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zertrin /
Created January 1, 2013 23:41
One-liner to retrieve the list of all etherpad-lite's pad names in the database
mysql -u etherpad-lite -p etherpad-lite -e 'select store.key from store' \
| grep -Eo '^pad:[^:]+' \
| sed -e 's/pad://' \
| sort \
| uniq -c \
| sort -rn \
| awk '{if ($1!="2") {print $2 }}'
zertrin / bar2.m
Created January 14, 2013 14:29
BAR2 Generalized Bar graph (Stacked, Groups, Clustered, Floating, Mixed)
function bar2(varargin)
%BAR2 Generalized Bar graph (Stacked, Groups, Clustered, Floating, Mixed)
% BAR2(X,Y) draws the columns of the M-by-N-by-Q matrix Y as N main
% categories with (M/2) subcategories (as default, see below) and Q
% simultaneous data sets with same X coordinates displayed on the
% same graph
% For MIXED charts, use input as a cell with each row containing the
% information for each type of chart, see example below
zertrin /
Created January 28, 2013 09:40
Make sure path exists, trying to create the path and raising exception in case of problem (except when it's just because the path already exist) From
import os
import errno
def make_sure_path_exists(path):
except OSError as exception:
if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST:
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
def datetime2matlabdn(dt):
ord = dt.toordinal()
mdn = dt + timedelta(days = 366)
frac = (dt-datetime(dt.year,dt.month,,0,0,0)).seconds / (24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0)
return mdn.toordinal() + frac
zertrin /
Created February 12, 2013 14:17
Helper function to grab web pages with urllib2. Returns content of the page if retrieval was successful, None otherwise.
import urllib2
def getpage(url):
Helper function to grab web pages with urllib2
returns content of the page if retrieval was successful, None otherwise
req = urllib2.Request(url)
req.add_header('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:17.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/17.0')
zertrin / gist:5146429
Last active December 14, 2015 20:48
Prints the content of input file deduplicating the lines based on the content of the 4th column
awk '!_[$4]++' file
zertrin / gist:5152760
Created March 13, 2013 14:41
Clear all but breakpoints
clear functions;
clear global;
clear variables;
zertrin / getAllFiles.matlab
Last active December 16, 2015 22:39
Function that searches recursively through all subdirectories of a given directory, collecting a list of all file names matching a given regexp pattern it finds. ( from )
function fileList = getAllFiles(dirName, pattern)
% Example: filelistCSV = getAllFiles(somePath,'\d+_\d+_\d+\.csv');
dirData = dir(dirName); %# Get the data for the current directory
dirIndex = [dirData.isdir]; %# Find the index for directories
fileList = {dirData(~dirIndex).name}'; %'# Get a list of the files
if ~isempty(fileList)
fileList = cellfun(@(x) fullfile(dirName,x),... %# Prepend path to files
matchstart = regexp(fileList, pattern);
zertrin / imagescwithnan.matlab
Created May 10, 2013 10:30
IMAGESC with NaNs assigning a specific color to NaNs
function [h, hcb] = imagescwithnan(a, cm, nanclr, hidenan, clims)
% IMAGESC with NaNs assigning a specific color to NaNs
% Usage example:
% a = peaks;
% a(a < 0) = nan;
% imagescwithnan(a, hot, [0 1 1]) % [0 1 1] is cyan
% or
% imagescwithnan(a, hot, [0 1 1], true) % hide NaN color from
% % the colorbar
% or
zertrin /
Last active December 17, 2015 18:28 — forked from mattratleph/

vimdiff cheat sheet

##vimdiff commands

]c :        - next difference
[c :        - previous difference
do          - diff obtain
dp          - diff put
zo          - open folded text

zc - close folded text