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Last active October 19, 2021 02:55
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MLIR RVV Dialect Example
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Define Memref Descriptor.
template<class T>
struct MemRef_descriptor_ {
T *allocated;
T *aligned;
intptr_t offset;
intptr_t sizes[1];
intptr_t strides[1];
// Constructor
template<class T>
struct MemRef_descriptor_<T> *MemRef_Descriptor(T *allocated, T *aligned,
intptr_t offset, intptr_t sizes[1], intptr_t strides[1]) {
struct MemRef_descriptor_<T> *n = (struct MemRef_descriptor_<T> *)malloc(sizeof(*n));
n->allocated = allocated;
n->aligned = aligned;
n->offset = offset;
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
n->sizes[i] = sizes[i];
for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++)
n->strides[j] = strides[j];
return n;
// Define Mask Type.
typedef struct Mask_ {
int m1:1, m2:1, m3:1, m4:1, m5:1, m6:1;
} mask;
typedef mask *Mask;
typedef struct MemRef_descriptor_<long long> *MemRef_descriptor_i64;
typedef struct MemRef_descriptor_<mask> *MemRef_descriptor_i1;
// Declare the interface.
extern "C" {
void _mlir_ciface_vadd(MemRef_descriptor_i64 input1, int input2,
MemRef_descriptor_i64 output, MemRef_descriptor_i64 maskedoff,
MemRef_descriptor_i1 mask);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
long long input1[6] = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12};
long long output[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
long long maskedoff[6] = {99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99};
Mask_ t = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1};
long long *allocated_i64 = (long long *)malloc(1 * sizeof(long long));
Mask allocated_i1 = (Mask)malloc(1 * sizeof(Mask));
intptr_t sizes[1] = {1};
intptr_t strides[1] = {1};
MemRef_descriptor_i64 in1 = MemRef_Descriptor<long long>(allocated_i64, input1, 0, sizes, strides);
MemRef_descriptor_i64 out = MemRef_Descriptor<long long>(allocated_i64, output, 0, sizes, strides);
MemRef_descriptor_i64 off = MemRef_Descriptor<long long>(allocated_i64, maskedoff, 0, sizes, strides);
MemRef_descriptor_i1 msk = MemRef_Descriptor<mask>(allocated_i1, &t, 0, sizes, strides);
int in2 = 5;
_mlir_ciface_vadd(in1, in2, out, off, msk);
printf("[ ");
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
printf("%lld ", out->aligned[i]);
return 0;
func @vadd(%in1: memref<?xi64>, %in2: i32, %out: memref<?xi64>, %maskedoff: memref<?xi64>, %mask: memref<?xi1>) {
%c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
%vta = arith.constant 1 : i64
%vl = arith.constant 6 : i64
%input1 = riscvv.load %in1[%c0], %vl : memref<?xi64>, !riscvv.vector<!riscvv.m4,i64>, i64
%off = riscvv.load %maskedoff[%c0], %vl : memref<?xi64>, !riscvv.vector<!riscvv.m4,i64>, i64
%msk = riscvv.load %mask[%c0], %vl : memref<?xi1>, !riscvv.vector<!riscvv.mask16,i1>, i64
%output = riscvv.masked.add %off, %input1, %in2, %msk, %vl, %vta : !riscvv.vector<!riscvv.m4,i64>, i32, !riscvv.vector<!riscvv.mask16,i1>, i64 %output, %out[%c0], %vl : !riscvv.vector<!riscvv.m4,i64>, memref<?xi64>, i64
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