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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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(ns dsls.core)
(def x 4)
"Delaying evaluation with Quote"
(def y 5)
"Delaying evaluation with Syntax Quote (Backquote)"
[x y]
'[x y]
`[x y])
"Selectively controlling evaluation inside the scope of Syntax Quote
with Unquote"
(eval `[x y])
(eval `[(+ x x) (+ y y)])
`[~x y]
`[~(+ x x) (+ y y)])
"Splicing a list of expressions into another expression"
(take 3 (repeat 'x))
(+ (4 4 4))
`(+ ~(take 3 (repeat 'x)))
`(+ ~@(take 3 (repeat 'x))))
"Wrap up the intent to use seconds as an abstraction"
(Thread/sleep 3000)
(Thread/sleep (* 3 1000)))
(defn sleep-seconds
(Thread/sleep (* m 1000)))
"Defining a sleep method for every unit of time is repetitive and tedious"
(defn sleep-minutes ...)
(defn sleep-hours ...)
(defn sleep-days ...)
(defn sleep-years ...))
(defn sleep-units
[value unit]
(* value
(case unit
:ms 1
:s 1000
:m 60000
:h 3600000
:d 86400000
:us 1/1000))))
"The function requires runtime dispatch"
(sleep-units 5 :m)
;; evaluates at runtime to
(Thread/sleep (* 5 (case :m
:ms 1
:s 1000
:m 60000
:h 3600000
:d 86400000
:us 1/1000)))
;; evaluates to
(Thread/sleep (* 5 60000))
;; evaluates to
(Thread/sleep 300000))
(defmacro sleep-units
[value unit]
(* ~value
~(case unit
:ms 1
:s 1000
:m 60000
:h 3600000
:d 86400000
:us 1/1000))))
"The macro eliminates runtime dispatch"
(sleep-units 5 :m)
;; *compiles* to
(Thread/sleep (* 5 60000))
;; evaluates to
(Thread/sleep 300000)
"But at the cost of compositionality"
;; blows up when compiling
(sleep-units 5 (if (hibernate? user-input) :d :h)))
"Decouple the abstraction of sleeping and the abstraction of time units")
(defmacro unit-of-time
[value unit]
`(* ~value
~(case unit
:s 1
:m 60
:h 3600
:d 86400
:ms 1/1000
:us 1/1000000)))
"Examples of use"
(unit-of-time 1 :s)
(unit-of-time 5 :m)
(unit-of-time 3 :d))
"Digression #1: Nested Syntax Quote and Unquote"
"Digression #2: Lexical Scope"
(let [x 101] x)
(let [x 101] (resolve-to-x))
(let [x 101] (resolve-to-hmm)))
(defmacro resolve-to-x [] `x)
(defmacro resolve-to-hmm [] `~'x)
"Digression #3: Symbol generation"
(let [x-sym (gensym "x")
y-sym (gensym "y")]
[x-sym y-sym])
(let [x-sym (gensym "x")
y-sym (gensym "y")]
`(fn [~x-sym ~y-sym]
(+ ~x-sym ~y-sym))))
"DRY out the act of defining the above macro for every type of unit"
(defunits time :s
{:m 60
:h 3600
:d 86400
:ms 1/1000
:us 1/1000000})
(defunits distance :in
{:foot 12
:yard 36
:mile 63360}))
(defmacro defunits
[qty base-unit spec]
(let [unit-of-qty-sym (symbol (str "unit-of-" (name qty)))
value-sym (gensym "value")
unit-sym (gensym "unit")
cases (mapcat identity spec)]
`(defmacro ~unit-of-qty-sym
[~value-sym ~unit-sym]
`(* ~~value-sym
~(case ~unit-sym
~base-unit 1
"Enhance macro generation with relative unit specs"
(defrelunits time s
{:m 60
:h [60 :m]
:d [24 :h]
:ms [1/1000 :s]
:us [1/1000 :ms]}))
"Define a helper function to normalize relative unit specs"
;; => 3600
(eval-step :h {:s 1 :m 60 :h [60 :m]}))
(defn eval-step
([unit units]
(eval-step unit units 1))
([unit units acc]
(let [spec-chain (units unit)]
(cond (number? spec-chain)
(* acc spec-chain)
(seq spec-chain)
(let [[factor chain-unit] spec-chain]
(recur chain-unit units (* acc factor)))
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "Unknown unit " unit)))))))
(defmacro defrelunits
[qty base-unit spec]
(let [unit-of-qty-sym (symbol (str "unit-of-" (name qty)))
value-sym (gensym "value")
unit-sym (gensym "unit")
spec-with-base (assoc spec base-unit 1)
cases (mapcat (fn [[spec-unit spec-chain]]
(eval-step spec-unit spec-with-base)])
`(defmacro ~unit-of-qty-sym
[~value-sym ~unit-sym]
`(* ~~value-sym
~(case ~unit-sym
"Enhance the step evaluator to handle cyclical specification errors"
(eval-step :h {:s 1
:m [1/60 :h]
:h [60 :m]}))
(defn eval-step
([unit units]
(eval-step unit units #{} 1))
([unit units visited acc]
(if (visited unit)
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str unit " depends on " (second (units unit)) " depends on " unit)))
(let [spec-chain (units unit)]
(cond (number? spec-chain)
(* acc spec-chain)
(seq spec-chain)
(let [[factor chain-unit] spec-chain]
(recur chain-unit
(conj visited unit)
(* acc factor)))
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "Unknown unit " unit))))))))
"Enhancing error messages for macro usage")
(defmacro defrelunits
[qty base-unit spec]
(let [unit-of-qty-sym (symbol (str "unit-of-" (name qty)))
value-sym (gensym "value")
unit-sym (gensym "unit")
spec-with-base (assoc spec base-unit 1)
cases (mapcat (fn [[spec-unit spec-chain]]
(eval-step spec-unit spec-with-base)
(catch IllegalArgumentException e
(throw (IllegalArgumentException.
(format "`%s` provided to `%s` on line `%s` has an error: `%s`"
(first &form)
(-> &form meta :line)
(.getMessage e))))))])
`(defmacro ~unit-of-qty-sym
[~value-sym ~unit-sym]
`(* ~~value-sym
~(case ~unit-sym
"Erroneous spec #1"
(defrelunits time :s
{:m 60
:d [24 :h]}))
"Erroneous spec #2"
(defrelunits time :s
{:m [1/60 :h]
:h [60 :m]}))
"Leverage the macro to easily and declaratively generate a DSL for distance units")
(defrelunits distance :m
{:km 1000
:cm 1/100
:mm [1/10 :cm]
:nm [1/1000 :mm]
:yard 9144/10000
:foot [1/3 :yard]
:inch [1/12 :foot]
:mile [1760 :yard]
:furlong [1/8 :mile]
:nautical-mile 1852
:cable [1/10 :nautical-mile]
:fathom [2 :yard]
:old-brit-nautical-mile [6080/3 :yard]
:old-brit-cable [1/10 :old-brit-nautical-mile]
:old-brit-fathom [1/100 :old-brit-cable]})
;; => 75/76
(/ (unit-of-distance 1 :fathom)
(unit-of-distance 1 :old-brit-fathom)))
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