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Last active March 13, 2023 11:52
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HTTP C# server
// Modified from:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
namespace MyNamespace
class HTTPServer
private static readonly string[] indexFiles =
private static readonly Dictionary<string, string> mimeTypes = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
{".asf", "video/x-ms-asf"},
{".asx", "video/x-ms-asf"},
{".avi", "video/x-msvideo"},
{".bin", "application/octet-stream"},
{".cco", "application/x-cocoa"},
{".crt", "application/x-x509-ca-cert"},
{".css", "text/css"},
{".deb", "application/octet-stream"},
{".der", "application/x-x509-ca-cert"},
{".dll", "application/octet-stream"},
{".dmg", "application/octet-stream"},
{".ear", "application/java-archive"},
{".eot", "application/octet-stream"},
{".exe", "application/octet-stream"},
{".flv", "video/x-flv"},
{".gif", "image/gif"},
{".hqx", "application/mac-binhex40"},
{".htc", "text/x-component"},
{".htm", "text/html"},
{".html", "text/html"},
{".ico", "image/x-icon"},
{".img", "application/octet-stream"},
{".iso", "application/octet-stream"},
{".jar", "application/java-archive"},
{".jardiff", "application/x-java-archive-diff"},
{".jng", "image/x-jng"},
{".jnlp", "application/x-java-jnlp-file"},
{".jpeg", "image/jpeg"},
{".jpg", "image/jpeg"},
{".js", "application/x-javascript"},
{".mml", "text/mathml"},
{".mng", "video/x-mng"},
{".mov", "video/quicktime"},
{".mp3", "audio/mpeg"},
{".mpeg", "video/mpeg"},
{".mpg", "video/mpeg"},
{".msi", "application/octet-stream"},
{".msm", "application/octet-stream"},
{".msp", "application/octet-stream"},
{".pdb", "application/x-pilot"},
{".pdf", "application/pdf"},
{".pem", "application/x-x509-ca-cert"},
{".pl", "application/x-perl"},
{".pm", "application/x-perl"},
{".png", "image/png"},
{".prc", "application/x-pilot"},
{".ra", "audio/x-realaudio"},
{".rar", "application/x-rar-compressed"},
{".rpm", "application/x-redhat-package-manager"},
{".rss", "text/xml"},
{".run", "application/x-makeself"},
{".sea", "application/x-sea"},
{".shtml", "text/html"},
{".sit", "application/x-stuffit"},
{".swf", "application/x-shockwave-flash"},
{".tcl", "application/x-tcl"},
{".tk", "application/x-tcl"},
{".txt", "text/plain"},
{".war", "application/java-archive"},
{".wbmp", "image/vnd.wap.wbmp"},
{".wmv", "video/x-ms-wmv"},
{".xml", "text/xml"},
{".xpi", "application/x-xpinstall"},
{".zip", "application/zip"},
{".map", "application/json"}
private Thread thread;
private volatile bool threadActive;
private HttpListener listener;
private string path;
private string ip;
private int port;
public HTTPServer(string path, string ip, int port)
this.path = path;
this.ip = ip;
this.port = port;
public void Start()
if (thread != null) throw new Exception("WebServer already active. (Call stop first)");
thread = new Thread(Listen);
public void Stop()
// stop thread and listener
threadActive = false;
if (listener != null && listener.IsListening) listener.Stop();
// wait for thread to finish
if (thread != null)
thread = null;
// finish closing listener
if (listener != null)
listener = null;
private void Listen()
threadActive = true;
// start listener
listener = new HttpListener();
listener.Prefixes.Add(string.Format("http://{0}:{1}/", ip, port));
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("ERROR: " + e.Message);
threadActive = false;
// wait for requests
while (threadActive)
var context = listener.GetContext();
if (!threadActive) break;
catch (HttpListenerException e)
if (e.ErrorCode != 995) Console.WriteLine("ERROR: " + e.Message);
threadActive = false;
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("ERROR: " + e.Message);
threadActive = false;
private void ProcessContext(HttpListenerContext context)
// get filename path
string filename = context.Request.Url.AbsolutePath;
if (filename != null) filename = filename.Substring(1);
// get default index file if needed
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename))
foreach (string indexFile in indexFiles)
if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(path, indexFile)))
filename = indexFile;
Console.WriteLine("Loading file: " + filename);
filename = Path.Combine(path, filename);
// send file
HttpStatusCode statusCode;
if (File.Exists(filename))
using (var stream = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
// get mime type
context.Response.ContentType = mimeTypes[Path.GetExtension(filename)];
context.Response.ContentLength64 = stream.Length;
// copy file stream to response
statusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK;
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("ERROR: " + e.Message);
statusCode = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
Console.WriteLine("File not found: " + filename);
statusCode = HttpStatusCode.NotFound;
// finish
context.Response.StatusCode = (int)statusCode;
if (statusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
context.Response.AddHeader("Date", DateTime.Now.ToString("r"));
context.Response.AddHeader("Last-Modified", File.GetLastWriteTime(filename).ToString("r"));
Copy link

Fixes needed:
Add {".mp4", "video/mpeg"}, to the MIME list.
To serve file with spaces, in Proceess, decode the URL: System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(filename.Substring(1));

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