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Created July 22, 2015 07:10
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pigment setup adventures!

started at 11:55AM cloned ff react-haskell

seems like I got a copy of pigment here too? seems up to date

make cp src-web/index.html build/ cp: directory build does not exist make: *** [build/index.html] Error 1

ah, yeah, I think I want to have stack do some things for me ghc --version The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 7.8.3

Yeah, that's pretty out-of-date. How to upgrade again? Ah that's the current haskell platform version. This is going to be an adventure

uninstalling haskell-platform sudo uninstall-hs only 7.8.3 --remove sudo rm -rf /Library/Haskell/

downloaded new ghc etc here: wow that was hella easy ghc --version The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 7.8.4 wait I think there's supposed to be a 10 in there...

got newer version here: ghc --version The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 7.10.1 youreridingrubyonrails.jpg

cabal update cabal install stack

...and we're building - 12:30 ghc: panic! (the 'impossible' happened)

  (GHC version 7.10.1 for x86_64-apple-darwin):
	Loading temp shared object failed: dlopen(/var/folders/y8/hr8cs3hj72323rptfx_v6krr0000gn/T/ghc71960_0/libghc71960_188.dylib, 5): Symbol not found: _stackzu7GMaGBXtIhE37yQaaEjF4v_StackziTypesziPackageName_zdfBinaryPackageName_closure
  Referenced from: /var/folders/y8/hr8cs3hj72323rptfx_v6krr0000gn/T/ghc71960_0/libghc71960_188.dylib
  Expected in: flat namespace
 in /var/folders/y8/hr8cs3hj72323rptfx_v6krr0000gn/T/ghc71960_0/libghc71960_188.dylib

Please report this as a GHC bug:

fuck - 12:40 Tried to register on the haskell bug tracker but I haven't gotten the email verification email...

Found, which seems very similar Looking again, I seem to be on rc0

sigh, trying to install again... this time from seems like we're doing things the old-fashioned way didn't work the first time:

: Warning: Unrecognized field 2 on line 2
: Warning: Unrecognized field 1 on line 1
: missing id field
: invalid package identifier:
: invalid package key:
make[1]: *** [install_packages] Error 1
make: *** [install] Error 2

maybe leftovers from rc0? okay that doesn't seem very good

looking around online I notice that it's in linux brew, i wonder if it's in regular brew too brew info ghc

ghc: stable 7.10.1 (bottled)
Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System


brew install ghc 🍺 brew link --overwrite ghc Hard to say exactly how fucked my haskell situation is atm

brew install cabal-install 🍺

cabal install stack - 1:04

Since it's one, I'm out of dedicated time for now, will keep going as long as it doesn't require much attn, otherwise will continue later

damn, same error

[37 of 58] Compiling Stack.PackageIndex ( src/Stack/PackageIndex.hs, dist/build/Stack/PackageIndex.o )
ghc: panic! (the 'impossible' happened)
  (GHC version 7.10.1 for x86_64-apple-darwin):
	Loading temp shared object failed: dlopen(/var/folders/y8/hr8cs3hj72323rptfx_v6krr0000gn/T/ghc76234_0/libghc76234_188.dylib, 5): Symbol not found: _stackzu7GMaGBXtIhE37yQaaEjF4v_StackziTypesziPackageName_zdfBinaryPackageName_closure
  Referenced from: /var/folders/y8/hr8cs3hj72323rptfx_v6krr0000gn/T/ghc76234_0/libghc76234_188.dylib
  Expected in: flat namespace
 in /var/folders/y8/hr8cs3hj72323rptfx_v6krr0000gn/T/ghc76234_0/libghc76234_188.dylib Looks like I'm on to 7.10.2... aaaaaand it doesn't build (quoting problem???)

reinstalling haskell platform, going to try rolling with 7.8.3...

cabal install stack - 1:17


oh my god it built - 1:51

stack build

breaking from react stuff - 2:18

stack wants ghc-7.8.4, so we're going to get that now. Wow if I had figured out a way to make 7.10.2 work I would be real sad to downgrade of course it blows up with the same errors as before:

: Warning: Unrecognized field 2 on line 2
: Warning: Unrecognized field 1 on line 1
: missing id field
: invalid package identifier:
make[1]: *** [install_packages] Error 1
make: *** [install] Error 2

Going to have to uninstall haskell platform again, it appears back to cabal install stack - 2:27 done - 2:39

heading to spring, to be continued

my life is a party so i just got home - 1:58 am continuing

stack build

react-haskell: needed (==2.0.0 && ==2.0.0 && ==2.0.0), latest is 2.0.0, but found

cd react-haskell stack build

[ 9 of 15] Compiling React.Elements   ( src/React/Elements.hs, .stack-work/dist/x86_64-osx/Cabal- )

        Expecting one more argument to ‘ReactClass props state insig exsig’
        Expected a type,
          but ‘ReactClass props state insig exsig’ has kind ‘* -> *’
        In the type signature for ‘classParent'’:
          classParent' :: ReactClass props state insig exsig
                          -> [AttrOrHandler insig]
                             -> ReactNode insig -> props -> ReactNode exsig

        Expecting one more argument to ‘ReactClass props state insig exsig’
        Expected a type,
          but ‘ReactClass props state insig exsig’ has kind ‘* -> *’
        In the type signature for ‘classLeaf'’:
          classLeaf' :: ReactClass props state insig exsig
                        -> [AttrOrHandler insig] -> props -> ReactNode exsig

        Expecting one more argument to ‘ClassConfig props state insig exsig’
        Expected a type,
          but ‘ClassConfig props state insig exsig’ has kind ‘* -> *’
        In the type signature for ‘classParent’:
          classParent :: ClassConfig props state insig exsig
                         -> [AttrOrHandler insig]
                            -> ReactNode insig -> props -> ReactNode exsig

        Expecting one more argument to ‘ClassConfig props state insig exsig’
        Expected a type,
          but ‘ClassConfig props state insig exsig’ has kind ‘* -> *’
        In the type signature for ‘classLeaf’:
          classLeaf :: ClassConfig props state insig exsig
                       -> [AttrOrHandler insig] -> props -> ReactNode exsig


trying vagrant now...

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alexlegg commented Feb 3, 2016

I found this while searching for the Warning: Unrecognized field 2 on line 2 error messages. Eventually figured out that it's due to -n being set in GREP_OPTIONS. It prepends line numbers to package.conf.install when GHC is building and then it can't parse it later.

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