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Created February 18, 2018 18:25
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Really barebones start of a parser combinator in ReasonML/OCaml
type result('a) =
| Success('a)
| Failure(string);
/* Encapsulate a parsing function in a type */
type parser('a) =
| Parser(string => result(('a, string)));
let reduce = (fn, list) =>
switch list {
| [] => raise(Not_found)
| [x, ...xs] => List.fold_left(fn, x, xs)
let parse_char = charToMatch => {
let innerFn = str =>
if (String.length(str) == 0) {
Failure("No more input!");
} else {
let first = str.[0];
if (first == charToMatch) {
let remaining = str |> Js.String.sliceToEnd(~from=1);
let strChar = String.make(1, charToMatch);
let res = (strChar, remaining);
} else {
let msg =
Printf.sprintf("Expected '%c'. Got '%c'", charToMatch, first);
/* Return the inner function in a Parser type */
/* Helper function that extracts innerFn and runs it against the input */
let run = (parser, input) => {
let Parser(innerFn) = parser;
/* helper function that lifts a normal function into a Parser function*/
let mapP = (f, parser) => {
let innerFn = input => {
/* run parser with input*/
let result = run(parser, input);
/* test for failure or success*/
switch result {
| Failure(err) => Failure(err)
| Success(x) =>
let (value, remaining) = x;
let newValue =
f(value); /* On success return the value transformed by f */
let res = (newValue, remaining);
/* Compose two parsers into a sequence */
let andThen = (parser1, parser2) => {
let innerFn = input => {
let result1 = run(parser1, input);
switch result1 {
| Failure(err) => Failure(err)
| Success(x) =>
let (value1, remaining1) = x;
let result2 = run(parser2, remaining1);
switch result2 {
| Failure(err) => Failure(err)
| Success(x) =>
let (value2, remaining2) = x;
let newValue = (value1, value2);
let res = (newValue, remaining2);
/* orElse matches `A` or `B` */
let orElse = (parser1: parser('a), parser2: parser('a)) : parser('a) => {
let innerFn = input => {
let result1 = run(parser1, input);
switch result1 {
| Success(_result) => result1
| Failure(_err) =>
let result2 = run(parser2, input);
/* returnP transforms a normal value into a Parser value*/
let returnP = x => {
let innerFn = input => {
let res = (x, input);
let applyP = (fP, xP) => andThen(fP, xP) |> mapP(((f, x)) => f(x));
/* Choose from a list of parsers*/
let choice = listOfParsers => reduce(orElse, listOfParsers);
/* Choose any of a list of chars */
let anyOf = listOfChars => listOfChars |> |> choice;
/* Test it out */
let parseA = parse_char('A');
let parseB = parse_char('B');
let parseA_then_B = parseB |> andThen(parseA);
let parseA_OrElse_B = parseB |> orElse(parseA);
let firstTest = run(parseA_then_B, "ABC"); /* test the andThen combinator */
let secondTest = run(parseA_OrElse_B, "AFD"); /* test the orElse combinator */
/* Testing choosing from a list of parsers */
let parseLowercase = anyOf(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'z']);
let parseDigit = anyOf(['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']);
let parseThreeDigitsAsStr = {
let parsedfirst = andThen(parseDigit, parseDigit);
let tupleParser = andThen(parsedfirst, parseDigit);
let transformTuple = (((c1, c2), c3)) => Js.Array.join([|c1, c2, c3|]);
mapP(transformTuple, tupleParser);
let parseThreeDigitsAsInt = mapP(int_of_string, parseThreeDigitsAsStr);
let thirdTest = run(parseLowercase, "aBC");
let fourthTest = run(parseDigit, "1ABC");
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