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Created July 3, 2014 20:37
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module Untyped.Context where
type Context = [String]
mkContext :: Context
mkContext = []
bindVarName :: Context -> String -> Context
bindVarName ctx x = x : ctx
getVarName :: Context -> Int -> String
getVarName ctx n =
if length ctx > n
then ctx !! n
else error $ ("Requested index " ++ show n
++ " of Context of length " ++ show (length ctx))
freshVarName :: Context -> String -> (Context, String)
freshVarName ctx x =
let x' = getFreshName ctx x
in (bindVarName ctx x', x')
getFreshName :: Context -> String -> String
getFreshName [] x = x
getFreshName ctx@(b:bs) x
| x == b = getFreshName ctx (x ++ "'")
| otherwise = getFreshName bs x
module Untyped.Evaluator where
import Untyped.Context
import Untyped.Syntax
-- Variable Shifting and Substitution
shiftTerm :: Int -> Term -> Term
shiftTerm d t = walk 0 t
where walk c t =
case t of
TermVar x n ->
if x >= c
then TermVar (x+d) (n+d)
else TermVar x (n+d)
TermAbs x t1 ->
TermAbs x (walk (c+1) t1)
TermApp t1 t2 ->
TermApp (walk c t1) (walk c t2)
substTerm :: Int -> Term -> Term -> Term
substTerm j s t = walk 0 t
where walk c t =
case t of
TermVar x n ->
if x == j+c
then shiftTerm c s
else TermVar x n
TermAbs x t1 ->
TermAbs x (walk (c+1) t1)
TermApp t1 t2 ->
TermApp (walk c t1) (walk c t2)
substTopTerm :: Term -> Term -> Term
substTopTerm s t = shiftTerm (-1) (substTerm 0 (shiftTerm 1 s) t)
-- Evaluation
isValue :: Context -> Term -> Bool
isValue _ (TermAbs _ _) = True
isValue _ _ = False
eval1 :: Context -> Term -> Maybe Term
eval1 ctx t =
case t of
TermApp (TermAbs _ t12) v2 ->
if isValue ctx v2
then Just $ substTopTerm v2 t12
else Nothing
TermApp t1 t2 ->
if isValue ctx t1
then let t2' = eval1 ctx t2
in case t2' of
Just t2'' -> Just $ TermApp t1 t2''
Nothing -> Nothing
else let t1' = eval1 ctx t1
in case t1' of
Just t1'' -> Just $ TermApp t1'' t2
Nothing -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
eval :: Context -> Term -> Term
eval ctx t =
case eval1 ctx t of
Just t' -> eval ctx t'
Nothing -> t
module Untyped.Syntax where
import Untyped.Context
data Term = TermVar Int Int
| TermAbs String Term
| TermApp Term Term
deriving (Show)
showTerm :: Context -> Term -> String
showTerm ctx t =
case t of
TermVar _ n ->
getVarName ctx n
TermAbs x t1 ->
let (ctx', x') = freshVarName ctx x
in "(lambda " ++ x' ++ "." ++ showTerm ctx' t1 ++ ")"
TermApp t1 t2 ->
"(" ++ showTerm ctx t1 ++ " " ++ showTerm ctx t2 ++ ")"
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