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Last active October 4, 2017 19:55
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  • Save zeromancer/02950b0313ea4f70cdb91dba4f29846b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save zeromancer/02950b0313ea4f70cdb91dba4f29846b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Eclipse Configuration

Custom shortcuts

  • ctrl + o -> (quick) outline view

  • ctrl + alt + h -> call hierarchy

  • shift + alt + l -> extract variable

  • shift + alt + m -> extract method

  • ctrl + shift + r -> search resource

  • ctrl + shift + t -> search class

  • ctrl + e -> editors (quick view for recently edited places)

General Shortcuts

  • ctrl + shift + o organize imports

  • Alt + ← and Alt + → Resently edited

  • Ctrl + Shift + R Browse Classes

  • alt-shift-l (extract local variable)

  • alt-shift-m (extract method)

  • alt-shift-i (inline method/inline variable)

  • ctrl + o jump to outline

  • ctrl +t supertype/subtype

  • ctrl + o goto outline variable/function

  • ctrl + t goto supertype/subtype

  • ctrl + shift + t open type/class

  • ctrl + shift + g which searches the workspace for references to the selected method or variable.

Eclipse buildin Syntax Highlining Config:

  • [workspace].metadata.plugins\org.eclipse.core.runtime.settings\org.eclipse.jdt.ui.prefs
  • [workspace].metadata.plugins\org.eclipse.core.runtime.settings\org.eclipse.ui.editors.prefs


  • Run Configurations -> Common -> UTF8 Encoding Shortcuts
  • Refactor -> Extract Local Variable (Alt + Shift + L)
  • Refactor -> Convert Local Variable to Field

Exclude Imports

Jeeeyul theme plugin hide status bar - > css: #org-eclipse-ui-trim-status, #org-eclipse-ui-trim-vertical1, #org-eclipse-ui-trim-vertical2 { visibility: hidden; }

or add to eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.platform_4.2.2.v201302041200/css/e4_default_mac.css

eclipse.ini config: append

-Xms128m -Xmx1024m -javaagent:/home/divakar/Develop/Java/Libraries/Lombok/lombok.jar -Xbootclasspath/a:/home/divakar/Develop/Java/Libraries/Lombok/lombok.jar -Dorg.eclipse.swt.browser.UseWebKitGTK=true

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