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Created July 11, 2019 21:52
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using namespace std;
//Basic grammar
int main(){
string str;
//using regular expression grammar: ECMAScript (default)
//regex e("^abc.", regex_constants::grep);
//match string with exactly "abc"
//regex e("abc");
//match string with "abc", ignore lowercase or uppercase
//regex e("abc", regex_constants::icase);
//'.' matches to any character except the newline
//regex e("abc.");
//'?' matches 0 or 1 preceding characters!
//e.g. "ab", "abc" will be matches
//regex e("abc?");
//matches 0 or more preceding characters.
//regex e("abc*");
//1 or more preceding characters.
//regex e("abc+");
//[...] Any character inside the square brackets, represents
//1 character
//e.g. "abcd", "abc", "abcccddd", "abdcdc" are matches
//regex e("ab[cd]*");
//[^...] Any character not inside the squre brackets,
//represents 1 character
//regex e("ab[^cd]*");
//{number} exact match the [number] of preceding characters
//e.g. "abccc", "abcdd", "abcdc" are matches
//e.g. "abcdcdcd", "abdddccc", "ab" are not matches
//regex e("ab[cd]{3}");
//matches 3 or more preceding characters
//regex e("ab[cd]{3,}");
//matches 3, 4 or 5 preceding characters
//regex e("ab[cd]{3,5}");
//| - OR
//e.g. "abc", "def", "deg" are matches
//"abcd", "defg" are not matches
//regex e("abc|de[fg]");
//matches ']'
//regex e("\]");
//\1 represents the group 1, the () defines the group
//e.g. "abcdeeeeabc" is a match
//regex e("(abc)de+\\1");
//Note (de+) defines the group, if we have (de+) defined
//as "deee", then for group 2, it should always be "deee".
//regex e("(ab)*c(de+)\\2\\1");
//matching any e-mail address
//[[:w:]] word character: digit, number, or underscore!
//regex e("[[:w:]]+@[[:w:]]+\.com");
//'^' marks that "abc" should be at the beginning of the string
//regex e("^abc", regex_constants::icase);
//'$' marks that "abc." should appear at the end of the string
regex e("abc.$", regex_constants::icase);
[:s:] - a white space character;
[:w:] - a word character;
[:d:] - a decimal digit character;
[:upper:] - an uppercase character;
[:lower:] - a lowercase character;
[:alnum:] - an alpha-numerical character;
[:alpha:] - an alphabetic character;
[:blank:] - a blank character;
[:punct:] - a punctuation mark character
//check whether str can be matched with regular expression e
bool match = regex_match(str, e);
//search the string str to see whether there is a substring
//of str, that can be matched with e
bool isFound = regex_search(str, e);
cout << (match ? "Matched" : "Not matched") << endl << endl;
return 0;
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