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Forked from koenverburg/flightplan.js
Created June 9, 2017 11:57
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deploy script for a laravel app
#!/usr/bin/env node
var plan = require('flightplan');
// configuration'staging', [{
port: 22,
username: 'USER',
privateKey: '~/.ssh/id_rsa'
agent: process.env.SSH_AUTH_SOCK,
www: '/var/www',
appdir: '/var/www/app',
releasedir: '/var/www/releases',
release: 'release_' + new Date().getTime(),
ownerUser: 'www-data',
repository: 'your repo',
branch: 'master',
maxDeploys: 5
//local.exec('gulp test');
//local.exec('gulp coverage');
if( === 'production') {
var input = local.prompt('Ready for deploying to production? [yes]');
if(input.indexOf('yes') === -1) {
local.abort('user canceled flight'); // this will stop the flightplan right away.
plan.remote('setup', function(remote){
remote.exec('[ -d '+remote.runtime.releasedir+' ] || mkdir '+remote.runtime.releasedir);
plan.remote('deploy', function(remote) {
// fetching the latest code
remote.log('Fetching the latest code');
remote.with('cd '+remote.runtime.releasedir, function() {
remote.exec('git clone -b '+remote.runtime.branch+' '+remote.runtime.repository+' '+remote.runtime.release);
// installing dependencies
remote.log('Installing dependencies');
remote.with('cd '+remote.runtime.releasedir+'/'+remote.runtime.release, function() {
remote.exec('composer install --prefer-dist --no-scripts', { exec: { maxBuffer: 2000*1024}, silent: true });
remote.exec('php artisan clear-compiled --env=production');
remote.exec('php artisan optimize --env=production');
// maybe install npm/bower dependiecies
// symlinks
remote.exec('ln -nfs '+remote.runtime.releasedir+'/'+remote.runtime.release+' '+remote.runtime.appdir);
remote.exec('chgrp -R www-data '+remote.runtime.appdir);
remote.exec('chmod -R ug+rwx '+remote.runtime.appdir);
// env file
remote.with('cd '+remote.runtime.releasedir+'/'+remote.runtime.release, function() {
remote.exec('ln -nfs ../../.env .env');
remote.exec('chgrp -h www-data .env');
// Logs
remote.exec('rm -r '+remote.runtime.releasedir+'/'+remote.runtime.release+'/storage/logs');
remote.with('cd '+remote.runtime.releasedir+'/'+remote.runtime.release+'/storage', function(){
remote.exec('ln -nfs ../../../logs logs');
remote.exec('chgrp -h www-data logs');
// Update Currente Site
remote.exec('ln -nfs '+remote.runtime.releasedir+'/'+remote.runtime.release+' '+remote.runtime.appdir);
remote.exec('chgrp -h www-data '+remote.runtime.appdir);
// Reload the Application
remote.log('Reload application');
remote.exec('sudo service php5-fpm reload');
if (remote.runtime.maxDeploys > 0) {
remote.log('Cleaning up old deploys...');
remote.with('cd '+remote.runtime.www, function(){
remote.exec('rm -rf `ls -1dt releases/* | tail -n +' + (remote.runtime.maxDeploys+1) + '`');
remote.log('Successfully deployed in ' +remote.runtime.release);
remote.log('To rollback to the previous version run "fly rollback:production"');
plan.remote('rollback', function(remote) {
remote.with('cd ' + remote.runtime.www, function() {
var command = remote.exec('ls -1dt releases/* | head -n 2', { silent: true });
var versions = command.stdout.trim().split('\n');
if (versions.length < 2) {
return remote.log('No version to rollback to');
var lastVersion = versions[0];
var previousVersion = versions[1];
remote.log('Rolling back from ' + lastVersion + ' to ' + previousVersion);
remote.exec('ln -fsn ' + previousVersion + ' app');
// remove the bad build
remote.exec('rm -rf ' + lastVersion);
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