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Created November 6, 2023 13:29
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;
import {FunctionsClient} from "@chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/functions/dev/v1_0_0/FunctionsClient.sol";
import {ConfirmedOwner} from "@chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/shared/access/ConfirmedOwner.sol";
import {FunctionsRequest} from "@chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/functions/dev/v1_0_0/libraries/FunctionsRequest.sol";
* @title Chainlink Functions example on-demand consumer contract example
contract FunctionsConsumer is FunctionsClient, ConfirmedOwner {
using FunctionsRequest for FunctionsRequest.Request;
bytes32 public donId; // DON ID for the Functions DON to which the requests are sent
bytes32 public s_lastRequestId;
bytes public s_lastResponse;
bytes public s_lastError;
constructor(address router, bytes32 _donId) FunctionsClient(router) ConfirmedOwner(msg.sender) {
donId = _donId;
* @notice Set the DON ID
* @param newDonId New DON ID
function setDonId(bytes32 newDonId) external onlyOwner {
donId = newDonId;
* @notice Triggers an on-demand Functions request using remote encrypted secrets
* @param source JavaScript source code
* @param secretsLocation Location of secrets (only Location.Remote & Location.DONHosted are supported)
* @param encryptedSecretsReference Reference pointing to encrypted secrets
* @param args String arguments passed into the source code and accessible via the global variable `args`
* @param bytesArgs Bytes arguments passed into the source code and accessible via the global variable `bytesArgs` as hex strings
* @param subscriptionId Subscription ID used to pay for request (FunctionsConsumer contract address must first be added to the subscription)
* @param callbackGasLimit Maximum amount of gas used to call the inherited `handleOracleFulfillment` method
function sendRequest(
string calldata source,
FunctionsRequest.Location secretsLocation,
bytes calldata encryptedSecretsReference,
string[] calldata args,
bytes[] calldata bytesArgs,
uint64 subscriptionId,
uint32 callbackGasLimit
) external onlyOwner {
FunctionsRequest.Request memory req;
req.initializeRequest(FunctionsRequest.Location.Inline, FunctionsRequest.CodeLanguage.JavaScript, source);
req.secretsLocation = secretsLocation;
req.encryptedSecretsReference = encryptedSecretsReference;
if (args.length > 0) {
if (bytesArgs.length > 0) {
s_lastRequestId = _sendRequest(req.encodeCBOR(), subscriptionId, callbackGasLimit, donId);
* @notice Store latest result/error
* @param requestId The request ID, returned by sendRequest()
* @param response Aggregated response from the user code
* @param err Aggregated error from the user code or from the execution pipeline
* Either response or error parameter will be set, but never both
function fulfillRequest(bytes32 requestId, bytes memory response, bytes memory err) internal override {
s_lastResponse = response;
s_lastError = err;
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