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Created March 11, 2018 01:19
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import Data.List
%default total
data PathComp : Type where
Empty : String -> PathComp
Printable : (t : Type) -> (t -> String) -> PathComp
Str' : PathComp
Str' = Printable String id
data Showable : Type -> Type where
ToShow : Show a => Showable a
emptyPath : String -> PathComp
emptyPath = Empty
--implicit <- this implicit wont resolve
typeToPath : (t : Type) -> {auto prf : Showable t} -> PathComp
typeToPath t {prf = ToShow} = Printable t show
syntax "~" [e] = typeToPath e
URLPath : Type
URLPath = List PathComp
URLPathToSig : URLPath -> Type
URLPathToSig [] = String
URLPathToSig ((Empty x) :: xs) = URLPathToSig xs
URLPathToSig ((Printable t f) :: xs) = t -> URLPathToSig xs
pathToFuncAcc : (p : URLPath) -> String -> URLPathToSig p
pathToFuncAcc [] x = x
pathToFuncAcc ((Empty y) :: xs) str = pathToFuncAcc xs (str ++ "/" ++ y)
pathToFuncAcc ((Printable t f) :: xs) str = \arg => pathToFuncAcc xs (str ++ "/" ++ (f arg))
pathToFunc : (p : URLPath) -> URLPathToSig p
pathToFunc p = pathToFuncAcc p ""
unitTest: String
unitTest = pathToFunc ["username", Str', "id", ~Int] "abc" 0
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