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Last active November 23, 2020 08:38
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Some parts of TAPL Chapter 3 Formalized in Agda
open import Data.Nat hiding (pred)
open import Data.Nat.Properties
open import Data.Nat.Induction
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation
open import Induction.WellFounded
import Relation.Binary.Construct.On as On
open ≤-Reasoning
-- Definition [Terms, Inductively] 3.2.2 (p26)
-- Note that `Set` means "Type"
data 𝑇 : Set where
true : 𝑇
false : 𝑇
zero : 𝑇
succ : 𝑇 → 𝑇
pred : 𝑇 → 𝑇
iszero : 𝑇 → 𝑇
if_then_else_ : 𝑇 → 𝑇 → 𝑇 → 𝑇
-- Definition 3.3.2 (p29)
size : 𝑇 → ℕ
size true = 1
size false = 1
size zero = 1
size (succ x) = suc (size x)
size (pred x) = suc (size x)
size (iszero x) = suc (size x)
size (if x then x₁ else x₂) = suc (size x + size x₁ + size x₂)
-- Note that ⊔ means "max"
depth : 𝑇 → ℕ
depth true = 1
depth false = 1
depth zero = 1
depth (succ x) = suc (depth x)
depth (pred x) = suc (depth x)
depth (iszero x) = suc (depth x)
depth (if x then x₁ else x₂) = suc (depth x ⊔ depth x₁ ⊔ depth x₂)
-- We now start our proof of 3.3.4 (p31)
-- The first is induction on depth
inductionDepth : ∀ {ℓ} (p : 𝑇 → Set ℓ)
→ (∀ s → (∀ r → depth r < depth s → p r) → p s)
→ (∀ s → p s)
-- Note that the predicate `p` does not return a boolean,
-- but rather a Set ℓ.
-- The type `p s` represents a theorem related to s (for example depth(s) ≥ 0)
-- And a value of type `p s` is a proof of the theorem
-- ℓ is the "level" of the set. We have Set₁, Set₂, ...
-- This is necessary to avoid due to Russell's paradox
-- Note that the surrounding {} means that ℓ is an implicit parameter
-- We implement the proof via well-founded induction
-- Well-founded induction allows us to show
-- (∀ s → (∀ r → r < s → p r) → p s) →
-- (∀ s → p s)
-- which holds so long as _<_ is well-founded
-- We define _<ᵈ_ as a relationship on terms, where
-- t₁ <ᵈ t₂ iff depth t₁ < depth t₂
-- This will make things easier later
_<ᵈ_ : 𝑇 → 𝑇 → Set
t₁ <ᵈ t₂ = depth t₁ < depth t₂
-- Note that _<ᵈ_ is a function that returns a Set ("type")
-- Here we show that 𝑇 is well-founded wrt the relationship _<ᵈ_
-- This is because `depth t` is a natural number, and natural numbers
-- are well-founded w.r.t to
-- This is a very easy way to show that relationships are well-founded.
-- Also note that we don't need to know anything about the implementation
-- of `depth`
<ᵈ-wf : WellFounded _<ᵈ_
<ᵈ-wf = On.wellFounded depth <-wellFounded
-- Here we prove induction on depth holds using well-founded induction
inductionDepth {ℓ} p ind = wfRec p ind
open All <ᵈ-wf ℓ
-- Induction on size proceeds similarly
_<ˢ_ : 𝑇 → 𝑇 → Set
t₁ <ˢ t₂ = size t₁ < size t₂
<ˢ-wf : WellFounded _<ˢ_
<ˢ-wf = On.wellFounded size <-wellFounded
inductionSize : ∀ {ℓ} (p : 𝑇 → Set ℓ)
→ (∀ s → (∀ r → size r < size s → p r) → p s)
→ (∀ s → p s)
inductionSize {ℓ} p ind = wfRec p ind
open All <ˢ-wf ℓ
-- For structural induction, we will define _⊂_ as the "immediate"
-- subterm relation
-- Here we define the relation.
-- The type t₁ ⊂ t₂ represents the theorem,
-- and it's inhabitants (data constructors) represents the proof
data _⊂_ : 𝑇 → 𝑇 → Set where
succ' : (t : 𝑇) → t ⊂ (succ t)
pred' : (t : 𝑇) → t ⊂ (pred t)
iszero' : (t : 𝑇) → t ⊂ (iszero t)
if' : (t u v : 𝑇) → t ⊂ (if t then u else v)
then' : (t u v : 𝑇) → u ⊂ (if t then u else v)
else' : (t u v : 𝑇) → v ⊂ (if t then u else v)
-- Now we can express the theorem
inductionStruct : ∀ {ℓ} (p : 𝑇 → Set ℓ)
→ (∀ s → (∀ r → r ⊂ s → p r) → p s)
→ (∀ s → p s)
-- Once again we will proceed via well-founded induction
⊂-wf : WellFounded _⊂_
-- To show that _⊂_ is well-founded, we will show that
-- t₁ ⊂ t₂ implies t₁ <ˢ t₂,
-- therefore 𝑇 is well-founded on _⊂_ since <ˢ is well-founded
-- First let's show the implication
subSize : ∀ {t u} → t ⊂ u → t <ˢ u
-- Note that we are "pattern matching" on the *proofs*, not terms
-- Therefore we don't need to consider cases where `u` is `zero` etc,
-- since there is no proof constructor for t ⊂ zero
-- The proofs of the unary predicates are simple, they follow directly from the
-- definition of size
subSize (succ' t) = n<1+n (size t)
subSize (pred' t) = n<1+n (size t)
subSize (iszero' t) = n<1+n (size t)
-- Proofs of the if-then-else are also relatively straightforward
-- They rely respectively on the facts, t ≤ t + u + v, u ≤ t + u + v, v ≤ t + u + v
subSize (if' t u v) = s≤s
size t ≤⟨ m≤m+n (size t) (size u) ⟩
size t + size u ≤⟨ m≤m+n (size t + size u) (size v) ⟩
size t + size u + size v
subSize (then' t u v) = s≤s
size u ≤⟨ m≤m+n (size u) (size t) ⟩
size u + size t ≡⟨ +-comm (size u) (size t) ⟩
size t + size u ≤⟨ m≤m+n (size t + size u) (size v) ⟩
size t + size u + size v
subSize (else' t u v) = s≤s
size v ≤⟨ m≤m+n (size v) (size t + size u) ⟩
size v + (size t + size u) ≡⟨ +-comm (size v) (size t + size u) ⟩
size t + size u + size v
-- We can now prove that ⊂-wf is well-founded via the implication
⊂-wf = wellFounded <ˢ-wf
open Subrelation subSize
-- We finally can prove via well-founded induction
inductionStruct {ℓ} p ind = wfRec p ind
open All ⊂-wf ℓ
-- We now define the one-step evaluation relation
-- The inference rules are the proofs that the relationship holds
data _⟶_ : 𝑇 → 𝑇 → Set where
E-IfTrue : ∀ {t₂ t₃} → if true then t₂ else t₃ ⟶ t₂
E-IfFalse : ∀ {t₂ t₃} → if false then t₂ else t₃ ⟶ t₃
E-If : ∀ {t₁ t′₁ t₂ t₃} →
t₁ ⟶ t′₁
→ if t₁ then t₂ else t₃ ⟶ if t′₁ then t₂ else t₃
infix 10 _⟶_
-- Once again, we pattern match on the proofs
⟶-det : ∀ {t t′ t′′} → t ⟶ t′ → t ⟶ t′′ → t′ ≡ t′′
⟶-det E-IfTrue E-IfTrue = refl
⟶-det E-IfFalse E-IfFalse = refl
⟶-det (E-If d₁) (E-If d₂) rewrite ⟶-det d₁ d₂ = refl
-- Reflexive-Transitive closure
data _⟶*_ : 𝑇 → 𝑇 → Set where
⟶*sym : ∀ {t} → t ⟶* t
⟶*+ : ∀ {t u v} → t ⟶* u → u ⟶ v → t ⟶* v
infix 10 _⟶*_
-- Example derivation
derivation : if true then (if true then true else false) else false ⟶* true
derivation = ⟶*+ (⟶*+ ⟶*sym E-IfTrue) E-IfTrue
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