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Last active June 15, 2021 14:33
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My Fennel Story
(module magic.init
{autoload {plugin magic.plugin
nvim aniseed.nvim}})
;;; Introduction
;; Aniseed compiles this (and all other Fennel files under fnl) into the lua
;; directory. The init.lua file is configured to load this file when ready.
;; We'll use modules, macros and functions to define our configuration and
;; required plugins. We can use Aniseed to evaluate code as we edit it or just
;; restart Neovim.
;; You can learn all about Conjure and how to evaluate things by executing
;; :ConjureSchool in your Neovim. This will launch an interactive tutorial.
;;; Generic configuration
(set nvim.o.termguicolors true)
(set nvim.o.mouse "a")
(set nvim.o.updatetime 500)
(set nvim.o.timeoutlen 500)
(set nvim.o.sessionoptions "blank,curdir,folds,help,tabpages,winsize")
(set nvim.o.inccommand :split)
(nvim.ex.set :spell)
(nvim.ex.set :list)
;;; Mappings
(set nvim.g.mapleader " ")
(set nvim.g.maplocalleader ",")
;;; Plugins
;; Run script/ to update, install and clean your plugins.
;; Packer configuration format:
:Olical/aniseed {} ;; Fennel, the better Lua for NeoVim
:Olical/conjure {} ;; NeoEmacs
:tami5/compe-conjure {} ;; Even easier Lisping in NeoVim
:nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter {} ;; Fine-grained structural editing for everyone
:kyazdani42/nvim-tree.lua ;; Treemacs for my cute NeoVim
:folke/which-key.nvim {} ;; Guided transcendence
:hrsh7th/nvim-compe {} ;; Autocompletion so I don't use my brain
:jiangmiao/auto-pairs {:config (plugin.req :auto-pairs)} ;; Autocomplete even the tiniest things
:sainnhe/gruvbox-material {} ;; Subjectively objectively the best theme
:hoob3rt/lualine {} ;; Displays stuff that I don't read anyway
:lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim {} ;; Pretty colors for Git changes
:ggandor/lightspeed.nvim {} ;; Supercharged EasyMotion, using Fennel
:liuchengxu/vim-better-default {:config (plugin.req :better-default)} ;; Better defaults
:mbbill/undotree {} ;; See my mistakes in a tree view!
:b3nj5m1n/kommentary {} ;; Commenting made easy
:guns/vim-sexp {} ;; Precision editing for S-expressions
:junegunn/vim-easy-align {} ;; Aligning text made easy
:tpope/vim-eunuch {} ;; Unix helpers for operations
:tpope/vim-repeat {} ;; Repeat motions using `.`
:tpope/vim-sleuth {} ;; Automatic indentation settings
:tpope/vim-surround {} ;; Surround text with pairs
:wbthomason/packer.nvim {} ;; A very nice package manager
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