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Created July 23, 2020 17:14
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% ~/go/bin/kops create cluster \
--cloud openstack \
--name calc.k8s.local \
--state ${KOPS_STATE_STORE} \
--zones zone-1 \
--network-cidr \
--image debian-10-260520-devops \
--master-count=3 \
--node-count=2 \
--node-size m1.medium \
--master-size m1.medium \
--etcd-storage-type solidfire \
--topology private \
--bastion \
--networking calico \
--api-loadbalancer-type public \
--os-kubelet-ignore-az=true \
--os-ext-net int-net \
I0723 20:09:42.641374 40730 s3context.go:92] Found S3_ENDPOINT="", using as non-AWS S3 backend
W0723 20:09:42.924296 40730 new_cluster.go:657] Running with masters in the same AZs; redundancy will be reduced
I0723 20:09:44.387841 40730 subnets.go:184] Assigned CIDR to subnet zone-1
I0723 20:09:44.387915 40730 subnets.go:198] Assigned CIDR to subnet utility-zone-1
I0723 20:09:46.854238 40730 create_cluster.go:693] Using SSH public key: /Users/jessehaka/.ssh/
Previewing changes that will be made:
I0723 20:09:49.453449 40730 apply_cluster.go:423] Gossip DNS: skipping DNS validation
I0723 20:09:50.996155 40730 executor.go:103] Tasks: 0 done / 124 total; 53 can run
W0723 20:09:51.093735 40730 vfs_castore.go:604] CA private key was not found
I0723 20:09:54.181590 40730 executor.go:103] Tasks: 53 done / 124 total; 45 can run
I0723 20:09:55.137208 40730 executor.go:103] Tasks: 98 done / 124 total; 8 can run
I0723 20:09:55.993158 40730 executor.go:103] Tasks: 106 done / 124 total; 0 can run
error running tasks: Unable to execute tasks (circular dependency): Instance/nodes-1-calc-k8s-local, LBListener/api.calc.k8s.local, PoolAssociation/calc.k8s.local-master-zone-1-1, BootstrapScript/nodes, Instance/master-zone-1-3-1-calc-k8s-local, PoolAssociation/calc.k8s.local-master-zone-1-2, Instance/nodes-2-calc-k8s-local, Instance/bastions-1-calc-k8s-local, Instance/master-zone-1-1-1-calc-k8s-local, BootstrapScript/master-zone-1-1, FloatingIP/fip-api.calc.k8s.local, LBPool/api.calc.k8s.local-https, BootstrapScript/master-zone-1-3, LB/api.calc.k8s.local, Instance/master-zone-1-2-1-calc-k8s-local, FloatingIP/fip-bastions-1-calc-k8s-local, PoolAssociation/calc.k8s.local-master-zone-1-3, BootstrapScript/master-zone-1-2
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