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Last active August 3, 2016 02:09
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// Create an object which hold the denominations and their values 建立一个json来将原来的英文表述转化为数字表述,方便以后的比较
var denom = [
{ name: 'ONE HUNDRED', val: 100.00},
{ name: 'TWENTY', val: 20.00},
{ name: 'TEN', val: 10.00},
{ name: 'FIVE', val: 5.00},
{ name: 'ONE', val: 1.00},
{ name: 'QUARTER', val: 0.25},
{ name: 'DIME', val: 0.10},
{ name: 'NICKEL', val: 0.05},
{ name: 'PENNY', val: 0.01}
function checkCashRegister(price, cash, cid) {
var change = cash - price;//找零数额等于给的现金数目减去商品价格
// Transform CID array into drawer object reduce方法是累加器,用于累加,这里就是计算抽屉里的总金额数
//arr.reduce(callback,[initialValue]) 第二个参数是累加器的初始值,在这里初始值是total:0
var register = cid.reduce(function(acc, curr) { += curr[1];
acc[curr[0]] = curr[1];
return acc;
}, {total: 0});
// Handle exact change 抽屉里的金额与需找零相等
if ( === change) {
return 'Closed';
// Handle obvious insufficent funds 抽屉里的金额不足
if ( < change) {
return 'Insufficient Funds';
// Loop through the denomination array 遍历开头创建的数组,
var change_arr = denom.reduce(function(acc, curr) {
var value = 0;
// While there is still money of this type in the drawer
// And while the denomination is larger than the change reminaing有这种类型的钱,并且这种类型的钱比需找要少。
while (register[] > 0 && change >= curr.val) { //这就是上面提到的30元比20元多的情况
change -= curr.val; //重新设定需找数额,这时候就是还差10元了,因为已经有1张20元
register[] -= curr.val; //拿总金额数来减
value += curr.val;
// Round change to the nearest hundreth deals with precision errors
change = Math.round(change * 100) / 100;
// Add this denomination to the output only if any was used.
if (value > 0) {
acc.push([, value ]);
return acc; // Return the current Change Array
}, []); // Initial value of empty array for reduce
// If there are no elements in change_arr or we have leftover change, return
// the string "Insufficient Funds"
if (change_arr.length < 1 || change > 0) {
return "Insufficient Funds";
// Here is your change, ma'am.
return change_arr;
// test here
checkCashRegister(19.50, 20.00, [["PENNY", 1.01], ["NICKEL", 2.05], ["DIME", 3.10], ["QUARTER", 4.25], ["ONE", 90.00], ["FIVE", 55.00], ["TEN", 20.00], ["TWENTY", 60.00], ["ONE HUNDRED", 100.00]]);
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