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Last active December 31, 2015 14:09
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/r/dailyprogrammer #145 - easy
#!/usr/bin/env coffee
# -/r/dailyprogrammer
# [12/16/13] Challenge #145 [Easy] Tree Generation
zipWith = (xss..., f) ->
for i in [0..-1+Math.min.apply 0, (x.length for x in xss)]
f.apply @, (xs[i] for xs in xss)
mul = (x, n) -> x for _ in [0...Math.max n, 0]
tree = (n, tr='=', le='*', sp=' ') ->
zipWith \
(mul sp, (n-i-2) for i in [0...n]),
(mul le, (2*i+1)%(2*n-1) for i in [0...n]),
(mul sp, (n-i-2) for i in [0...n]),
(mul [], n-1).concat([(mul sp, n-3).concat (mul tr, 3), (mul sp, n-3)]),
((xs, yss...) -> xs.concat.apply xs, yss)
for i in [3..7] by 2
console.log ((tree i).map (xs) -> xs.join '').join '\n'
# Output:
# *
# ***
# ===
# *
# ***
# *****
# *******
# ===
# *
# ***
# *****
# *******
# *********
# ***********
# ===
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