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Created November 18, 2012 15:35
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Textmate grammer
bracketed_content = {
name = 'meta.bracketed.objc';
begin = '\[';
end = '\]';
beginCaptures = { 0 = { name = 'punctuation.section.scope.begin.objc'; }; };
endCaptures = { 0 = { name = 'punctuation.section.scope.end.objc'; }; };
patterns = (
{ name = 'meta.function-call.predicate.objc';
begin = '(?=predicateWithFormat:)(?<=NSPredicate )(predicateWithFormat:)';
end = '(?=\])';
beginCaptures = {
1 = { name = 'support.function.any-method.objc'; };
2 = { name = 'punctuation.separator.arguments.objc'; };
patterns = (
{ name = '';
match = '\bargument(Array|s)(:)';
captures = { 1 = { name = 'punctuation.separator.arguments.objc'; }; };
{ name = 'invalid.illegal.unknown-method.objc';
match = '\b\w+(:)';
captures = { 1 = { name = 'punctuation.separator.arguments.objc'; }; };
{ name = 'string.quoted.double.objc';
begin = '@"';
end = '"';
beginCaptures = { 0 = { name = 'punctuation.definition.string.begin.objc'; }; };
endCaptures = { 0 = { name = 'punctuation.definition.string.end.objc'; }; };
patterns = (
{ name = 'keyword.operator.logical.predicate.cocoa';
match = '\b(AND|OR|NOT|IN)\b';
{ name = 'constant.language.predicate.cocoa';
match = '\b(ALL|ANY|SOME|NONE)\b';
{ name = 'constant.language.predicate.cocoa';
{ name = 'keyword.operator.comparison.predicate.cocoa';
{ name = 'keyword.other.modifier.predicate.cocoa';
match = '\bC(ASEINSENSITIVE|I)\b';
{ name = 'keyword.other.predicate.cocoa';
{ name = 'constant.character.escape.objc';
match = '\\(\\|[abefnrtv''"?]|[0-3]\d{,2}|[4-7]\d?|x[a-zA-Z0-9]+)';
{ name = 'invalid.illegal.unknown-escape.objc';
match = '\\.';
{ include = '#special_variables'; },
{ include = '#c_functions'; },
{ include = '$base'; },
{ name = 'meta.function-call.objc';
begin = '(?=\w)(?<=[\w\])"] )(\w+(?:(:)|(?=\])))';
end = '(?=\])';
beginCaptures = {
1 = { name = 'support.function.any-method.objc'; };
2 = { name = 'punctuation.separator.arguments.objc'; };
patterns = (
{ name = '';
match = '\b\w+(:)';
captures = { 1 = { name = 'punctuation.separator.arguments.objc'; }; };
{ include = '#special_variables'; },
{ include = '#c_functions'; },
{ include = '$base'; },
{ include = '#special_variables'; },
{ include = '#c_functions'; },
{ include = '$self'; },
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