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Last active June 8, 2022 05:03
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Advent of Code 2021 Day 13 - Written for:
from zef.ops import * # don't forget to import ZefOps module from zef
str_points: str = """..."""
str_folds: str = """..."""
points = (str_points
| split["\n"] # ["897,393", "...]
| map[split[","] | map[int]] # [[897,393], [...]
| collect)
foldings = (str_folds
| split["\n"] # ["fold along y=6", ...]
| map[split[" "] | last | split["="]] # [["y", "6"], [...]
| map[lambda p: (int(p[0] == 'y'), int(p[1]))] # [(1, 6), ..]
| collect)
def fold(points: set, fold_info: tuple) -> set:
axis, val = fold_info
new_coordinate = lambda p: ( (p[0], val - (p[axis] - val)) if axis == 1 else (val - (p[axis] - val), p[1]) )
dispatch = lambda p: new_coordinate(p) if p[axis] > val else tuple(p)
return set(
| map[dispatch]
| collect
def output(points):
for y in range((points | map[second] | max | collect) + 1):
for x in range((points | map[first] | max | collect) + 1):
if (x,y) in points: print("🟨🟨", end="")
else: print("⬜️⬜️", end="")
# Part 1 - Result
fold(points, foldings[0]) | length | run[print]
# Part 2 - Result
foldings | reduce[fold][points] | run[output]
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