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Last active August 18, 2017 00:31
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import Data.Vect
data Ast a = ASTLeaf a | NonASTLeaf a (Vect k $ Ast a)
data TypedAst : Type where
LLeaf : (a : String) -> TypedAst
NonTLeaf : (a : String) -> Vect k TypedAst -> TypedAst
Op : Type
data IR = IRLeaf Op | NonLeaf Op (Vect k IR)
data TreeLike : Type -> Type where
Leaf : (e) -> TreeLike e
Node : (e) -> Vect (S k) (TreeLike e) -> TreeLike e
convertAST : Ast a -> TreeLike a
convertAST (ASTLeaf x) = Leaf x
convertAST (NonASTLeaf x []) = Leaf x
convertAST (NonASTLeaf x (y :: xs)) = Node x (map convertAST (y :: xs))
interface ASTConvertible (tree : Type -> Type) where
convertTree : (tree k) -> TreeLike k
ASTConvertible TreeLike where
convertTree = id
ASTConvertible Ast where
convertTree = convertAST
LiftedTypedAst : a -> Type
LiftedTypedAst x = TypedAst
data LiftConstructor : Type -> Type where
Lift : TypedAst -> LiftConstructor String
ASTConvertible LiftConstructor where
convertTree (Lift (LLeaf a)) = Leaf a
convertTree (Lift (NonTLeaf a [])) = Leaf a
convertTree (Lift (NonTLeaf a (x :: xs))) = Node a (map (convertTree . Lift) (x :: xs))
countViewAST : ASTConvertible tree => tree a -> Integer
countViewAST x with (convertTree x)
countViewAST x | (Leaf y) = 1
countViewAST x | (Node y xs) = let counts = map countViewAST xs in
foldr (+) 1 counts
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