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Created February 2, 2017 14:53
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# Custom Drupal 7 theme
Uses Node.js, Gulp, BrowserSync for Sass compiling, task running and Browser Syncing.
## Requirements
- Node.js - Install node.js. If you have “homebrew” - $ brew install node
- LibSass - Install libsass - $ npm install node-sass
- Gulp.js - Install gulp globally - $ npm install gulp -g
- BrowserSync - Install BrowserSync - $ npm install -g browser-sync
## Installation
- CD into the theme directory and run $ npm install to fetch all required dependencies.
- For BrowserSync update proxy server in gulpfile.js to match your local environment. NOTE: BrowserSync will not work with default drupal `@import`. You will need "Link CSS" module to convert to `<link>` element.
- CD into the theme directory and run “gulp” to start gulp watching, compiling and Browser Syncing.
## Mobile First Design & Layout
This is a Mobile first design that uses "min-width".
Default styles will apply to mobile devices, everything up from there needs to be added by "@include mq($from: tablet) {...}".
- Refer to "utils/variables.scss" for established breakpoints.
- Add a "tabletish" breakpoint by: "@include mq($from: tablet) {...}".
- Add a "large / desktop" by: "@include mq($from: desktop) {...}".
## Styleguied
### Don’ts
- Avoid using HTML tags in CSS selectors
- E.g. Prefer `.o-modal {}` over `div.o-modal {}`
- Always prefer using a class over HTML tags (with some exceptions like CSS resets)
- Don't use ids in selectors
- `#header` is overly specific compared to, for example `.header` and is much harder to override
- Read more about the headaches associated with IDs in CSS [here](
- Don’t nest more than 3 levels deep
- Nesting selectors increases specificity, meaning that overriding any CSS set therein needs to be targeted with an even more specific selector. This quickly becomes a significant maintenance issue.
- Avoid using nesting for anything other than pseudo selectors and state selectors.
- E.g. nesting `:hover`, `:focus`, `::before`, etc. is OK, but nesting selectors inside selectors should be avoided.
- Don't `!important`
- Ever.
- If you must, leave a comment, and prioritise resolving specificity issues before resorting to `!important`.
- `!important` greatly increases the power of a CSS rule, making it extremely tough to override in the future. It’s only possible to override with another `!important` rule later in the cascade.
- Don’t use `margin-top`.
- Vertical margins [collapse]( Always prefer `padding-top` or`margin-bottom` on preceding elements
- Avoid shorthand properties (unless you really need them)
- It can be tempting to use, for instance, `background: #fff` instead of `background-color: #fff`, but doing so overrides other values encapsulated by the shorthand property. (In this case, `background-image` and its associative properties are set to “none.”
- This applies to all properties with a shorthand: border, margin, padding, font, etc.
### Spacing
- Two spaces for indenting code
- Put spaces after `:` in property declarations
- E.g. `color: red;` instead of `color:red;`
- Put spaces before `{` in rule declarations
- E.g. `.o-modal {` instead of `.o-modal{`
- Write your CSS one line per rule
- Add a line break after `}` closing rule declarations
- When grouping selectors, keep individual selectors on a single line
- Place closing braces `}` on a new line
- Add a new line at the end of .scss files
- Trim excess whitespace
In general follow Drupal Coding standards:
### Formatting
- All selectors are lower case, hyphen separated aka “spinal case” eg. `.my-class-name`
- Always prefer Sass’s double-slash `//` commenting, even for block comments
- Avoid specifying units for zero values, e.g. `margin: 0;` instead of `margin: 0px;`
- Always add a semicolon to the end of a property/value rule
- Use leading zeros for decimal values `opacity: 0.4;` instead of `opacity: .4;`
- Put spaces before and after child selector `div > span` instead of `div>span`
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