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Last active March 30, 2020 14:55
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How to download from Amazon/Github without stress with timeouts
# Some servers like Amazon (Github use Amazon) set timeout limits to downloads
# If you must download some big file (lets say 500mb) you will be kicked out in middle of download
# That will always happen, blocking you from download.
# To work around this problem you will only need a program that listem for timeouts and can continuate where stops
# I will use Wget (linux) for that
wget -c -O <filename to write> --read-timeout=10 <url>
# -c tells wget to continue where stops
# -O tells wget to write the contents to file specified
# --read-timeout is the value in seconds to wait for data, if the server block then after 10 seconds the connection will be closed and restarted automatically
## Note that the Amazon can sent a 403 Forbidden if you keep connecting to many times (seens like a DDoS if you do that)
## If you get 403 then you will need restart the download manually (and yes, you will begin where stopped)
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