purchaseorderheader
[Column("purchaseorderid"), PrimaryKey, Identity] public int Purchaseorderid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("revisionnumber"), NotNull ] public short Revisionnumber { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("status"), NotNull ] public short Status { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("employeeid"), NotNull ] public int Employeeid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("vendorid"), NotNull ] public int Vendorid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("shipmethodid"), NotNull ] public int Shipmethodid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("orderdate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Orderdate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("shipdate"), Nullable ] public DateTime? Shipdate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("subtotal"), NotNull ] public decimal Subtotal { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("taxamt"), NotNull ] public decimal Taxamt { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("freight"), NotNull ] public decimal Freight { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_PurchaseOrderHeader_Employee_EmployeeID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Employeeid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_PurchaseOrderHeader_Employee_EmployeeID", BackReferenceName="PurchaseOrderHeaderEmployeeEmployeeIDs")]
public Employee employee { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_PurchaseOrderDetail_PurchaseOrderHeader_PurchaseOrderID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Purchaseorderid", OtherKey="Purchaseorderid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Purchaseorderdetail> PurchaseOrderDetailPurchaseOrderHeaderPurchaseOrderIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_PurchaseOrderHeader_ShipMethod_ShipMethodID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Shipmethodid", OtherKey="Shipmethodid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_PurchaseOrderHeader_ShipMethod_ShipMethodID", BackReferenceName="PurchaseOrderHeaderShipMethodShipMethodIDs")]
public Shipmethod shipmethod { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_PurchaseOrderHeader_Vendor_VendorID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Vendorid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_PurchaseOrderHeader_Vendor_VendorID", BackReferenceName="PurchaseOrderHeaderVendorVendorIDs")]
public Vendor vendor { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="pu", Name="pv", IsView=true)]
public partial class Pv
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("productid"), Nullable] public int? Productid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("businessentityid"), Nullable] public int? Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("averageleadtime"), Nullable] public int? Averageleadtime { get; set; } // integer
[Column("standardprice"), Nullable] public decimal? Standardprice { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("lastreceiptcost"), Nullable] public decimal? Lastreceiptcost { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("lastreceiptdate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Lastreceiptdate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("minorderqty"), Nullable] public int? Minorderqty { get; set; } // integer
[Column("maxorderqty"), Nullable] public int? Maxorderqty { get; set; } // integer
[Column("onorderqty"), Nullable] public int? Onorderqty { get; set; } // integer
[Column("unitmeasurecode"), Nullable] public string Unitmeasurecode { get; set; } // character(3)
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="hr", Name="s", IsView=true)]
public partial class S
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("shiftid"), Nullable] public int? Shiftid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("name"), Nullable] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("starttime"), Nullable] public object Starttime { get; set; } // time without time zone
[Column("endtime"), Nullable] public object Endtime { get; set; } // time without time zone
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="sa", Name="s", IsView=true)]
public partial class S
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("businessentityid"), Nullable] public int? Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("name"), Nullable] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("salespersonid"), Nullable] public int? Salespersonid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("demographics"), Nullable] public string Demographics { get; set; } // xml
[Column("rowguid"), Nullable] public Guid? Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="sales", Name="salesorderdetail")]
public partial class Salesorderdetail
[Column("salesorderid"), PrimaryKey(1), NotNull ] public int Salesorderid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("salesorderdetailid"), PrimaryKey(2), Identity] public int Salesorderdetailid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("carriertrackingnumber"), Nullable ] public string Carriertrackingnumber { get; set; } // character varying(25)
[Column("orderqty"), NotNull ] public short Orderqty { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("productid"), NotNull ] public int Productid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("specialofferid"), NotNull ] public int Specialofferid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("unitprice"), NotNull ] public decimal Unitprice { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("unitpricediscount"), NotNull ] public decimal Unitpricediscount { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("rowguid"), NotNull ] public Guid Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_SalesOrderDetail_SalesOrderHeader_SalesOrderID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Salesorderid", OtherKey="Salesorderid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_SalesOrderDetail_SalesOrderHeader_SalesOrderID", BackReferenceName="SalesOrderDetailSalesOrderHeaderSalesOrderIDs")]
public Salesorderheader salesorder { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_SalesOrderDetail_SpecialOfferProduct_SpecialOfferIDProductID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Specialofferid, Productid", OtherKey="Specialofferid, Productid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_SalesOrderDetail_SpecialOfferProduct_SpecialOfferIDProductID", BackReferenceName="SalesOrderDetailSpecialOfferProductSpecialOfferIDProductIDs")]
public Specialofferproduct SalesOrderDetailSpecialOfferProductSpecialOfferIDProductID { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="sales", Name="salesorderheader")]
public partial class Salesorderheader
[Column("salesorderid"), PrimaryKey, Identity] public int Salesorderid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("revisionnumber"), NotNull ] public short Revisionnumber { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("orderdate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Orderdate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("duedate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Duedate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("shipdate"), Nullable ] public DateTime? Shipdate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("status"), NotNull ] public short Status { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("onlineorderflag"), NotNull ] public bool Onlineorderflag { get; set; } // boolean
[Column("purchaseordernumber"), Nullable ] public string Purchaseordernumber { get; set; } // character varying(25)
[Column("accountnumber"), Nullable ] public string Accountnumber { get; set; } // character varying(15)
[Column("customerid"), NotNull ] public int Customerid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("salespersonid"), Nullable ] public int? Salespersonid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("territoryid"), Nullable ] public int? Territoryid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("billtoaddressid"), NotNull ] public int Billtoaddressid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("shiptoaddressid"), NotNull ] public int Shiptoaddressid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("shipmethodid"), NotNull ] public int Shipmethodid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("creditcardid"), Nullable ] public int? Creditcardid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("creditcardapprovalcode"), Nullable ] public string Creditcardapprovalcode { get; set; } // character varying(15)
[Column("currencyrateid"), Nullable ] public int? Currencyrateid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("subtotal"), NotNull ] public decimal Subtotal { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("taxamt"), NotNull ] public decimal Taxamt { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("freight"), NotNull ] public decimal Freight { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("totaldue"), Nullable ] public decimal? Totaldue { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("comment"), Nullable ] public string Comment { get; set; } // character varying(128)
[Column("rowguid"), NotNull ] public Guid Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_SalesOrderHeader_Address_BillToAddressID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Billtoaddressid", OtherKey="Addressid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_SalesOrderHeader_Address_BillToAddressID", BackReferenceName="SalesOrderHeaderAddressBillToAddressIDs")]
public Address billtoaddress { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_SalesOrderHeader_CreditCard_CreditCardID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Creditcardid", OtherKey="Creditcardid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_SalesOrderHeader_CreditCard_CreditCardID", BackReferenceName="SalesOrderHeaderCreditCardCreditCardIDs")]
public Creditcard creditcard { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_SalesOrderHeader_CurrencyRate_CurrencyRateID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Currencyrateid", OtherKey="Currencyrateid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_SalesOrderHeader_CurrencyRate_CurrencyRateID", BackReferenceName="SalesOrderHeaderCurrencyRateCurrencyRateIDs")]
public Currencyrate currencyrate { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_SalesOrderHeader_Customer_CustomerID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Customerid", OtherKey="Customerid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_SalesOrderHeader_Customer_CustomerID", BackReferenceName="SalesOrderHeaderCustomerCustomerIDs")]
public Customer customer { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_SalesOrderDetail_SalesOrderHeader_SalesOrderID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Salesorderid", OtherKey="Salesorderid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Salesorderdetail> SalesOrderDetailSalesOrderHeaderSalesOrderIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_SalesOrderHeaderSalesReason_SalesOrderHeader_SalesOrderID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Salesorderid", OtherKey="Salesorderid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Salesorderheadersalesreason> SalesOrderHeaderSalesReasonSalesOrderHeaderSalesOrderIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_SalesOrderHeader_SalesPerson_SalesPersonID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Salespersonid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_SalesOrderHeader_SalesPerson_SalesPersonID", BackReferenceName="SalesOrderHeaderSalesPersonSalesPersonIDs")]
public Salesperson salesperson { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_SalesOrderHeader_ShipMethod_ShipMethodID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Shipmethodid", OtherKey="Shipmethodid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_SalesOrderHeader_ShipMethod_ShipMethodID", BackReferenceName="SalesOrderHeaderShipMethodShipMethodIDs")]
public Shipmethod shipmethod { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_SalesOrderHeader_Address_ShipToAddressID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Shiptoaddressid", OtherKey="Addressid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_SalesOrderHeader_Address_ShipToAddressID", BackReferenceName="SalesOrderHeaderAddressShipToAddressIDs")]
public Address shiptoaddress { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_SalesOrderHeader_SalesTerritory_TerritoryID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Territoryid", OtherKey="Territoryid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_SalesOrderHeader_SalesTerritory_TerritoryID", BackReferenceName="SalesOrderHeaderSalesTerritoryTerritoryIDs")]
public Salesterritory territory { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="sales", Name="salesorderheadersalesreason")]
public partial class Salesorderheadersalesreason
[Column("salesorderid"), PrimaryKey(1), NotNull] public int Salesorderid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("salesreasonid"), PrimaryKey(2), NotNull] public int Salesreasonid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_SalesOrderHeaderSalesReason_SalesOrderHeader_SalesOrderID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Salesorderid", OtherKey="Salesorderid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_SalesOrderHeaderSalesReason_SalesOrderHeader_SalesOrderID", BackReferenceName="SalesOrderHeaderSalesReasonSalesOrderHeaderSalesOrderIDs")]
public Salesorderheader salesorder { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_SalesOrderHeaderSalesReason_SalesReason_SalesReasonID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Salesreasonid", OtherKey="Salesreasonid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_SalesOrderHeaderSalesReason_SalesReason_SalesReasonID", BackReferenceName="SalesOrderHeaderSalesReasonSalesReasonSalesReasonIDs")]
public Salesreason salesreason { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="sales", Name="salesperson")]
public partial class Salesperson
[Column("businessentityid"), PrimaryKey, NotNull] public int Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("territoryid"), Nullable ] public int? Territoryid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("salesquota"), Nullable ] public decimal? Salesquota { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("bonus"), NotNull] public decimal Bonus { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("commissionpct"), NotNull] public decimal Commissionpct { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("salesytd"), NotNull] public decimal Salesytd { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("saleslastyear"), NotNull] public decimal Saleslastyear { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("rowguid"), NotNull] public Guid Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_SalesPerson_Employee_BusinessEntityID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.OneToOne, KeyName="FK_SalesPerson_Employee_BusinessEntityID", BackReferenceName="SalesPersonEmployeeBusinessEntityID")]
public Employee businessentity { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_SalesOrderHeader_SalesPerson_SalesPersonID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Salespersonid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Salesorderheader> SalesOrderHeaderSalesPersonSalesPersonIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_SalesPersonQuotaHistory_SalesPerson_BusinessEntityID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Salespersonquotahistory> SalesPersonQuotaHistorySalesPersonBusinessEntityIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_SalesTerritoryHistory_SalesPerson_BusinessEntityID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Salesterritoryhistory> SalesTerritoryHistorySalesPersonBusinessEntityIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_Store_SalesPerson_SalesPersonID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Salespersonid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Store> StoreSalesPersonSalesPersonIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_SalesPerson_SalesTerritory_TerritoryID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Territoryid", OtherKey="Territoryid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_SalesPerson_SalesTerritory_TerritoryID", BackReferenceName="SalesPersonSalesTerritoryTerritoryIDs")]
public Salesterritory territory { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="sales", Name="salespersonquotahistory")]
public partial class Salespersonquotahistory
[Column("businessentityid"), PrimaryKey(1), NotNull] public int Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("quotadate"), PrimaryKey(2), NotNull] public DateTime Quotadate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("salesquota"), NotNull] public decimal Salesquota { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("rowguid"), NotNull] public Guid Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_SalesPersonQuotaHistory_SalesPerson_BusinessEntityID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_SalesPersonQuotaHistory_SalesPerson_BusinessEntityID", BackReferenceName="SalesPersonQuotaHistorySalesPersonBusinessEntityIDs")]
public Salesperson businessentity { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="sales", Name="salesreason")]
public partial class Salesreason
[Column("salesreasonid"), PrimaryKey, Identity] public int Salesreasonid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("name"), NotNull ] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("reasontype"), NotNull ] public string Reasontype { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_SalesOrderHeaderSalesReason_SalesReason_SalesReasonID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Salesreasonid", OtherKey="Salesreasonid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Salesorderheadersalesreason> SalesOrderHeaderSalesReasonSalesReasonSalesReasonIDs { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="sales", Name="salestaxrate")]
public partial class Salestaxrate
[Column("salestaxrateid"), PrimaryKey, Identity] public int Salestaxrateid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("stateprovinceid"), NotNull ] public int Stateprovinceid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("taxtype"), NotNull ] public short Taxtype { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("taxrate"), NotNull ] public decimal Taxrate { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("name"), NotNull ] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("rowguid"), NotNull ] public Guid Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_SalesTaxRate_StateProvince_StateProvinceID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Stateprovinceid", OtherKey="Stateprovinceid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_SalesTaxRate_StateProvince_StateProvinceID", BackReferenceName="SalesTaxRateStateProvinceStateProvinceIDs")]
public Stateprovince stateprovince { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="sales", Name="salesterritory")]
public partial class Salesterritory
[Column("territoryid"), PrimaryKey, Identity] public int Territoryid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("name"), NotNull ] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("countryregioncode"), NotNull ] public string Countryregioncode { get; set; } // character varying(3)
[Column("group"), NotNull ] public string Group { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("salesytd"), NotNull ] public decimal Salesytd { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("saleslastyear"), NotNull ] public decimal Saleslastyear { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("costytd"), NotNull ] public decimal Costytd { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("costlastyear"), NotNull ] public decimal Costlastyear { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("rowguid"), NotNull ] public Guid Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_Customer_SalesTerritory_TerritoryID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Territoryid", OtherKey="Territoryid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Customer> CustomerSalesTerritoryTerritoryIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_SalesOrderHeader_SalesTerritory_TerritoryID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Territoryid", OtherKey="Territoryid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Salesorderheader> SalesOrderHeaderSalesTerritoryTerritoryIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_SalesPerson_SalesTerritory_TerritoryID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Territoryid", OtherKey="Territoryid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Salesperson> SalesPersonSalesTerritoryTerritoryIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_SalesTerritory_CountryRegion_CountryRegionCode
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Countryregioncode", OtherKey="Countryregioncode", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_SalesTerritory_CountryRegion_CountryRegionCode", BackReferenceName="SalesTerritoryCountryRegionCountryRegionCodes")]
public Countryregion SalesTerritoryCountryRegionCountryRegionCode { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_SalesTerritoryHistory_SalesTerritory_TerritoryID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Territoryid", OtherKey="Territoryid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Salesterritoryhistory> SalesTerritoryHistorySalesTerritoryTerritoryIDs { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="sales", Name="salesterritoryhistory")]
public partial class Salesterritoryhistory
[Column("businessentityid"), PrimaryKey(1), NotNull] public int Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("territoryid"), PrimaryKey(2), NotNull] public int Territoryid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("startdate"), PrimaryKey(3), NotNull] public DateTime Startdate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("enddate"), Nullable ] public DateTime? Enddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("rowguid"), NotNull] public Guid Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_SalesTerritoryHistory_SalesPerson_BusinessEntityID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_SalesTerritoryHistory_SalesPerson_BusinessEntityID", BackReferenceName="SalesTerritoryHistorySalesPersonBusinessEntityIDs")]
public Salesperson businessentity { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_SalesTerritoryHistory_SalesTerritory_TerritoryID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Territoryid", OtherKey="Territoryid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_SalesTerritoryHistory_SalesTerritory_TerritoryID", BackReferenceName="SalesTerritoryHistorySalesTerritoryTerritoryIDs")]
public Salesterritory territory { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="sa", Name="sci", IsView=true)]
public partial class Sci
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("shoppingcartitemid"), Nullable] public int? Shoppingcartitemid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("shoppingcartid"), Nullable] public string Shoppingcartid { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("quantity"), Nullable] public int? Quantity { get; set; } // integer
[Column("productid"), Nullable] public int? Productid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("datecreated"), Nullable] public DateTime? Datecreated { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="production", Name="scrapreason")]
public partial class Scrapreason
[Column("scrapreasonid"), PrimaryKey, Identity] public int Scrapreasonid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("name"), NotNull ] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_WorkOrder_ScrapReason_ScrapReasonID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Scrapreasonid", OtherKey="Scrapreasonid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Workorder> WorkOrderScrapReasonScrapReasonIDs { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="humanresources", Name="shift")]
public partial class Shift
[Column("shiftid"), PrimaryKey, Identity] public int Shiftid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("name"), NotNull ] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("starttime"), NotNull ] public object Starttime { get; set; } // time without time zone
[Column("endtime"), NotNull ] public object Endtime { get; set; } // time without time zone
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_EmployeeDepartmentHistory_Shift_ShiftID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Shiftid", OtherKey="Shiftid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Employeedepartmenthistory> EmployeeDepartmentHistoryShiftShiftIDs { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="purchasing", Name="shipmethod")]
public partial class Shipmethod
[Column("shipmethodid"), PrimaryKey, Identity] public int Shipmethodid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("name"), NotNull ] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("shipbase"), NotNull ] public decimal Shipbase { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("shiprate"), NotNull ] public decimal Shiprate { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("rowguid"), NotNull ] public Guid Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_PurchaseOrderHeader_ShipMethod_ShipMethodID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Shipmethodid", OtherKey="Shipmethodid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Purchaseorderheader> PurchaseOrderHeaderShipMethodShipMethodIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_SalesOrderHeader_ShipMethod_ShipMethodID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Shipmethodid", OtherKey="Shipmethodid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Salesorderheader> SalesOrderHeaderShipMethodShipMethodIDs { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="sales", Name="shoppingcartitem")]
public partial class Shoppingcartitem
[Column("shoppingcartitemid"), PrimaryKey, Identity] public int Shoppingcartitemid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("shoppingcartid"), NotNull ] public string Shoppingcartid { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("quantity"), NotNull ] public int Quantity { get; set; } // integer
[Column("productid"), NotNull ] public int Productid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("datecreated"), NotNull ] public DateTime Datecreated { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_ShoppingCartItem_Product_ProductID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productid", OtherKey="Productid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_ShoppingCartItem_Product_ProductID", BackReferenceName="ShoppingCartItemProductProductIDs")]
public Product product { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="pu", Name="sm", IsView=true)]
public partial class Sm
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("shipmethodid"), Nullable] public int? Shipmethodid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("name"), Nullable] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("shipbase"), Nullable] public decimal? Shipbase { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("shiprate"), Nullable] public decimal? Shiprate { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("rowguid"), Nullable] public Guid? Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="sa", Name="so", IsView=true)]
public partial class So
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("specialofferid"), Nullable] public int? Specialofferid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("description"), Nullable] public string Description { get; set; } // character varying(255)
[Column("discountpct"), Nullable] public decimal? Discountpct { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("type"), Nullable] public string Type { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("category"), Nullable] public string Category { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("startdate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Startdate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("enddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Enddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("minqty"), Nullable] public int? Minqty { get; set; } // integer
[Column("maxqty"), Nullable] public int? Maxqty { get; set; } // integer
[Column("rowguid"), Nullable] public Guid? Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="sa", Name="sod", IsView=true)]
public partial class Sod
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("salesorderid"), Nullable] public int? Salesorderid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("salesorderdetailid"), Nullable] public int? Salesorderdetailid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("carriertrackingnumber"), Nullable] public string Carriertrackingnumber { get; set; } // character varying(25)
[Column("orderqty"), Nullable] public short? Orderqty { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("productid"), Nullable] public int? Productid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("specialofferid"), Nullable] public int? Specialofferid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("unitprice"), Nullable] public decimal? Unitprice { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("unitpricediscount"), Nullable] public decimal? Unitpricediscount { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("rowguid"), Nullable] public Guid? Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="sa", Name="soh", IsView=true)]
public partial class Soh
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("salesorderid"), Nullable] public int? Salesorderid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("revisionnumber"), Nullable] public short? Revisionnumber { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("orderdate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Orderdate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("duedate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Duedate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("shipdate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Shipdate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("status"), Nullable] public short? Status { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("onlineorderflag"), NotNull ] public bool Onlineorderflag { get; set; } // boolean
[Column("purchaseordernumber"), Nullable] public string Purchaseordernumber { get; set; } // character varying(25)
[Column("accountnumber"), Nullable] public string Accountnumber { get; set; } // character varying(15)
[Column("customerid"), Nullable] public int? Customerid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("salespersonid"), Nullable] public int? Salespersonid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("territoryid"), Nullable] public int? Territoryid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("billtoaddressid"), Nullable] public int? Billtoaddressid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("shiptoaddressid"), Nullable] public int? Shiptoaddressid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("shipmethodid"), Nullable] public int? Shipmethodid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("creditcardid"), Nullable] public int? Creditcardid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("creditcardapprovalcode"), Nullable] public string Creditcardapprovalcode { get; set; } // character varying(15)
[Column("currencyrateid"), Nullable] public int? Currencyrateid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("subtotal"), Nullable] public decimal? Subtotal { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("taxamt"), Nullable] public decimal? Taxamt { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("freight"), Nullable] public decimal? Freight { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("totaldue"), Nullable] public decimal? Totaldue { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("comment"), Nullable] public string Comment { get; set; } // character varying(128)
[Column("rowguid"), Nullable] public Guid? Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="sa", Name="sohsr", IsView=true)]
public partial class Sohsr
[Column("salesorderid"), Nullable] public int? Salesorderid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("salesreasonid"), Nullable] public int? Salesreasonid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="sa", Name="sop", IsView=true)]
public partial class Sop
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("specialofferid"), Nullable] public int? Specialofferid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("productid"), Nullable] public int? Productid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("rowguid"), Nullable] public Guid? Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="pe", Name="sp", IsView=true)]
public partial class Sp
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("stateprovinceid"), Nullable] public int? Stateprovinceid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("stateprovincecode"), Nullable] public string Stateprovincecode { get; set; } // character(3)
[Column("countryregioncode"), Nullable] public string Countryregioncode { get; set; } // character varying(3)
[Column("isonlystateprovinceflag"), NotNull ] public bool Isonlystateprovinceflag { get; set; } // boolean
[Column("name"), Nullable] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("territoryid"), Nullable] public int? Territoryid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("rowguid"), Nullable] public Guid? Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="sa", Name="sp", IsView=true)]
public partial class Sp
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("businessentityid"), Nullable] public int? Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("territoryid"), Nullable] public int? Territoryid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("salesquota"), Nullable] public decimal? Salesquota { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("bonus"), Nullable] public decimal? Bonus { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("commissionpct"), Nullable] public decimal? Commissionpct { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("salesytd"), Nullable] public decimal? Salesytd { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("saleslastyear"), Nullable] public decimal? Saleslastyear { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("rowguid"), Nullable] public Guid? Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="sales", Name="specialoffer")]
public partial class Specialoffer
[Column("specialofferid"), PrimaryKey, Identity] public int Specialofferid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("description"), NotNull ] public string Description { get; set; } // character varying(255)
[Column("discountpct"), NotNull ] public decimal Discountpct { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("type"), NotNull ] public string Type { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("category"), NotNull ] public string Category { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("startdate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Startdate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("enddate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Enddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("minqty"), NotNull ] public int Minqty { get; set; } // integer
[Column("maxqty"), Nullable ] public int? Maxqty { get; set; } // integer
[Column("rowguid"), NotNull ] public Guid Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_SpecialOfferProduct_SpecialOffer_SpecialOfferID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Specialofferid", OtherKey="Specialofferid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Specialofferproduct> SpecialOfferProductSpecialOfferSpecialOfferIDs { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="sales", Name="specialofferproduct")]
public partial class Specialofferproduct
[Column("specialofferid"), PrimaryKey(1), NotNull] public int Specialofferid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("productid"), PrimaryKey(2), NotNull] public int Productid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("rowguid"), NotNull] public Guid Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_SpecialOfferProduct_Product_ProductID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productid", OtherKey="Productid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_SpecialOfferProduct_Product_ProductID", BackReferenceName="SpecialOfferProductProductProductIDs")]
public Product product { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_SalesOrderDetail_SpecialOfferProduct_SpecialOfferIDProductID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Specialofferid, Productid", OtherKey="Specialofferid, Productid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Salesorderdetail> SalesOrderDetailSpecialOfferProductSpecialOfferIDProductIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_SpecialOfferProduct_SpecialOffer_SpecialOfferID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Specialofferid", OtherKey="Specialofferid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_SpecialOfferProduct_SpecialOffer_SpecialOfferID", BackReferenceName="SpecialOfferProductSpecialOfferSpecialOfferIDs")]
public Specialoffer specialoffer { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="sa", Name="spqh", IsView=true)]
public partial class Spqh
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("businessentityid"), Nullable] public int? Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("quotadate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Quotadate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("salesquota"), Nullable] public decimal? Salesquota { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("rowguid"), Nullable] public Guid? Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="pr", Name="sr", IsView=true)]
public partial class Sr
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("scrapreasonid"), Nullable] public int? Scrapreasonid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("name"), Nullable] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="sa", Name="sr", IsView=true)]
public partial class Sr
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("salesreasonid"), Nullable] public int? Salesreasonid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("name"), Nullable] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("reasontype"), Nullable] public string Reasontype { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="sa", Name="st", IsView=true)]
public partial class St
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("territoryid"), Nullable] public int? Territoryid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("name"), Nullable] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("countryregioncode"), Nullable] public string Countryregioncode { get; set; } // character varying(3)
[Column("group"), Nullable] public string Group { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("salesytd"), Nullable] public decimal? Salesytd { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("saleslastyear"), Nullable] public decimal? Saleslastyear { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("costytd"), Nullable] public decimal? Costytd { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("costlastyear"), Nullable] public decimal? Costlastyear { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("rowguid"), Nullable] public Guid? Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="person", Name="stateprovince")]
public partial class Stateprovince
[Column("stateprovinceid"), PrimaryKey, Identity] public int Stateprovinceid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("stateprovincecode"), NotNull ] public string Stateprovincecode { get; set; } // character(3)
[Column("countryregioncode"), NotNull ] public string Countryregioncode { get; set; } // character varying(3)
[Column("isonlystateprovinceflag"), NotNull ] public bool Isonlystateprovinceflag { get; set; } // boolean
[Column("name"), NotNull ] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("territoryid"), NotNull ] public int Territoryid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("rowguid"), NotNull ] public Guid Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_Address_StateProvince_StateProvinceID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Stateprovinceid", OtherKey="Stateprovinceid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Address> AddressStateProvinceStateProvinceIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_SalesTaxRate_StateProvince_StateProvinceID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Stateprovinceid", OtherKey="Stateprovinceid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Salestaxrate> SalesTaxRateStateProvinceStateProvinceIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_StateProvince_CountryRegion_CountryRegionCode
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Countryregioncode", OtherKey="Countryregioncode", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_StateProvince_CountryRegion_CountryRegionCode", BackReferenceName="StateProvinceCountryRegionCountryRegionCodes")]
public Countryregion StateProvinceCountryRegionCountryRegionCode { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="sa", Name="sth", IsView=true)]
public partial class Sth
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("businessentityid"), Nullable] public int? Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("territoryid"), Nullable] public int? Territoryid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("startdate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Startdate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("enddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Enddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("rowguid"), Nullable] public Guid? Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="sales", Name="store")]
public partial class Store
[Column("businessentityid"), PrimaryKey, NotNull] public int Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("name"), NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("salespersonid"), Nullable ] public int? Salespersonid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("demographics"), Nullable ] public string Demographics { get; set; } // xml
[Column("rowguid"), NotNull] public Guid Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_Store_BusinessEntity_BusinessEntityID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.OneToOne, KeyName="FK_Store_BusinessEntity_BusinessEntityID", BackReferenceName="StoreBusinessEntityBusinessEntityID")]
public Businessentity businessentity { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_Customer_Store_StoreID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Storeid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Customer> CustomerStoreStoreIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_Store_SalesPerson_SalesPersonID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Salespersonid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_Store_SalesPerson_SalesPersonID", BackReferenceName="StoreSalesPersonSalesPersonIDs")]
public Salesperson salesperson { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="pr", Name="th", IsView=true)]
public partial class Th
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("transactionid"), Nullable] public int? Transactionid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("productid"), Nullable] public int? Productid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("referenceorderid"), Nullable] public int? Referenceorderid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("referenceorderlineid"), Nullable] public int? Referenceorderlineid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("transactiondate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Transactiondate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("transactiontype"), Nullable] public char? Transactiontype { get; set; } // character(1)
[Column("quantity"), Nullable] public int? Quantity { get; set; } // integer
[Column("actualcost"), Nullable] public decimal? Actualcost { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="pr", Name="tha", IsView=true)]
public partial class Tha
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("transactionid"), Nullable] public int? Transactionid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("productid"), Nullable] public int? Productid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("referenceorderid"), Nullable] public int? Referenceorderid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("referenceorderlineid"), Nullable] public int? Referenceorderlineid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("transactiondate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Transactiondate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("transactiontype"), Nullable] public char? Transactiontype { get; set; } // character(1)
[Column("quantity"), Nullable] public int? Quantity { get; set; } // integer
[Column("actualcost"), Nullable] public decimal? Actualcost { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="sa", Name="tr", IsView=true)]
public partial class Tr
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("salestaxrateid"), Nullable] public int? Salestaxrateid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("stateprovinceid"), Nullable] public int? Stateprovinceid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("taxtype"), Nullable] public short? Taxtype { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("taxrate"), Nullable] public decimal? Taxrate { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("name"), Nullable] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("rowguid"), Nullable] public Guid? Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="production", Name="transactionhistory")]
public partial class Transactionhistory
[Column("transactionid"), PrimaryKey, Identity] public int Transactionid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("productid"), NotNull ] public int Productid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("referenceorderid"), NotNull ] public int Referenceorderid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("referenceorderlineid"), NotNull ] public int Referenceorderlineid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("transactiondate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Transactiondate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("transactiontype"), NotNull ] public char Transactiontype { get; set; } // character(1)
[Column("quantity"), NotNull ] public int Quantity { get; set; } // integer
[Column("actualcost"), NotNull ] public decimal Actualcost { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_TransactionHistory_Product_ProductID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productid", OtherKey="Productid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_TransactionHistory_Product_ProductID", BackReferenceName="TransactionHistoryProductProductIDs")]
public Product product { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="production", Name="transactionhistoryarchive")]
public partial class Transactionhistoryarchive
[Column("transactionid"), PrimaryKey, NotNull] public int Transactionid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("productid"), NotNull] public int Productid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("referenceorderid"), NotNull] public int Referenceorderid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("referenceorderlineid"), NotNull] public int Referenceorderlineid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("transactiondate"), NotNull] public DateTime Transactiondate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("transactiontype"), NotNull] public char Transactiontype { get; set; } // character(1)
[Column("quantity"), NotNull] public int Quantity { get; set; } // integer
[Column("actualcost"), NotNull] public decimal Actualcost { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="pr", Name="um", IsView=true)]
public partial class Um
[Column("id"), Nullable] public string Id { get; set; } // character(3)
[Column("unitmeasurecode"), Nullable] public string Unitmeasurecode { get; set; } // character(3)
[Column("name"), Nullable] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="production", Name="unitmeasure")]
public partial class Unitmeasure
[Column("unitmeasurecode"), PrimaryKey, NotNull] public string Unitmeasurecode { get; set; } // character(3)
[Column("name"), NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_BillOfMaterials_UnitMeasure_UnitMeasureCode_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Unitmeasurecode", OtherKey="Unitmeasurecode", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Billofmaterial> BillOfMaterialsUnitMeasureUnitMeasureCodes { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_Product_UnitMeasure_SizeUnitMeasureCode_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Unitmeasurecode", OtherKey="Sizeunitmeasurecode", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Product> ProductUnitMeasureSizeUnitMeasureCodes { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_Product_UnitMeasure_WeightUnitMeasureCode_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Unitmeasurecode", OtherKey="Weightunitmeasurecode", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Product> ProductUnitMeasureWeightUnitMeasureCodes { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_ProductVendor_UnitMeasure_UnitMeasureCode_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Unitmeasurecode", OtherKey="Unitmeasurecode", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Productvendor> ProductVendorUnitMeasureUnitMeasureCodes { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="pu", Name="v", IsView=true)]
public partial class V
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("businessentityid"), Nullable] public int? Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("accountnumber"), Nullable] public string Accountnumber { get; set; } // character varying(15)
[Column("name"), Nullable] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("creditrating"), Nullable] public short? Creditrating { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("preferredvendorstatus"), NotNull ] public bool Preferredvendorstatus { get; set; } // boolean
[Column("activeflag"), NotNull ] public bool Activeflag { get; set; } // boolean
[Column("purchasingwebserviceurl"), Nullable] public string Purchasingwebserviceurl { get; set; } // character varying(1024)
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="person", Name="vadditionalcontactinfo", IsView=true)]
public partial class Vadditionalcontactinfo
[Column("businessentityid", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public int? Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("firstname", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Firstname { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("middlename", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Middlename { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("lastname", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Lastname { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("telephonenumber", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Telephonenumber { get; set; } // xml
[Column("telephonespecialinstructions", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Telephonespecialinstructions { get; set; } // text
[Column("street", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Street { get; set; } // xml
[Column("city", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string City { get; set; } // xml
[Column("stateprovince", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Stateprovince { get; set; } // xml
[Column("postalcode", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Postalcode { get; set; } // xml
[Column("countryregion", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Countryregion { get; set; } // xml
[Column("homeaddressspecialinstructions", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Homeaddressspecialinstructions { get; set; } // xml
[Column("emailaddress", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Emailaddress { get; set; } // xml
[Column("emailspecialinstructions", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Emailspecialinstructions { get; set; } // text
[Column("emailtelephonenumber", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Emailtelephonenumber { get; set; } // xml
[Column("rowguid", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public Guid? Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="humanresources", Name="vemployee", IsView=true)]
public partial class Vemployee
[Column("businessentityid", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public int? Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("title", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Title { get; set; } // character varying(8)
[Column("firstname", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Firstname { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("middlename", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Middlename { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("lastname", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Lastname { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("suffix", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Suffix { get; set; } // character varying(10)
[Column("jobtitle", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Jobtitle { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("phonenumber", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Phonenumber { get; set; } // character varying(25)
[Column("phonenumbertype", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Phonenumbertype { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("emailaddress", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Emailaddress { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("emailpromotion", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public int? Emailpromotion { get; set; } // integer
[Column("addressline1", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Addressline1 { get; set; } // character varying(60)
[Column("addressline2", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Addressline2 { get; set; } // character varying(60)
[Column("city", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string City { get; set; } // character varying(30)
[Column("stateprovincename", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Stateprovincename { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("postalcode", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Postalcode { get; set; } // character varying(15)
[Column("countryregionname", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Countryregionname { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("additionalcontactinfo", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Additionalcontactinfo { get; set; } // xml
[Table(Schema="humanresources", Name="vemployeedepartment", IsView=true)]
public partial class Vemployeedepartment
[Column("businessentityid", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public int? Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("title", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Title { get; set; } // character varying(8)
[Column("firstname", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Firstname { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("middlename", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Middlename { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("lastname", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Lastname { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("suffix", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Suffix { get; set; } // character varying(10)
[Column("jobtitle", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Jobtitle { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("department", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Department { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("groupname", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Groupname { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("startdate", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public DateTime? Startdate { get; set; } // date
[Table(Schema="humanresources", Name="vemployeedepartmenthistory", IsView=true)]
public partial class Vemployeedepartmenthistory
[Column("businessentityid", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public int? Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("title", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Title { get; set; } // character varying(8)
[Column("firstname", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Firstname { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("middlename", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Middlename { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("lastname", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Lastname { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("suffix", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Suffix { get; set; } // character varying(10)
[Column("shift", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Shift { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("department", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Department { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("groupname", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Groupname { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("startdate", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public DateTime? Startdate { get; set; } // date
[Column("enddate", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public DateTime? Enddate { get; set; } // date
[Table(Schema="purchasing", Name="vendor")]
public partial class Vendor
[Column("businessentityid"), PrimaryKey, NotNull] public int Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("accountnumber"), NotNull] public string Accountnumber { get; set; } // character varying(15)
[Column("name"), NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("creditrating"), NotNull] public short Creditrating { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("preferredvendorstatus"), NotNull] public bool Preferredvendorstatus { get; set; } // boolean
[Column("activeflag"), NotNull] public bool Activeflag { get; set; } // boolean
[Column("purchasingwebserviceurl"), Nullable ] public string Purchasingwebserviceurl { get; set; } // character varying(1024)
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_Vendor_BusinessEntity_BusinessEntityID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.OneToOne, KeyName="FK_Vendor_BusinessEntity_BusinessEntityID", BackReferenceName="VendorBusinessEntityBusinessEntityID")]
public Businessentity businessentity { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_ProductVendor_Vendor_BusinessEntityID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Businessentityid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Productvendor> ProductVendorVendorBusinessEntityIDs { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_PurchaseOrderHeader_Vendor_VendorID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Businessentityid", OtherKey="Vendorid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Purchaseorderheader> PurchaseOrderHeaderVendorVendorIDs { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="sales", Name="vindividualcustomer", IsView=true)]
public partial class Vindividualcustomer
[Column("businessentityid", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public int? Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("title", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Title { get; set; } // character varying(8)
[Column("firstname", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Firstname { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("middlename", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Middlename { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("lastname", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Lastname { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("suffix", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Suffix { get; set; } // character varying(10)
[Column("phonenumber", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Phonenumber { get; set; } // character varying(25)
[Column("phonenumbertype", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Phonenumbertype { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("emailaddress", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Emailaddress { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("emailpromotion", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public int? Emailpromotion { get; set; } // integer
[Column("addresstype", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Addresstype { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("addressline1", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Addressline1 { get; set; } // character varying(60)
[Column("addressline2", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Addressline2 { get; set; } // character varying(60)
[Column("city", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string City { get; set; } // character varying(30)
[Column("stateprovincename", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Stateprovincename { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("postalcode", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Postalcode { get; set; } // character varying(15)
[Column("countryregionname", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Countryregionname { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("demographics", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Demographics { get; set; } // xml
[Table(Schema="humanresources", Name="vjobcandidate", IsView=true)]
public partial class Vjobcandidate
[Column("jobcandidateid"), Nullable] public int? Jobcandidateid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("businessentityid"), Nullable] public int? Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("Name.Prefix", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string NamePrefix { get; set; } // character varying(30)
[Column("Name.First", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string NameFirst { get; set; } // character varying(30)
[Column("Name.Middle", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string NameMiddle { get; set; } // character varying(30)
[Column("Name.Last", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string NameLast { get; set; } // character varying(30)
[Column("Name.Suffix", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string NameSuffix { get; set; } // character varying(30)
[Column( SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Skills { get; set; } // character varying
[Column("Addr.Type", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string AddrType { get; set; } // character varying(30)
[Column("Addr.Loc.CountryRegion", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string AddrLocCountryregion { get; set; } // character varying(100)
[Column("Addr.Loc.State", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string AddrLocState { get; set; } // character varying(100)
[Column("Addr.Loc.City", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string AddrLocCity { get; set; } // character varying(100)
[Column("Addr.PostalCode", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string AddrPostalcode { get; set; } // character varying(20)
[Column( SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string EMail { get; set; } // character varying
[Column( SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string WebSite { get; set; } // character varying
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="humanresources", Name="vjobcandidateeducation", IsView=true)]
public partial class Vjobcandidateeducation
[Column("jobcandidateid", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public int? Jobcandidateid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("Edu.Level", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string EduLevel { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("Edu.StartDate", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public DateTime? EduStartdate { get; set; } // date
[Column("Edu.EndDate", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public DateTime? EduEnddate { get; set; } // date
[Column("Edu.Degree", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string EduDegree { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("Edu.Major", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string EduMajor { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("Edu.Minor", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string EduMinor { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("Edu.GPA", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string EduGpa { get; set; } // character varying(5)
[Column("Edu.GPAScale", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string EduGpascale { get; set; } // character varying(5)
[Column("Edu.School", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string EduSchool { get; set; } // character varying(100)
[Column("Edu.Loc.CountryRegion", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string EduLocCountryregion { get; set; } // character varying(100)
[Column("Edu.Loc.State", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string EduLocState { get; set; } // character varying(100)
[Column("Edu.Loc.City", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string EduLocCity { get; set; } // character varying(100)
[Table(Schema="humanresources", Name="vjobcandidateemployment", IsView=true)]
public partial class Vjobcandidateemployment
[Column("jobcandidateid", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public int? Jobcandidateid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("Emp.StartDate", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public DateTime? EmpStartdate { get; set; } // date
[Column("Emp.EndDate", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public DateTime? EmpEnddate { get; set; } // date
[Column("Emp.OrgName", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string EmpOrgname { get; set; } // character varying(100)
[Column("Emp.JobTitle", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string EmpJobtitle { get; set; } // character varying(100)
[Column("Emp.Responsibility", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string EmpResponsibility { get; set; } // character varying
[Column("Emp.FunctionCategory", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string EmpFunctioncategory { get; set; } // character varying
[Column("Emp.IndustryCategory", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string EmpIndustrycategory { get; set; } // character varying
[Column("Emp.Loc.CountryRegion", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string EmpLocCountryregion { get; set; } // character varying
[Column("Emp.Loc.State", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string EmpLocState { get; set; } // character varying
[Column("Emp.Loc.City", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string EmpLocCity { get; set; } // character varying
[Table(Schema="sales", Name="vpersondemographics", IsView=true)]
public partial class Vpersondemographic
[Column("businessentityid"), Nullable] public int? Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("totalpurchaseytd", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public decimal? Totalpurchaseytd { get; set; } // money
[Column("datefirstpurchase", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public DateTime? Datefirstpurchase { get; set; } // date
[Column("birthdate", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public DateTime? Birthdate { get; set; } // date
[Column("maritalstatus", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public char? Maritalstatus { get; set; } // character varying(1)
[Column("yearlyincome", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Yearlyincome { get; set; } // character varying(30)
[Column("gender", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public char? Gender { get; set; } // character varying(1)
[Column("totalchildren", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public int? Totalchildren { get; set; } // integer
[Column("numberchildrenathome", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public int? Numberchildrenathome { get; set; } // integer
[Column("education", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Education { get; set; } // character varying(30)
[Column("occupation", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Occupation { get; set; } // character varying(30)
[Column("homeownerflag", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public bool? Homeownerflag { get; set; } // boolean
[Column("numbercarsowned", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public int? Numbercarsowned { get; set; } // integer
[Table(Schema="production", Name="vproductmodelcatalogdescription", IsView=true)]
public partial class Vproductmodelcatalogdescription
[Column("productmodelid"), Nullable] public int? Productmodelid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("name"), Nullable] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column( SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Summary { get; set; } // character varying
[Column("manufacturer", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Manufacturer { get; set; } // character varying
[Column("copyright", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Copyright { get; set; } // character varying(30)
[Column("producturl", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Producturl { get; set; } // character varying(256)
[Column("warrantyperiod", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Warrantyperiod { get; set; } // character varying(256)
[Column("warrantydescription", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Warrantydescription { get; set; } // character varying(256)
[Column("noofyears", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Noofyears { get; set; } // character varying(256)
[Column("maintenancedescription", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Maintenancedescription { get; set; } // character varying(256)
[Column("wheel", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Wheel { get; set; } // character varying(256)
[Column("saddle", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Saddle { get; set; } // character varying(256)
[Column("pedal", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Pedal { get; set; } // character varying(256)
[Column("bikeframe", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Bikeframe { get; set; } // character varying
[Column("crankset", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Crankset { get; set; } // character varying(256)
[Column("pictureangle", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Pictureangle { get; set; } // character varying(256)
[Column("picturesize", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Picturesize { get; set; } // character varying(256)
[Column("productphotoid", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Productphotoid { get; set; } // character varying(256)
[Column("material", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Material { get; set; } // character varying(256)
[Column("color", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Color { get; set; } // character varying(256)
[Column("productline", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Productline { get; set; } // character varying(256)
[Column("style", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Style { get; set; } // character varying(256)
[Column("riderexperience", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Riderexperience { get; set; } // character varying(1024)
[Column("rowguid"), Nullable] public Guid? Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="production", Name="vproductmodelinstructions", IsView=true)]
public partial class Vproductmodelinstruction
[Column("productmodelid", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public int? Productmodelid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("name", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("instructions", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Instructions { get; set; } // character varying
[Column( SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public int? LocationID { get; set; } // integer
[Column( SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public decimal? SetupHours { get; set; } // numeric(9,4)
[Column( SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public decimal? MachineHours { get; set; } // numeric(9,4)
[Column( SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public decimal? LaborHours { get; set; } // numeric(9,4)
[Column( SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public int? LotSize { get; set; } // integer
[Column( SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Step { get; set; } // character varying(1024)
[Column("rowguid", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public Guid? Rowguid { get; set; } // uuid
[Column("modifieddate", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="sales", Name="vsalesperson", IsView=true)]
public partial class Vsalesperson
[Column("businessentityid", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public int? Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("title", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Title { get; set; } // character varying(8)
[Column("firstname", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Firstname { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("middlename", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Middlename { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("lastname", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Lastname { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("suffix", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Suffix { get; set; } // character varying(10)
[Column("jobtitle", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Jobtitle { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("phonenumber", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Phonenumber { get; set; } // character varying(25)
[Column("phonenumbertype", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Phonenumbertype { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("emailaddress", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Emailaddress { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("emailpromotion", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public int? Emailpromotion { get; set; } // integer
[Column("addressline1", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Addressline1 { get; set; } // character varying(60)
[Column("addressline2", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Addressline2 { get; set; } // character varying(60)
[Column("city", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string City { get; set; } // character varying(30)
[Column("stateprovincename", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Stateprovincename { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("postalcode", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Postalcode { get; set; } // character varying(15)
[Column("countryregionname", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Countryregionname { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("territoryname", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Territoryname { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("territorygroup", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Territorygroup { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("salesquota", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public decimal? Salesquota { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("salesytd", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public decimal? Salesytd { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("saleslastyear", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public decimal? Saleslastyear { get; set; } // numeric
[Table(Schema="sales", Name="vsalespersonsalesbyfiscalyears", IsView=true)]
public partial class Vsalespersonsalesbyfiscalyear
[Column( SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public int? SalesPersonID { get; set; } // integer
[Column( SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string FullName { get; set; } // text
[Column( SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string JobTitle { get; set; } // text
[Column( SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string SalesTerritory { get; set; } // text
[Column("2012", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public decimal? _2012 { get; set; } // numeric(12,4)
[Column("2013", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public decimal? _2013 { get; set; } // numeric(12,4)
[Column("2014", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public decimal? _2014 { get; set; } // numeric(12,4)
[Table(Schema="sales", Name="vsalespersonsalesbyfiscalyearsdata", IsView=true)]
public partial class Vsalespersonsalesbyfiscalyearsdata
[Column("salespersonid", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public int? Salespersonid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("fullname", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Fullname { get; set; } // text
[Column("jobtitle", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Jobtitle { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("salesterritory", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Salesterritory { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("salestotal", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public decimal? Salestotal { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("fiscalyear", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public double? Fiscalyear { get; set; } // double precision
[Table(Schema="sales", Name="vstorewithaddresses", IsView=true)]
public partial class Vstorewithaddress
[Column("businessentityid", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public int? Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("name", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("addresstype", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Addresstype { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("addressline1", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Addressline1 { get; set; } // character varying(60)
[Column("addressline2", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Addressline2 { get; set; } // character varying(60)
[Column("city", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string City { get; set; } // character varying(30)
[Column("stateprovincename", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Stateprovincename { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("postalcode", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Postalcode { get; set; } // character varying(15)
[Column("countryregionname", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Countryregionname { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Table(Schema="sales", Name="vstorewithcontacts", IsView=true)]
public partial class Vstorewithcontact
[Column("businessentityid", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public int? Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("name", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("contacttype", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Contacttype { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("title", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Title { get; set; } // character varying(8)
[Column("firstname", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Firstname { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("middlename", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Middlename { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("lastname", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Lastname { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("suffix", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Suffix { get; set; } // character varying(10)
[Column("phonenumber", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Phonenumber { get; set; } // character varying(25)
[Column("phonenumbertype", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Phonenumbertype { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("emailaddress", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Emailaddress { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("emailpromotion", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public int? Emailpromotion { get; set; } // integer
[Table(Schema="sales", Name="vstorewithdemographics", IsView=true)]
public partial class Vstorewithdemographic
[Column("businessentityid", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public int? Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("name", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column( SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public decimal? AnnualSales { get; set; } // money
[Column( SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public decimal? AnnualRevenue { get; set; } // money
[Column( SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string BankName { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column( SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string BusinessType { get; set; } // character varying(5)
[Column( SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public int? YearOpened { get; set; } // integer
[Column( SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Specialty { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column( SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public int? SquareFeet { get; set; } // integer
[Column( SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Brands { get; set; } // character varying(30)
[Column( SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Internet { get; set; } // character varying(30)
[Column( SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public int? NumberEmployees { get; set; } // integer
[Table(Schema="purchasing", Name="vvendorwithaddresses", IsView=true)]
public partial class Vvendorwithaddress
[Column("businessentityid", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public int? Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("name", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("addresstype", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Addresstype { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("addressline1", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Addressline1 { get; set; } // character varying(60)
[Column("addressline2", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Addressline2 { get; set; } // character varying(60)
[Column("city", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string City { get; set; } // character varying(30)
[Column("stateprovincename", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Stateprovincename { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("postalcode", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Postalcode { get; set; } // character varying(15)
[Column("countryregionname", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Countryregionname { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Table(Schema="purchasing", Name="vvendorwithcontacts", IsView=true)]
public partial class Vvendorwithcontact
[Column("businessentityid", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public int? Businessentityid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("name", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Name { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("contacttype", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Contacttype { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("title", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Title { get; set; } // character varying(8)
[Column("firstname", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Firstname { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("middlename", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Middlename { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("lastname", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Lastname { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("suffix", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Suffix { get; set; } // character varying(10)
[Column("phonenumber", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Phonenumber { get; set; } // character varying(25)
[Column("phonenumbertype", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Phonenumbertype { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("emailaddress", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public string Emailaddress { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column("emailpromotion", SkipOnUpdate=true), Nullable] public int? Emailpromotion { get; set; } // integer
[Table(Schema="pr", Name="w", IsView=true)]
public partial class W
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("workorderid"), Nullable] public int? Workorderid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("productid"), Nullable] public int? Productid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("orderqty"), Nullable] public int? Orderqty { get; set; } // integer
[Column("scrappedqty"), Nullable] public short? Scrappedqty { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("startdate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Startdate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("enddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Enddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("duedate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Duedate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("scrapreasonid"), Nullable] public short? Scrapreasonid { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="production", Name="workorder")]
public partial class Workorder
[Column("workorderid"), PrimaryKey, Identity] public int Workorderid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("productid"), NotNull ] public int Productid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("orderqty"), NotNull ] public int Orderqty { get; set; } // integer
[Column("scrappedqty"), NotNull ] public short Scrappedqty { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("startdate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Startdate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("enddate"), Nullable ] public DateTime? Enddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("duedate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Duedate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("scrapreasonid"), Nullable ] public short? Scrapreasonid { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull ] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_WorkOrder_Product_ProductID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Productid", OtherKey="Productid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_WorkOrder_Product_ProductID", BackReferenceName="WorkOrderProductProductIDs")]
public Product product { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_WorkOrder_ScrapReason_ScrapReasonID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Scrapreasonid", OtherKey="Scrapreasonid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_WorkOrder_ScrapReason_ScrapReasonID", BackReferenceName="WorkOrderScrapReasonScrapReasonIDs")]
public Scrapreason scrapreason { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_WorkOrderRouting_WorkOrder_WorkOrderID_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Workorderid", OtherKey="Workorderid", CanBeNull=true, Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany, IsBackReference=true)]
public IEnumerable<Workorderrouting> WorkOrderRoutingWorkOrderWorkOrderIDs { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="production", Name="workorderrouting")]
public partial class Workorderrouting
[Column("workorderid"), PrimaryKey(1), NotNull] public int Workorderid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("productid"), PrimaryKey(2), NotNull] public int Productid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("operationsequence"), PrimaryKey(3), NotNull] public short Operationsequence { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("locationid"), NotNull] public short Locationid { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("scheduledstartdate"), NotNull] public DateTime Scheduledstartdate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("scheduledenddate"), NotNull] public DateTime Scheduledenddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("actualstartdate"), Nullable ] public DateTime? Actualstartdate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("actualenddate"), Nullable ] public DateTime? Actualenddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("actualresourcehrs"), Nullable ] public decimal? Actualresourcehrs { get; set; } // numeric(9,4)
[Column("plannedcost"), NotNull] public decimal Plannedcost { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("actualcost"), Nullable ] public decimal? Actualcost { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("modifieddate"), NotNull] public DateTime Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_WorkOrderRouting_Location_LocationID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Locationid", OtherKey="Locationid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_WorkOrderRouting_Location_LocationID", BackReferenceName="WorkOrderRoutingLocationLocationIDs")]
public Location location { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FK_WorkOrderRouting_WorkOrder_WorkOrderID
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="Workorderid", OtherKey="Workorderid", CanBeNull=false, Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne, KeyName="FK_WorkOrderRouting_WorkOrder_WorkOrderID", BackReferenceName="WorkOrderRoutingWorkOrderWorkOrderIDs")]
public Workorder workorder { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="pr", Name="wr", IsView=true)]
public partial class Wr
[Column("id"), Nullable] public int? Id { get; set; } // integer
[Column("workorderid"), Nullable] public int? Workorderid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("productid"), Nullable] public int? Productid { get; set; } // integer
[Column("operationsequence"), Nullable] public short? Operationsequence { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("locationid"), Nullable] public short? Locationid { get; set; } // smallint
[Column("scheduledstartdate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Scheduledstartdate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("scheduledenddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Scheduledenddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("actualstartdate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Actualstartdate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("actualenddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Actualenddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column("actualresourcehrs"), Nullable] public decimal? Actualresourcehrs { get; set; } // numeric(9,4)
[Column("plannedcost"), Nullable] public decimal? Plannedcost { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("actualcost"), Nullable] public decimal? Actualcost { get; set; } // numeric
[Column("modifieddate"), Nullable] public DateTime? Modifieddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
public static partial class TableExtensions
public static Address Find(this ITable<Address> table, int Addressid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Addressid == Addressid);
public static Addresstype Find(this ITable<Addresstype> table, int Addresstypeid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Addresstypeid == Addresstypeid);
public static Billofmaterial Find(this ITable<Billofmaterial> table, int Billofmaterialsid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Billofmaterialsid == Billofmaterialsid);
public static Businessentity Find(this ITable<Businessentity> table, int Businessentityid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Businessentityid == Businessentityid);
public static Businessentityaddress Find(this ITable<Businessentityaddress> table, int Businessentityid, int Addressid, int Addresstypeid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Businessentityid == Businessentityid &&
t.Addressid == Addressid &&
t.Addresstypeid == Addresstypeid);
public static Businessentitycontact Find(this ITable<Businessentitycontact> table, int Businessentityid, int Personid, int Contacttypeid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Businessentityid == Businessentityid &&
t.Personid == Personid &&
t.Contacttypeid == Contacttypeid);
public static Contacttype Find(this ITable<Contacttype> table, int Contacttypeid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Contacttypeid == Contacttypeid);
public static Countryregion Find(this ITable<Countryregion> table, string Countryregioncode)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Countryregioncode == Countryregioncode);
public static Countryregioncurrency Find(this ITable<Countryregioncurrency> table, string Countryregioncode, string Currencycode)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Countryregioncode == Countryregioncode &&
t.Currencycode == Currencycode);
public static Creditcard Find(this ITable<Creditcard> table, int Creditcardid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Creditcardid == Creditcardid);
public static Culture Find(this ITable<Culture> table, string Cultureid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Cultureid == Cultureid);
public static Currency Find(this ITable<Currency> table, string Currencycode)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Currencycode == Currencycode);
public static Currencyrate Find(this ITable<Currencyrate> table, int Currencyrateid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Currencyrateid == Currencyrateid);
public static Customer Find(this ITable<Customer> table, int Customerid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Customerid == Customerid);
public static Department Find(this ITable<Department> table, int Departmentid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Departmentid == Departmentid);
public static Document Find(this ITable<Document> table, string Documentnode)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Documentnode == Documentnode);
public static Emailaddress Find(this ITable<Emailaddress> table, int Businessentityid, int Emailaddressid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Businessentityid == Businessentityid &&
t.Emailaddressid == Emailaddressid);
public static Employee Find(this ITable<Employee> table, int Businessentityid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Businessentityid == Businessentityid);
public static Employeedepartmenthistory Find(this ITable<Employeedepartmenthistory> table, int Businessentityid, short Departmentid, short Shiftid, DateTime Startdate)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Businessentityid == Businessentityid &&
t.Departmentid == Departmentid &&
t.Shiftid == Shiftid &&
t.Startdate == Startdate);
public static Employeepayhistory Find(this ITable<Employeepayhistory> table, int Businessentityid, DateTime Ratechangedate)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Businessentityid == Businessentityid &&
t.Ratechangedate == Ratechangedate);
public static Illustration Find(this ITable<Illustration> table, int Illustrationid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Illustrationid == Illustrationid);
public static Jobcandidate Find(this ITable<Jobcandidate> table, int Jobcandidateid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Jobcandidateid == Jobcandidateid);
public static Location Find(this ITable<Location> table, int Locationid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Locationid == Locationid);
public static Password Find(this ITable<Password> table, int Businessentityid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Businessentityid == Businessentityid);
public static Person Find(this ITable<Person> table, int Businessentityid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Businessentityid == Businessentityid);
public static Personcreditcard Find(this ITable<Personcreditcard> table, int Businessentityid, int Creditcardid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Businessentityid == Businessentityid &&
t.Creditcardid == Creditcardid);
public static Personphone Find(this ITable<Personphone> table, int Businessentityid, string Phonenumber, int Phonenumbertypeid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Businessentityid == Businessentityid &&
t.Phonenumber == Phonenumber &&
t.Phonenumbertypeid == Phonenumbertypeid);
public static Phonenumbertype Find(this ITable<Phonenumbertype> table, int Phonenumbertypeid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Phonenumbertypeid == Phonenumbertypeid);
public static Product Find(this ITable<Product> table, int Productid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Productid == Productid);
public static Productcategory Find(this ITable<Productcategory> table, int Productcategoryid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Productcategoryid == Productcategoryid);
public static Productcosthistory Find(this ITable<Productcosthistory> table, int Productid, DateTime Startdate)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Productid == Productid &&
t.Startdate == Startdate);
public static Productdescription Find(this ITable<Productdescription> table, int Productdescriptionid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Productdescriptionid == Productdescriptionid);
public static Productdocument Find(this ITable<Productdocument> table, int Productid, string Documentnode)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Productid == Productid &&
t.Documentnode == Documentnode);
public static Productinventory Find(this ITable<Productinventory> table, int Productid, short Locationid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Productid == Productid &&
t.Locationid == Locationid);
public static Productlistpricehistory Find(this ITable<Productlistpricehistory> table, int Productid, DateTime Startdate)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Productid == Productid &&
t.Startdate == Startdate);
public static Productmodel Find(this ITable<Productmodel> table, int Productmodelid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Productmodelid == Productmodelid);
public static Productmodelillustration Find(this ITable<Productmodelillustration> table, int Productmodelid, int Illustrationid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Productmodelid == Productmodelid &&
t.Illustrationid == Illustrationid);
public static Productmodelproductdescriptionculture Find(this ITable<Productmodelproductdescriptionculture> table, int Productmodelid, int Productdescriptionid, string Cultureid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Productmodelid == Productmodelid &&
t.Productdescriptionid == Productdescriptionid &&
t.Cultureid == Cultureid);
public static Productphoto Find(this ITable<Productphoto> table, int Productphotoid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Productphotoid == Productphotoid);
public static Productproductphoto Find(this ITable<Productproductphoto> table, int Productid, int Productphotoid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Productid == Productid &&
t.Productphotoid == Productphotoid);
public static Productreview Find(this ITable<Productreview> table, int Productreviewid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Productreviewid == Productreviewid);
public static Productsubcategory Find(this ITable<Productsubcategory> table, int Productsubcategoryid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Productsubcategoryid == Productsubcategoryid);
public static Productvendor Find(this ITable<Productvendor> table, int Productid, int Businessentityid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Productid == Productid &&
t.Businessentityid == Businessentityid);
public static Purchaseorderdetail Find(this ITable<Purchaseorderdetail> table, int Purchaseorderid, int Purchaseorderdetailid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Purchaseorderid == Purchaseorderid &&
t.Purchaseorderdetailid == Purchaseorderdetailid);
public static Purchaseorderheader Find(this ITable<Purchaseorderheader> table, int Purchaseorderid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Purchaseorderid == Purchaseorderid);
public static Salesorderdetail Find(this ITable<Salesorderdetail> table, int Salesorderid, int Salesorderdetailid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Salesorderid == Salesorderid &&
t.Salesorderdetailid == Salesorderdetailid);
public static Salesorderheader Find(this ITable<Salesorderheader> table, int Salesorderid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Salesorderid == Salesorderid);
public static Salesorderheadersalesreason Find(this ITable<Salesorderheadersalesreason> table, int Salesorderid, int Salesreasonid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Salesorderid == Salesorderid &&
t.Salesreasonid == Salesreasonid);
public static Salesperson Find(this ITable<Salesperson> table, int Businessentityid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Businessentityid == Businessentityid);
public static Salespersonquotahistory Find(this ITable<Salespersonquotahistory> table, int Businessentityid, DateTime Quotadate)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Businessentityid == Businessentityid &&
t.Quotadate == Quotadate);
public static Salesreason Find(this ITable<Salesreason> table, int Salesreasonid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Salesreasonid == Salesreasonid);
public static Salestaxrate Find(this ITable<Salestaxrate> table, int Salestaxrateid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Salestaxrateid == Salestaxrateid);
public static Salesterritory Find(this ITable<Salesterritory> table, int Territoryid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Territoryid == Territoryid);
public static Salesterritoryhistory Find(this ITable<Salesterritoryhistory> table, int Businessentityid, int Territoryid, DateTime Startdate)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Businessentityid == Businessentityid &&
t.Territoryid == Territoryid &&
t.Startdate == Startdate);
public static Scrapreason Find(this ITable<Scrapreason> table, int Scrapreasonid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Scrapreasonid == Scrapreasonid);
public static Shift Find(this ITable<Shift> table, int Shiftid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Shiftid == Shiftid);
public static Shipmethod Find(this ITable<Shipmethod> table, int Shipmethodid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Shipmethodid == Shipmethodid);
public static Shoppingcartitem Find(this ITable<Shoppingcartitem> table, int Shoppingcartitemid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Shoppingcartitemid == Shoppingcartitemid);
public static Specialoffer Find(this ITable<Specialoffer> table, int Specialofferid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Specialofferid == Specialofferid);
public static Specialofferproduct Find(this ITable<Specialofferproduct> table, int Specialofferid, int Productid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Specialofferid == Specialofferid &&
t.Productid == Productid);
public static Stateprovince Find(this ITable<Stateprovince> table, int Stateprovinceid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Stateprovinceid == Stateprovinceid);
public static Store Find(this ITable<Store> table, int Businessentityid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Businessentityid == Businessentityid);
public static Transactionhistory Find(this ITable<Transactionhistory> table, int Transactionid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Transactionid == Transactionid);
public static Transactionhistoryarchive Find(this ITable<Transactionhistoryarchive> table, int Transactionid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Transactionid == Transactionid);
public static Unitmeasure Find(this ITable<Unitmeasure> table, string Unitmeasurecode)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Unitmeasurecode == Unitmeasurecode);
public static Vendor Find(this ITable<Vendor> table, int Businessentityid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Businessentityid == Businessentityid);
public static Workorder Find(this ITable<Workorder> table, int Workorderid)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Workorderid == Workorderid);
public static Workorderrouting Find(this ITable<Workorderrouting> table, int Workorderid, int Productid, short Operationsequence)
return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Workorderid == Workorderid &&
t.Productid == Productid &&
t.Operationsequence == Operationsequence);
// <auto-generated>
// This code was generated by T4Model template for T4 (
// Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated.
// </auto-generated>
using System;
using LinqToDB;
using LinqToDB.Mapping;
namespace Models
/// <summary>
/// Database : linq2db
/// Data Source : tcp://localhost:5432
/// Server Version : 10.4
/// </summary>
public partial class Linq2dbDB : LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection
public ITable<T1> T1 { get { return this.GetTable<T1>(); } }
public ITable<T1> T1 { get { return this.GetTable<T1>(); } }
public Linq2dbDB()
public Linq2dbDB(string configuration)
: base(configuration)
partial void InitDataContext();
[Table(Schema="s1", Name="t1")]
public partial class T1
[Column("c1"), Nullable] public int? C1 { get; set; } // integer
[Table(Schema="s2", Name="t1")]
public partial class T1
[Column("c1"), Nullable] public int? C1 { get; set; } // integer
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