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Created October 29, 2021 16:16
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use super::*;
use std::collections::VecDeque;
pub type InferMeta = (Span, TyVar);
pub type InferNode<T> = Node<T, InferMeta>;
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum TyInfo {
Record(HashMap<Ident, TyVar>),
Func(TyVar, TyVar),
Data(DataId, Vec<TyVar>),
Gen(Ident, GenScopeId),
pub enum InferError {
Mismatch(TyVar, TyVar),
NoSuchField(TyVar, SrcNode<Ident>),
InvalidUnaryOp(SrcNode<ast::UnaryOp>, TyVar),
InvalidBinaryOp(SrcNode<ast::BinaryOp>, TyVar, TyVar),
enum Constraint {
// (record, field_name, field)
Access(TyVar, SrcNode<Ident>, TyVar),
Unary(SrcNode<ast::UnaryOp>, TyVar, TyVar),
Binary(SrcNode<ast::BinaryOp>, TyVar, TyVar, TyVar),
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct TyVar(usize);
pub struct Infer<'a> {
ctx: &'a mut Context,
gen_scope: Option<GenScopeId>,
vars: Vec<(Span, TyInfo)>,
constraints: VecDeque<Constraint>,
errors: Vec<InferError>,
impl<'a> Infer<'a> {
pub fn new(ctx: &'a mut Context, gen_scope: Option<GenScopeId>) -> Self {
Self {
vars: Vec::new(),
constraints: VecDeque::new(),
errors: Vec::new(),
pub fn ctx(&self) -> &Context { self.ctx }
pub fn ctx_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Context { self.ctx }
pub fn gen_scope(&self) -> Option<GenScopeId> {
fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (TyVar, TyInfo)> + '_ {
.map(|i| (TyVar(i), self.vars[i].1.clone()))
fn follow(&self, ty: TyVar) -> TyVar {
match &self.vars[ty.0].1 {
TyInfo::Ref(x) => self.follow(*x),
_ => ty,
fn set_info(&mut self, ty: TyVar, info: TyInfo) {
match self.vars[ty.0].1.clone() {
TyInfo::Ref(x) => self.set_info(x, info),
_ => self.vars[ty.0].1 = info,
fn info(&self, ty: TyVar) -> TyInfo {
fn span(&self, ty: TyVar) -> Span {
fn follow_info(&self, ty: TyVar) -> TyInfo {
match &self.vars[ty.0].1 {
TyInfo::Ref(x) => self.follow_info(*x),
info => info.clone(),
pub fn insert(&mut self, span: Span, info: TyInfo) -> TyVar {
let id = TyVar(self.vars.len());
self.vars.push((span, info));
pub fn instantiate(&mut self, ty: TyId, f: &impl Fn(Ident, &Context) -> TyVar) -> TyVar {
let info = match self.ctx.tys.get(ty) {
Ty::Error => TyInfo::Error,
Ty::Prim(prim) => TyInfo::Prim(prim),
Ty::List(item) => TyInfo::List(self.instantiate(item, f)),
Ty::Tuple(items) => TyInfo::Tuple(items
.map(|item| self.instantiate(item, f))
Ty::Record(fields) => TyInfo::Record(fields
.map(|(name, field)| (name, self.instantiate(field, f)))
Ty::Func(i, o) => TyInfo::Func(self.instantiate(i, f), self.instantiate(o, f)),
Ty::Data(data, params) => TyInfo::Data(data, params
.map(|param| self.instantiate(param, f))
Ty::Gen(name, scope) => TyInfo::Ref(f(name, self.ctx)), // TODO: Check scope is valid for recursive scopes
self.insert(self.ctx.tys.get_span(ty), info)
pub fn unknown(&mut self, span: Span) -> TyVar {
self.insert(span, TyInfo::Unknown)
// pub fn usage(&mut self, span: Span, ty: TyVar) -> TyVar {
// self.insert(span, TyInfo::Ref(ty))
// }
pub fn make_access(&mut self, record: TyVar, field_name: SrcNode<Ident>, field: TyVar) {
self.constraints.push_back(Constraint::Access(record, field_name, field));
pub fn make_unary(&mut self, op: SrcNode<ast::UnaryOp>, a: TyVar, output: TyVar) {
self.constraints.push_back(Constraint::Unary(op, a, output));
pub fn make_binary(&mut self, op: SrcNode<ast::BinaryOp>, a: TyVar, b: TyVar, output: TyVar) {
self.constraints.push_back(Constraint::Binary(op, a, b, output));
pub fn make_eq(&mut self, x: TyVar, y: TyVar) {
if x == y { return } // If the vars are equal, we have no need to check equivalence
match (, {
// Follow references
(TyInfo::Ref(x), _) => self.make_eq(x, y),
(_, TyInfo::Ref(y)) => self.make_eq(x, y),
(TyInfo::Error, _) => self.set_info(y, TyInfo::Ref(x)),
(_, TyInfo::Error) => self.set_info(x, TyInfo::Ref(y)),
(_, TyInfo::Unknown) => self.set_info(y, TyInfo::Ref(x)),
(TyInfo::Unknown, _) => self.set_info(x, TyInfo::Ref(y)),
(TyInfo::Prim(x), TyInfo::Prim(y)) if x == y => {},
(TyInfo::List(x), TyInfo::List(y)) => self.make_eq(x, y),
(TyInfo::Tuple(xs), TyInfo::Tuple(ys)) if xs.len() == ys.len() => xs
.for_each(|(x, y)| self.make_eq(x, y)),
(TyInfo::Record(xs), TyInfo::Record(ys)) if xs.len() == ys.len() && xs
.all(|x| ys.contains_key(x)) => xs
.for_each(|(x, x_ty)| self.make_eq(x_ty, ys[&x])),
(TyInfo::Func(x_i, x_o), TyInfo::Func(y_i, y_o)) => {
self.make_eq(x_i, y_i);
self.make_eq(x_o, y_o);
(TyInfo::Data(x_data, xs), TyInfo::Data(y_data, ys)) if x_data == y_data &&
xs.len() == ys.len() => xs
.for_each(|(x, y)| self.make_eq(x, y)),
(TyInfo::Gen(a, a_scope), TyInfo::Gen(b, b_scope)) if a == a && a_scope == b_scope => {},
(_, _) => {
// self.set_info(x, TyInfo::Error);
// self.set_info(y, TyInfo::Ref(x));
self.errors.push(InferError::Mismatch(x, y));
fn resolve(&mut self, c: Constraint) -> Option<Result<(), InferError>> {
use ast::{UnaryOp::*, BinaryOp::*};
match c {
Constraint::Access(record, field_name, field) => match self.follow_info(record) {
TyInfo::Error => {
self.set_info(field, TyInfo::Error);
// Trying to access a field on an error type counts as success because we don't want to emit more
// errors than necessary.
TyInfo::Unknown => None,
TyInfo::Record(fields) => if let Some(field_ty) = fields.get(&field_name) {
self.make_eq(*field_ty, field);
} else {
_ => Some(false),
.map(|success| if success {
} else {
self.set_info(field, TyInfo::Error);
Err(InferError::NoSuchField(record, field_name.clone()))
Constraint::Unary(op, a, output) => match (&*op, self.follow_info(a)) {
(_, TyInfo::Error) => Some(Ok(TyInfo::Error)),
(_, TyInfo::Unknown) => None,
(Neg, TyInfo::Prim(Prim::Num)) => Some(Ok(TyInfo::Prim(Prim::Num))),
(Neg, TyInfo::Prim(Prim::Nat)) => Some(Ok(TyInfo::Prim(Prim::Int))),
(Neg, TyInfo::Prim(Prim::Int)) => Some(Ok(TyInfo::Prim(Prim::Int))),
(Not, TyInfo::Prim(Prim::Bool)) => Some(Ok(TyInfo::Prim(Prim::Bool))),
_ => {
self.set_info(output, TyInfo::Error);
Some(Err(InferError::InvalidUnaryOp(op.clone(), a)))
.map(|info||info| {
// TODO: Use correct span
let result_ty = self.insert(op.span(), info);
self.make_eq(output, result_ty);
Constraint::Binary(op, a, b, output) => match (&*op, self.follow_info(a), self.follow_info(b)) {
(_, _, TyInfo::Error) => Some(Ok(TyInfo::Error)),
(_, TyInfo::Error, _) => Some(Ok(TyInfo::Error)),
(_, _, TyInfo::Unknown) => None,
(_, TyInfo::Unknown, _) => None,
(Add | Mul | Rem, TyInfo::Prim(Prim::Nat), TyInfo::Prim(Prim::Nat)) => Some(Ok(TyInfo::Prim(Prim::Nat))),
(Sub, TyInfo::Prim(Prim::Nat), TyInfo::Prim(Prim::Nat)) => Some(Ok(TyInfo::Prim(Prim::Int))),
(Div, TyInfo::Prim(Prim::Nat), TyInfo::Prim(Prim::Nat)) => Some(Ok(TyInfo::Prim(Prim::Num))),
(Add | Sub | Mul | Div | Rem, TyInfo::Prim(Prim::Num), TyInfo::Prim(Prim::Num)) => Some(Ok(TyInfo::Prim(Prim::Num))),
(Eq | NotEq | Less | LessEq | More | MoreEq, TyInfo::Prim(Prim::Nat), TyInfo::Prim(Prim::Nat)) => Some(Ok(TyInfo::Prim(Prim::Bool))),
(And | Or | Xor, TyInfo::Prim(Prim::Bool), TyInfo::Prim(Prim::Bool)) => Some(Ok(TyInfo::Prim(Prim::Bool))),
_ => {
self.set_info(output, TyInfo::Error);
Some(Err(InferError::InvalidBinaryOp(op.clone(), a, b)))
.map(|info||info| {
// TODO: Use correct span
let result_ty = self.insert(op.span(), info);
self.make_eq(output, result_ty);
fn resolve_constraints(&mut self) {
let mut tries = self.constraints.len();
while let (Some(c), true) = (self.constraints.pop_front(), tries > 0) {
tries -= 1;
match self.resolve(c.clone()) {
// Constraint resolved
Some(res) => {
// Record any errors while resolving the constraint
if let Err(e) = res {
tries = self.constraints.len();
None => self.constraints.push_back(c), // Still unresolved...
pub fn into_checked(mut self) -> (Checked<'a>, Vec<Error>) {
let mut errors = std::mem::take(&mut self.errors);
// Report errors for types that cannot be inferred
for (ty, info) in self.iter() {
if matches!(info, TyInfo::Unknown) {
let mut checked = Checked { infer: self };
let errors = errors
.map(|error| match error {
InferError::Mismatch(a, b) => Error::Mismatch(checked.reify(a), checked.reify(b)),
InferError::CannotInfer(a) => Error::CannotInfer(checked.reify(a)),
InferError::NoSuchField(a, field) => Error::NoSuchField(checked.reify(a), field),
InferError::InvalidUnaryOp(op, a) => Error::InvalidUnaryOp(op, checked.reify(a), checked.infer.span(a)),
InferError::InvalidBinaryOp(op, a, b) => Error::InvalidBinaryOp(op, checked.reify(a), checked.infer.span(a), checked.reify(b), checked.infer.span(b)),
(checked, errors)
pub struct Checked<'a> { infer: Infer<'a> }
impl<'a> Checked<'a> {
fn reify_inner(&mut self, var: TyVar) -> TyId {
let ty = match {
// Follow references
TyInfo::Ref(x) => return self.reify_inner(x),
// Unknown types are treated as errors from here on out
TyInfo::Error | TyInfo::Unknown => Ty::Error,
TyInfo::Prim(prim) => Ty::Prim(prim),
TyInfo::List(item) => Ty::List(self.reify_inner(item)),
TyInfo::Tuple(items) => Ty::Tuple(items
.map(|item| self.reify_inner(item))
TyInfo::Record(fields) => Ty::Record(fields
.map(|(name, field)| (name, self.reify_inner(field)))
TyInfo::Func(i, o) => Ty::Func(self.reify_inner(i), self.reify_inner(o)),
TyInfo::Data(data, args) => Ty::Data(data, args
.map(|arg| self.reify_inner(arg))
TyInfo::Gen(name, scope) => Ty::Gen(name, scope),
self.infer.ctx.tys.insert(self.infer.span(var), ty)
pub fn reify(&mut self, ty: TyVar) -> TyId {
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