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Load balancer using core.async
(ns async-examples.load-balancer
(:require [clojure.core.async :refer :all]))
;; Let's assume we have a DB, and it holds the following pairs of name/ages
(def db-store
{:john 42
:amy 33
:jill 3
:james 4})
;; Now let's assume that we have two operations with a operand on one
;; operation
(defn query [op & args]
(case op
:get-people (keys db-store)
:get-age (db-store (first args))))
;; Most DBs have a connection limit, so let's simulate that
(def access-count (atom 0))
(defn db-operation [& args]
(swap! access-count inc)
(assert (<= @access-count MAX-CONNECTIONS))
(let [result (apply query args)]
(Thread/sleep 100) ;; simulates a slower db
(swap! access-count dec)
;; So what we want to do, is some connection pooling / load balancing. This is normally
;; pretty hard, but with core.async it's rather trivial:
(def db-chan (let [c (chan MAX-CONNECTIONS)]
(dotimes [x MAX-CONNECTIONS]
(while true
(let [[command ret-chan] (<!! c)]
(>!! ret-chan (apply db-operation command))))))
;; Now lets' write a helper function that will make querying the DB a
;; bit simpler from inside a async blog
(defn async-query [& operations]
(let [c (chan 1)]
(go (>! db-chan [operations c]))
;; Now we have everything we need to create 100 gos and do some
;; queries. Notice how the 100 threads are balanced over the
;; MAX-CONNECTIONS db threads. In this way we don't overload the DB
;; server, while still taking advantage of the large number of go threads.
(def println-chan (let [c (chan MAX-CONNECTIONS)]
(while true
(println (<!! c))))
(defn join!!
"takes a sequence of gos waits until all gos complete"
(doseq [s (doall args)]
(<!! s)))
(defn -main []
(join!! (for [x (range 100)]
(let [people (<! (async-query :get-people))]
(>! println-chan people)
(doseq [person people]
(>! println-chan [person (<! (async-query :get-age person))])))))))
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