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## Collective Matmul Example A: (M, K) B: (K, N) C = A @ B A[0] sharded by 'x', B replicated and C replicated
import numpy as np
import os, re
import jax
from jax.experimental import maps
from jax.experimental import pjit
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax.experimental import mesh_utils
from absl import flags
import jax
from jax import numpy as jnp
flags.FLAGS.xla_enable_async_collective_permute = True
flags.FLAGS.xla_tpu_enable_all_experimental_scheduler_features = True
P = pjit.PartitionSpec
# devices = mesh_utils.create_device_mesh((8,))
devices = np.array(jax.devices())
mesh = Mesh(devices, axis_names=('x'))
M = 2048
K = 512
N = 1024
def make(shape):
return jnp.arange(
A = make((M, K))
B = make((K, N))
C = A @ B
A_x = jax.device_put(A, NamedSharding(mesh, P('x', None)))
# jax.debug.visualize_array_sharding(A_x)
# A_x.addressable_shards
# print(C)
def collective_matmul_allgather_lhs_non_contracting(lhs, rhs):
# lhs is the looped operand; rhs is the local operand
axis_size = jax.lax.psum(1, axis_name='x')
axis_index = jax.lax.axis_index(axis_name='x')
chunk_size = lhs.shape[0]
def f(i, carrys):
accum, lhs = carrys
# compute is a simple matmul
update = lhs @ rhs
# circular shift to the left
lhs = jax.lax.ppermute(
perm=[(j, (j - 1) % axis_size) for j in range(axis_size)]
# device 0 computes chunks 0, 1, ...
# device 1 computes chunks 1, 2, ...
update_index = (((axis_index + i) % axis_size) * chunk_size, 0)
accum = jax.lax.dynamic_update_slice(accum, update, update_index)
return accum, lhs
accum = jnp.zeros((lhs.shape[0] * axis_size, rhs.shape[1]), dtype=lhs.dtype)
# fori_loop cause a crash: Check failed: !IsManual()
# accum, lhs = jax.lax.fori_loop(0, axis_size - 1, f, (accum, lhs))
for i in range(0, axis_size - 1):
# print(f'i={i}, accum={accum}')
accum, lhs = f(i, (accum, lhs))
# compute the last chunk, without the ppermute
update = lhs @ rhs
i = axis_size - 1
update_index = (((axis_index + i) % axis_size) * chunk_size, 0)
accum = jax.lax.dynamic_update_slice(accum, update, update_index)
return accum
from jax.experimental.pjit import pjit
def f(a, b):
return a @ b
pjitted_f = pjit(f, in_axis_resources=(P('x', None), P()), out_axis_resources=P())
# See *blocking* allgather in xprof
with mesh:
C = pjitted_f(A_x, B)
# see allgather in hlo
with mesh:
print(pjitted_f.lower(A_x, B).compile().as_text())
jit_sharded_f = jax.jit(shard_map(collective_matmul_allgather_lhs_non_contracting, mesh,
in_specs=(P('x', None), P()), out_specs=P()))
C = jit_sharded_f(A_x, B)
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