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Last active June 23, 2021 22:04
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Fontim, cross platform font path finding in Nim
import os, strformat, options
## Get the locations(paths) of a given `font` in a string
func getFontsDir(): seq[string] =
when defined(windows):
# TODO use winim to get Windows installation location
result = @[r"C:\Windows\Fonts\"]
elif defined(macosx):
result = @[r"/Library/Fonts"]
elif defined(linux):
# Might also be possible to leverage libfontconfig here
result = @[
proc getFontPath*(name: string, slant = "Sans", suffix = "-Regular"): Option[string] =
## Returns the path of a font
fontDir = getFontsDir()
fontName = fmt"{name}{slant}{suffix}.ttf"
for dir in fontDir:
# Iterate over all the files in the font directories
for filePath in dir.walkDirRec:
echo filePath.extractFilename
# Check if the filename matches, if so we found our font file!
if filePath.extractFilename == fontName:
echo filePath
return some(filePath)
# In case we didn't find anything
result = none[string]()
# To run these tests, simply execute `nimble test`.
import unittest, options
import fontim
test "finds Noto Regular":
assert getFontPath("Noto") == some("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/noto/NotoSans-Regular.ttf")
test "find IBM Plex Mono Bold":
assert getFontPath(name = "IBMPlex", slant= "Mono", suffix="-Bold") == some("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ibm-plex/IBMPlexMono-Bold.ttf")
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