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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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> /(aaa)bbb/.exec("aaabbbccc") // lookbehind?
["aaabbb", "aaa"]
> /([^a]{3})bbb/.exec("dddbbbeee") // negative lookbehind?
["dddbbb", "ddd"]
// Negative lookbehind regex in Javascript
newString = string.replace(/([abcdefg])?m/, function($0,$1){ return $1?$0:'m';});
// examples of lookbehind
"Lookahead".replace(/(Look?)ahead/, function($0,$1){ return $1?$1+"behind":$0;})
> Lookbehind
"Lookahead".replace(/(See?)ahead/, function($0,$1){ return $1?$1+"behind":$0;})
> Lookahead
"Lookahead".replace(/([^Look])?ahead/, function($0,$1){ return $1?$0:'behind';})
> Lookbehind
String.prototype.lookbehind = function(p) {
var s = new RegExp(p.replace(/\(\?<([=!])(.+)\)(.+)/,function($0,$1,$2,$3){return ($1=="!"?"[^"+$2+"]":$2)+"(" + $3 + ")";})).exec(this);
return s?(s[1]?s[1]:s[0]):null;
> 2
> null
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