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Created March 9, 2019 17:35
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BDD in go
Feature: bank account
A user's bank account must be able to withdraw and deposit cash
Scenario Outline: Deposit
Given I have a bank account with <start>$
When I deposit <deposit>$
Then it should have a balance of <end>$
| start | deposit | end |
| 10 | 0 | 10 |
| 10 | 10 | 20 |
| 100 | 50 | 150 |
Scenario Outline: Withdrawal
Given I have a bank account with <start>$
When I withdraw <withdrawal>$
Then it should have a balance of <end>$
| start | withdrawal | end |
| 10 | 0 | 10 |
| 20 | 10 | 10 |
| 100 | 50 | 50 |
package bank
import (
var opt = godog.Options{
Format: "progress",
func init() {
godog.BindFlags("godog.", flag.CommandLine, &opt)
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
opt.Paths = flag.Args()
status := godog.RunWithOptions("godogs", func(s *godog.Suite) {
}, opt)
if st := m.Run(); st > status {
status = st
var testAccount *account
func iHaveABankAccountWith(balance int) error {
testAccount = &account{balance:balance}
return nil
func iDeposit(amount int) error {
return nil
func iWithdraw(amount int) error {
return nil
func itShouldHaveABalanceOf(balance int) error {
if testAccount.balance == balance {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("Incorrect account balance")
func FeatureContext(s *godog.Suite) {
s.Step(`^I have a bank account with (\d+)\$$`, iHaveABankAccountWith)
s.Step(`^I deposit (\d+)\$$`, iDeposit)
s.Step(`^I withdraw (\d+)\$$`, iWithdraw)
s.Step(`^it should have a balance of (\d+)\$$`, itShouldHaveABalanceOf)
s.BeforeScenario(func(interface{}) {
testAccount = nil
package bank
import (
var opt = godog.Options{
Format: "progress",
func init() {
godog.BindFlags("godog.", flag.CommandLine, &opt)
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
opt.Paths = flag.Args()
status := godog.RunWithOptions("godogs", func(s *godog.Suite) {
}, opt)
if st := m.Run(); st > status {
status = st
var testAccount *account
func iHaveABankAccountWith(balance int) error {
testAccount = &account{balance:balance}
return nil
func iDeposit(amount int) error {
return nil
func iWithdraw(amount int) error {
return nil
func itShouldHaveABalanceOf(balance int) error {
if testAccount.balance == balance {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("Incorrect account balance")
func FeatureContext(s *godog.Suite) {
s.Step(`^I have a bank account with (\d+)\$$`, iHaveABankAccountWith)
s.Step(`^I deposit (\d+)\$$`, iDeposit)
s.Step(`^I withdraw (\d+)\$$`, iWithdraw)
s.Step(`^it should have a balance of (\d+)\$$`, itShouldHaveABalanceOf)
s.BeforeScenario(func(interface{}) {
testAccount = nil
module bank
require v0.7.10 v0.7.10 h1:BRaQdCOsFth//Ep/J6gtb3xOeDh+sAVjL44ZdK1E9aI= v0.7.10/go.mod h1:z2OZ6a3X0/YAKVqLfVzYBwFt3j6uSt3Xrqa7XTtcQE0=
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AlbertMorenoDEV commented Mar 29, 2019

Seems to me that account.go has been overwritten by account_test.go content :)

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My version with negative values & the latest GoDog version: :)

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