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Created February 12, 2016 08:36
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Different implementations of map in F#
let time func =
let start = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.GetTimestamp()
func ()
let ende = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.GetTimestamp()
float (ende - start) / float System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.Frequency * 1000.0
let timeavg name func =
let times = 100
let result = time (fun _ -> for i in 1..times do (func () |> ignore))
printfn "%A took %f ms" name (float result / float times)
let generate n =
let rec loop rest acc =
if rest > 0 then loop (rest - 1) (rest :: acc) else acc
loop n []
let reverse lst =
let rec loop rest acc =
match rest with
| car :: cdr -> loop cdr (car :: acc)
| [] -> acc
loop lst []
let rec mapcat1 pred lst =
match lst with
| car :: cdr -> (pred car) :: (mapcat1 pred cdr)
| [] -> []
let mapcat2 pred lst =
let rec loop rest acc =
match rest with
| car :: cdr -> loop cdr (pred car :: acc)
| [] -> acc
loop lst []
let mapcat3 pred lst =
let rec loop rest acc =
match rest with
| car :: cdr -> loop cdr (acc @ [pred car])
| [] -> acc
loop lst []
let mapcat4 pred lst =
mapcat2 pred lst |> reverse
let mapcat5 pred lst =
mapcat2 pred lst |> mapcat2 (fun x -> x)
let mapcat6 pred lst =
let rec loop rest cont =
match rest with
| car :: cdr -> loop cdr (fun acc -> cont (pred car :: acc))
| [] -> cont []
loop lst (fun x -> x)
let count = 25000
let l = generate count
let square x = x * x
let timeavgl name func = timeavg name (fun _ -> func square l)
timeavgl "recursive" mapcat1
timeavgl "tail-recursive (cons)" mapcat2
// timeavgl "tail-recursive (append)" mapcat3 - commented out since it's quadratic
timeavgl "tail-recursive (cons) + reverse" mapcat4
timeavgl "tail-recursive (cons) + reverse (via map)" mapcat5
timeavgl "tail-recursive (continuations)" mapcat6
timeavgl "standard"
type Cell =
val car: int
val mutable cdr: Cell
new (car_, cdr_) = { car = car_; cdr = cdr_; }
let nil: Cell = Unchecked.defaultof<Cell>
let cons car cdr = Cell(car, cdr)
let generate_mut n =
let rec loop rest acc =
if rest > 0 then loop (rest - 1) (cons rest acc) else acc
loop n nil
let rec mapcat1_mut pred lst =
if System.Object.ReferenceEquals(lst, null) then lst
else cons (pred (mapcat1_mut pred lst.cdr)
let mapcat2_mut pred lst =
let rec loop (rest: Cell) (last: Cell) =
if System.Object.ReferenceEquals(rest, null) then
let cell = cons (pred nil
last.cdr <- cell
loop rest.cdr cell
let head = Cell(0, nil)
let res = loop lst head
let mapcat3_mut pred (lst: Cell) =
if System.Object.ReferenceEquals(lst, null) then
let result = cons (pred nil
let mutable last = result
let mutable rest = lst.cdr
while not (System.Object.ReferenceEquals(rest, null)) do
let cell = cons (pred nil
last.cdr <- cell
last <- cell
rest <- rest.cdr
let l_mut = generate_mut count
let timeavgl_mut name func = timeavg name (fun _ -> func square l_mut)
timeavgl_mut "mutable recursive" mapcat1_mut
timeavgl_mut "mutable tail-recursive" mapcat2_mut
timeavgl_mut "mutable loop" mapcat3_mut
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