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Created May 22, 2019 09:14
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effector 0.18.10 with prettier
function e({
node: e,
child: t = [],
from: n = [],
scope: r = {},
meta: o = {},
}) {
return {from:, seq: e, next:, meta: o, scope: r}
function t(e) {
return e.compositeName
? e.compositeName.fullName
: e.domainName
? e.domainName.fullName
function n(e) {
let n = 0
const r = Object.values(e),
o = De - 1,
a = r.length - 1
let i = 'combine('
for (const e of r) {
const r = n === o || a === n ? '' : ', '
if (
(Ee(e) || Ie(e) || qe(e) ? (i += t(e) + r) : (i += e.toString() + r),
(n += 1),
'' === r)
return i + ')'
function r(e, t, n) {
;(this.shortName = e), (this.fullName = t), (this.path = n)
function o(e, t) {
let n, o
const a = e
return (
void 0 === t
? ((n = 0 === e.length ? [] : [e]), (o = e))
: 0 === e.length
? ((n = t.path), (o = t.fullName))
: ((n = t.path.concat([e])),
(o = 0 === t.fullName.length ? e : t.fullName + '/' + e)),
new r(a, o, n)
function a() {
const e = this.indexOf()
;-1 !== e && (this.splice(e, 1), (this.indexOf = Fe), (this.splice = He))
function i({name: n, parent: r, config: a = {}}) {
const s = Te(),
c = n || s,
l = o(c, r),
u = l.fullName,
f = e({node: [J.emit({fullName: u})]}),
d = (e, ...t) => d.create(e, u, t)
return (
(d.getType = () => u),
(d.create = e => (be(d, e), e)),
(d.kind = A),
(d[R] = () => d),
( = s),
( = ((e, n) =>
Me(e, {
scope: {trigger: e, handler: n},
node: [Se,{fn: (e, {trigger: n, handler: r}) => r(e, t(n))})],
})).bind(null, d)),
( = ((e, t) => {
const n = i({name: e.shortName + ' → *', parent: e.domainName})
return (
Me(e, {
child: [n],
scope: {handler: t},
node: [J.compute({fn: (e, {handler: t}) => t(e)})],
}).bind(null, d)),
(d.filter = ((e, t) => {
const n = i({name: e.shortName + ' →? *', parent: e.domainName})
return (
Me(e, {
scope: {handler: t},
child: [n],
node: [
J.compute({fn: (e, {handler: t}) => t(e)}),
J.filter({fn: (e, t) => ((t.val = e), void 0 !== e)}),
J.compute({fn: (e, t) => t.val}),
}).bind(null, d)),
(d.prepend = ((e, t) => {
const n = i({name: '* → ' + e.shortName, parent: e.domainName})
return (
Me(n, {
child: [e],
scope: {handler: t},
node: [J.compute({fn: (e, {handler: t}) => t(e)})],
}).bind(null, d)),
(d.subscribe = ((e, t) => =>, d)),
(d.graphite = f),
(d.shortName = c),
(d.domainName = r),
(d.compositeName = l),
(d.defaultConfig = a),
function s(e = {}) {
const t =
'createStore: Second argument should be plain object, but you passed %s.'
ke('object' == typeof e && null !== e, t, e),
void 0 !== (null == e ? void 0 : e.ɔ) &&
ke('object' == typeof e.ɔ && null !== e.ɔ, t, e.ɔ)
const n = Object.assign({}, e, 'object' == typeof e.ɔ ? e.ɔ : {})
return delete n.ɔ, n
function c(e, t) {
const n = 'object' == typeof e ? Object.assign({}, s(t), e) : s(t)
return {config: n, name: 'object' == typeof e || void 0 === e ? : e}
function l(e, t = {}) {
const {config: n, name: r} = c(e, t)
return i({name: r, config: n})
function u(e) {
'function' == typeof e || ('object' == typeof e && null !== e),
'expect observable to be object or function',
const t = R in e ? e[R]() : e
G('subscribe' in t, 'expect observable to have .subscribe')
const n = l(),
r = L.bind(null, n, {})
return t.subscribe({next: n, error: r, complete: r}), n
function f() {}
function d() {}
function p(e) {
return Z(e.plainState)
function m(e, t) {
const n = e.subscribers.get(t)
void 0 !== n && (n(), e.subscribers.delete(t))
function h(e, n, r) {
const o = n,
a = e.subscribers.get(o)
return (
a && a(),
Me(o, {
scope: {handler: r, state: e.plainState, trigger: o},
child: [e],
node: [
fn(e, {handler: n, state: r, trigger: o}) {
const a = n(Z(r), e, t(o))
if (void 0 !== a) return $(r, a)
function b(e, n, r) {
const o = 'watch requires function handler'
switch (r && (null == n ? void 0 : n.kind)) {
case 'store':
case 'event':
case 'effect':
return G('function' == typeof r, o), => r(p(e), o, t(n)))
return G('function' == typeof n, o), g(e, n)
function g(e, t) {
G('function' == typeof t, 'Expected the listener to be a function')
let n = 'Got initial error',
r = p(e)
f(e, 'subscribe')
try {
t(r), (n = 'Initial')
} catch (e) {
return (
Me(e, {
node: [
fn(n) {
let o = null
if ((f(e, 'subscribe'), n !== r)) {
r = n
try {
} catch (e) {
console.error(e), (o = 'Got error')
} else d(o)
function v(t) {
const {currentState: n, config: r, parent: a} = t,
{name: i} = r,
s = Y(n),
c = i ||,
u = n,
y = o(c, a),
N = l('update ' + c),
S = {
graphite: e({
scope: {state: s, oldState: n},
node: [
J.filter({fn: e => void 0 !== e}),
J.update({store: s}),
fn: (e, t) => (e === t.oldState ? 0 : ((t.oldState = e), 1)),
kind: z,
shortName: c,
domainName: a,
defaultConfig: r,
defaultState: u,
plainState: s,
subscribers: new Map(),
compositeName: y,
w = {
compositeName: S.compositeName,
graphite: S.graphite,
kind: z,
shortName: c,
domainName: a,
setState: (e, t) => {
const n = p(S),
r = 'function' == typeof t ? t(n, e) : e
be(w, r)
off: m.bind(null, S),
watch: b.bind(null, S),
updates: N,
subscribe: g.bind(null, S),
getState: p.bind(null, S),
stateRef: s,
return (
(w.defaultConfig = r),
(w.reset = function(e, ...t) {
for (const n of t), e, n, () => e.defaultState)
return this
}.bind(w, S)),
(w.on = h.bind(w, S)),
(w.defaultState = u),
( = function(e, t, n) {
let r
f(e, 'map')
let o = 'Got initial error'
try {
const a = e.getState()
void 0 !== a && (r = t(a, n)), (o = 'Initial')
} catch (e) {
const a = this({
config: {name: e.shortName + ' → *'},
currentState: r,
parent: e.domainName,
return (
Me(e, {
child: [a],
scope: {store: e, handler: t, state: a.stateRef},
node: [
fn(e, {state: t, store: n, handler: r}) {
f(n, 'map')
let o,
a = 'Got error'
try {
;(o = r(e, Z(t))), (a = null)
} catch (e) {
return d(a), o
}.bind(v, w)),
(w.thru = function(e) {
return e(this)
(w.dispatch = (e => e).bind(null)),
(w[R] = function(e) {
const t = {
subscribe: t => (
'object' == typeof t && null !== t,
'Expected the observer to be an object.',
g(e, e => { &&
return (
(t[R] = function() {
return this
}.bind(null, S)),
Re({from: w, to: N}),
function y(e, t = {}) {
return (
void 0 !== e,
"createStore: First argument can't be undefined, use null instead.",
v({currentState: e, config: s(t)})
function N(e, t) {
const n = o(t, e.domainName)
;(e.shortName = t),
? ((e.compositeName.path = n.path),
(e.compositeName.shortName = n.shortName),
(e.compositeName.fullName = n.fullName))
: (e.compositeName = n)
function S(e, t) {
const n = Array.isArray(e)
? Ve(e, e => e.slice(), [])
: Ve(e, e => Object.assign({}, e), {})
return t ? : n
function w(e, t) {
let n
return S((n = t('defaultShape' in e ? e.defaultShape : e.defaultState)))
function k(e, t) {
const n = {}
for (const r in t) {
const o = t[r],
a = (n[r] = l(r))
e.on(a, o)
return n
function x(e) {
const t = {}
for (const n in e) {
const r = e[n]
t[n] = Ee(r) ? r : v({currentState: r, config: {name: n}})
return t
function j(e, t) {
const n = v({
currentState: t,
parent: e.domainName,
config: {name: e.shortName},
return n.on(e.done, (e, {result: t}) => t), n
function E(e, t) {
const n = v({
currentState: t,
parent: e.domainName,
config: {name: e.shortName},
return n.on(e, (e, t) => t), n
function I(e, t) {
return Ee(e) ? e : Ie(e) ? E(e, t) : qe(e) ? j(e, t) : x(e)
function q(e, t) {
return n => t(e.getState(), n)
function C(...e) {
let t, n, r
G(e.length > 0, 'at least one argument required')
const r = e[e.length - 1]
'function' == typeof r ? ((n = e.slice(0, -1)), (t = r)) : (n = e)
e: {
if (1 === n.length) {
const e = n[0]
if (!Ee(e)) {
r = e
break e
;(r = n), t && (t = We(t))
return S(r, t)
function O(e, t, n, r = 0) {
let o
void 0 === t &&
'source' in e &&
((t = e.clock || e.sampler),
(n = e.fn),
(r = e.greedy),
(o =,
(e = e.source)),
void 0 === t && (t = e)
const a = Le(e),
i = Le(t)
return (
'boolean' == typeof n && ((r = n), (n = void 0)),
(Ee(a) ? (Ee(i) ? _e : Ue) : Je)(a, i, n, r, o)
function D() {
const e = new Promise((e, t) => {
;( = e), (this.rj = t)
;(e.anyway = () => (
ke(0, '.anyway is deprecated, use .finally'), e.then(() => {}, () => {})
(this.req = e)
function F({name: e, parent: t, config: n}) {
const {handler: r} = n,
o = i({name: e, parent: t, config: n}),
a = o.create,
s = i({name: o.shortName + ' done', parent: t, config: n}),
c = i({name: o.shortName + ' fail', parent: t, config: n})
s.graphite.seq.push(Qe), c.graphite.seq.push(Qe)
let l =
r ||
function() {
return ke(0, 'no thunk used in %s', this.getType()), Promise.resolve()
;(o.done = s), ( = c), (o.use = e => ((l = e), o))
const u = () => l
return (
(o.use.getCurrent = u),
(o.kind = P),
(o.graphite.scope = {done: s, fail: c, getHandler: u}),
fn: e =>
'object' == typeof e && null !== e && 'ɔ' in e
? e.ɔ
: {params: e, req: {rs(e) {}, rj(e) {}}},
fn: ({params: e, req: t}, {getHandler: n, done: r, fail: o}) => (
((e, t, n, r) => {
let o,
i = 0
try {
a = e(t)
} catch (e) {
;(i = 1), (o = e)
? r(o)
: 'object' != typeof a ||
null === a ||
'function' != typeof a.then
? n(a)
: a.then(n, r)
function(e) {
const {event: t, params: n, handler: r} = this
ge(t, {handler: r, toHandler: e, result: {params: n, result: e}})
}.bind({event: r, params: e, handler:}),
function(e) {
const {event: t, params: n, handler: r} = this
ge(t, {handler: r, toHandler: e, result: {params: n, error: e}})
}.bind({event: o, params: e, handler: t.rj}),
(o.create = (e, t, n) => {
const r = new D()
return a({ɔ: {params: e, req: r}}, o.getType(), n), r.req
(o.pending = y(Boolean(0))
.on(o, () => Boolean(1))
function H(e, t) {
const {config: n, name: r} = c(e, t)
return F({name: r, domainName: '', config: n})
function M(e, t = {}) {
const {config: n, name: r} = c(e, t)
return (function e({name: t, config: n = {}, parent: r, parentHooks: a}) {
const c = $e(),
l = o(t || '', r),
u = new Xe(),
f = ((e, t, n) => {
let r
return (
(r = n ? Ze(n) : Ye(t)) => {
}), => {
}), => {
}), => {
})(u, l, a)
return {
compositeName: l,
id: c,
defaultConfig: n,
getType: () => l.fullName,
onCreateEvent: e => (,,
onCreateEffect: e => (u.effects.forEach(e),,
onCreateStore: e => (u.storages.forEach(e),,
onCreateDomain: e => (,,
event(e, t = {}) {
const n = s(t),
r = i({name: e, parent: l, config: n})
return f.event(r), r
effect(e, t = {}) {
const n = s(t),
r = F({name: e, domainName: l.fullName, parent: l, config: n})
return f.effect(r), r
domain(t, n = {}) {
const r = s(n),
o = e({name: t, parent: l, parentHooks: f, config: r})
return f.domain(o), o
store(e, t = {}) {
const n = s(t),
r = v({currentState: e, parent: l, config: n})
return, r
kind: V,
})({name: void 0 === r ? '' : r, config: n})
import R from 'symbol-observable'
const T = '0.18.10',
B = 'production' !== process.env.NODE_ENV
var G = B
? function e(t, n, ...r) {
if (!t) {
const t = Error()
Error.captureStackTrace && Error.captureStackTrace(t, e),
( = 'Invariant Violation')
let o = 0
throw ((t.message = n.replace(/%s/g, () => r[o++])), t)
: e => {
if (!e) throw Error('Minified exception occurred')
const z = 'store',
A = 'event',
P = 'effect',
V = 'domain'
var W = Object.freeze({store: z, event: A, effect: P, domain: V})
const K = () => {
let e = 0
return () => (++e).toString(36)
U = K(),
_ = (e, t) => ({id: U(), type: e, group: 'cmd', data: t}),
J = {
barrier: ({barrierID: e, priority: t = 'barrier'}) =>
_('barrier', {barrierID: e, priority: t}),
compute: _.bind(null, 'compute'),
emit: _.bind(null, 'emit'),
filter: _.bind(null, 'filter'),
run: _.bind(null, 'run'),
tap: _.bind(null, 'tap'),
update: _.bind(null, 'update'),
L = (e, {deep: t} = {}) => {
const n = Q(e)
t && => L(e, {deep: t})),
n.from.forEach(e => {
const t =
;-1 !== t &&, 1)
(n.from.length = 0),
( = 0),
(n.seq.length = 0),
(n.scope = null)
Q = e => e.graphite || e,
X = K(),
Y = e => ({id: X(), current: e}),
Z = ({current: e}) => e,
$ = (e, t) => (e.current = t),
ee = K(),
te = e => {
switch (e) {
case 'child':
return 0
case 'pure':
return 1
case 'barrier':
return 2
case 'sampler':
return 3
case 'effect':
return 4
return -1
class ne {
constructor(e, t) {
;(this.value = {current: e}), (this.parent = t)
class re {
constructor(e, t, n, r) {
;(this.value = e), (this.rank = t), (this.left = n), (this.right = r)
const oe = e => (e ? ae(e.left, e.right) : null),
ae = (e, t) => {
let n, r, o, a, i, s, c
for (;;) {
var l, u
if (((n = t), !(r = e))) return n
if (!n) return r
if (((a = r.left), !se((o = r.value), n.value)))
return (
(i = ae(r.right, n)),
(s = (null === (l = a) || void 0 === l ? void 0 : l.rank) || 0) >=
(c = (null === (u = i) || void 0 === u ? void 0 : u.rank) || 0)
? new re(o, c + 1, a, i)
: new re(o, s + 1, i, a)
;(t = r), (e = n)
class ie {
constructor(e) {
;(this.isChanged = 1), (this.isFailed = 0), (this.scope = e)
const se = (e, t) => (e.type === t.type ? > : te(e.type) > te(t.type))
let ce = 0,
le = null
const ue = new Set(),
fe = e => {
le = ((e, t) => ae(new re(e, 1, null, null), t))(e, le)
de = ({step: e, firstIndex: t, scope: n, resetStop: r}, o) => {
const a = new ie(e.scope)
for (let r = t; r < e.seq.length && !o.stop; r++) {
const i = e.seq[r]
if (r === t) 'barrier' === i.type && ue.delete(
switch (i.type) {
case 'run':
return void fe({
step: e,
firstIndex: r,
scope: n,
resetStop: 0,
type: 'effect',
id: ++ce,
case 'barrier': {
const t =
return void (
ue.has(t) ||
step: e,
firstIndex: r,
scope: n,
resetStop: 0,
id: ++ce,
;(0, ve[i.type])(a,, n.value),
(o.stop = a.isFailed || !a.isChanged)
if (!o.stop)
for (let t = 0; t <; t++) {
const r = new ne(Z(n.value), n)
firstIndex: 0,
scope: r,
resetStop: 1,
type: 'child',
id: ++ce,
r && (o.stop = 0)
let pe = 0
const me = (e, t) => {
step: Q(e),
firstIndex: 0,
scope: new ne(t, null),
resetStop: 0,
type: 'pure',
id: ++ce,
he = () => {
const e = pe
pe = 1
const t = {stop: 0}
let n
for (; le; ) (n = le.value), (le = oe(le)), de(n, t)
pe = e
be = (e, t) => {
me(e, t), he()
ge = (e, t) => {
me(e, t), pe || he()
ve = {
barrier(e, t, n) {
;(e.isFailed = 0), (e.isChanged = 1)
emit(e, t, n) {},
filter(e, t, n) {
const r = ye({arg: Z(n), val: e.scope, fn: t.fn})
e.isChanged = !!r.result
run(e, t, n) {
const r = ye({arg: Z(n), val: e.scope, fn: t.fn})
;(e.isFailed = r.err), $(n, r.result)
update(e, t, n) {
$(, Z(n))
compute(e, t, n) {
const r = ye({arg: Z(n), val: e.scope, fn: t.fn})
;(e.isFailed = r.err), $(n, r.result)
tap(e, t, n) {
const r = ye({arg: Z(n), val: e.scope, fn: t.fn})
e.isFailed = r.err
ye = ({fn: e, arg: t, val: n}) => {
const r = {err: 0, result: null}
try {
r.result = e(t, n)
} catch (e) {
console.error(e), (r.err = 1)
return r
Ne = J.filter({fn: (e, {state: t}) => e !== Z(t) && void 0 !== e}),
Se = J.compute({fn: e => e})
var we = Object.freeze({filterChanged: Ne, noop: Se}),
ke = B
? (e, t, ...n) => {
e || console.error('Warning: ' + t, ...n)
: () => {}
const xe = e =>
('function' == typeof e || ('object' == typeof e && null !== e)) &&
'kind' in e,
je = e => t => xe(t) && t.kind === e,
Ee = je(z),
Ie = je(A),
qe = je(P),
Ce = je(V)
var Oe = Object.freeze({unit: xe, store: Ee, event: Ie, effect: qe, domain: Ce})
const De = 25,
Fe = () => -1,
He = () => [],
Me = (t, n) => Re({from: t, to: e(n)}),
Re = e => {
const t = Q(e.from),
n = Q(
return (,
(e => {
const t =,
n = {indexOf: t.indexOf.bind(t, e.child), splice: t.splice.bind(t)},
r = a.bind(n)
return (r.unsubscribe = a.bind(n)), r
})({child: n, parent: t})
Te = K()
let Be = null,
Ge = null
if (B) {
const e = '☄',
n =
'undefined' != typeof performance &&
'function' == typeof performance.mark &&
'function' == typeof performance.clearMarks &&
'function' == typeof performance.measure &&
'function' == typeof performance.clearMeasures
function ze(t) {
return e + ' ' + t
const r = (t, n) => e + ' ' + t + (n ? ' Warning: ' + n : '')
function Ae(e, t) {
return e + '.' + t
function Pe(e, t) {
return e + ' (#' + t + ')'
const o = () => {
null !== Be &&
null !== Ge &&
((e, n) => {
const r = t(e),
o =
var a
;(a = Pe(Ae(r, n), o)), performance.clearMarks(ze(a))
})(Ge, Be),
(Ge = null),
(Be = null)
;(f = (e, r) => {
n &&
((e, n) => {
const r = t(e),
o =
return (a = Pe(Ae(r, n), o)), performance.mark(ze(a)), 1
var a
})(e, r) && ((Ge = e), (Be = r)))
(d = e => {
n &&
(null !== Be &&
null !== Ge &&
((e, n, o) => {
const a = t(e),
i =,
s = Ae(a, n)
;((e, t, n) => {
const o = ze(t),
a = r(e, n)
try {
performance.measure(a, o)
} catch (e) {}
performance.clearMarks(o), performance.clearMeasures(a)
})(s, Pe(s, i), o)
})(Ge, Be, e),
(Be = null),
(Ge = null))
const Ve = (e, t, r) => {
const o = [
fn: (e, {target: t, key: n}) => e !== Z(t)[n] && void 0 !== e,
fn(e, {isFresh: t, target: n, clone: r}) {
Z(t) || ($(n, r(Z(n))), $(t, 1))
fn(e, {target: t, key: n}) {
Z(t)[n] = e
J.barrier({barrierID: ee()}),
J.compute({fn: (e, {isFresh: t, target: n}) => ($(t, 0), Z(n))}),
a = t(r),
i = v({currentState: a, config: {name: n(e)}}),
s = Y(0)
for (const n in e) {
const c = e[n]
? ((r[n] = c.defaultState),
(a[n] = c.getState()),
Me(c, {
scope: {key: n, clone: t, target: i.stateRef, isFresh: s},
node: o,
child: [i],
: (a[n] = r[n] = c)
return (i.defaultShape = e), (i.defaultState = r), i
We = e => t => e(...t),
Ke = (e, t, n, r, o) => (
Me(t, {
scope: {state: e.stateRef, fn: n},
child: [o],
node: [
!r && Se,
!r && J.barrier({barrierID: ee(), priority: 'sampler'}),
fn: n
? (e, {state: t, fn: n}) => n(Z(t), e)
: (e, {state: t}) => Z(t),
Ue = (e, t, n, r, o) =>
Ke(e, t, n, r, o || i({name: e.shortName, parent: e.domainName})),
_e = (e, t, n, r, o) => {
const a = Z(e.stateRef)
return Ke(
o ||
currentState: n ? n(a, Z(t.stateRef)) : a,
config: {name: e.shortName},
parent: e.domainName,
Je = (e, t, n, r, o) => {
o = o || i({name: e.shortName, parent: e.domainName})
const a = Y(0),
s = Y(),
c = Y()
return (
Me(e, {
scope: {hasSource: a},
node: [
J.update({store: s}),
fn(e, {hasSource: t}) {
$(t, 1)
Me(t, {
scope: {sourceState: s, clockState: c, hasSource: a, fn: n},
child: [o],
node: [
J.update({store: c}),
J.filter({fn: (e, {hasSource: t}) => Z(t)}),
!r && J.barrier({barrierID: ee(), priority: 'sampler'}),
fn: n
? (e, {sourceState: t, clockState: n, fn: r}) => r(Z(t), Z(n))
: (e, {sourceState: t}) => Z(t),
Le = e => (xe(e) ? e : S(e)),
Qe ={fn: ({handler: e, toHandler: t, result: n}) => (e(t), n)})
class Xe {
constructor() {
;( = new Set()),
(this.effects = new Set()),
(this.storages = new Set()),
( = new Set())
const Ye = e => ({
event: i({name: e.fullName + ' event hook', parent: e}),
effect: i({name: e.fullName + ' effect hook', parent: e}),
store: i({name: e.fullName + ' store hook', parent: e}),
domain: i({parent: e}),
Ze = e => ({
event: e.event.prepend(e => e),
effect: e.effect.prepend(e => e),
store: => e),
domain: e.domain.prepend(e => e),
$e = K()
export {
W as Kind,
we as blocks,
L as clearNode,
C as combine,
k as createApi,
M as createDomain,
H as createEffect,
l as createEvent,
e as createNode,
y as createStore,
C as createStoreObject,
w as extract,
Re as forward,
u as fromObservable,
G as invariant,
Oe as is,
Ce as isDomain,
qe as isEffect,
Ie as isEvent,
Ee as isStore,
xe as isUnit,
be as launch,
I as restore,
j as restoreEffect,
E as restoreEvent,
x as restoreObject,
O as sample,
N as setStoreName,
J as step,
T as version,
ke as warning,
q as withProps,
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