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Created August 10, 2020 10:18
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extract password-protected InstallBuilder installer
## prepare runtime environment
proc init {} {
## mount optional.pak (for tcltwofish)
set optionalPak installbuilder/paks/optional.pak
vfs::mk4::Mount $optionalPak $optionalPak -readonly
## adjust library search path
set ::auto_path [list $tcl::kitpath/lib/tcl$::tcl_version $tcl::kitpath/lib $tcl::kitpath/libraries $optionalPak/linux-x64 $tcl::kitpath]
## load packages
package require maui::util
package require vfs::cookfs
proc extract_metakit {src dst} {
## mount metakit
set db [tclKitMkOpen $src]
vfs::filesystem mount $src [list vfs::mk4::handler $db]
vfs::RegisterMount $src [list vfs::mk4::Unmount $db]
## ensure destination directory
file mkdir $dst
## read cookfsinfo.txt
set f [open $src/cookfsinfo.txt]
gets $f cookfsinfo
close $f
## read manifest.txt
set f [open $src/manifest.txt]
set manifest [read $f]
close $f
## copy project.xml
file copy -- $src/project.xml $dst
## copy images/
file copy -- $src/images $dst
## unmount metakit
vfs::filesystem unmount $src
return [list $cookfsinfo $manifest]
proc extract {src password dst} {
## clean up destination
file delete -force $dst
## copy images/ to dst, get manifest, mount cookfs
lassign [extract_metakit $src $dst] cookfsinfo manifest
## mount cookfs
set cookfsHandle [vfs::cookfs::Mount $src $src -readonly {*}$cookfsinfo]
## prepare decryption
set payloadinfo [$cookfsHandle getmetadata "installbuilder.payloadinfo"]
maui::util::m4ZQu $password $payloadinfo
## copy cookfs content to components/
set dst $dst/components
## extract directory/file/link
foreach {fileName props} $manifest {
puts "$fileName"
# directory mode mtime 0 {0 0}
# file mode mtime 0 {{0 size} {0 size}}
# link target mtime {0 0}
lassign $props type arg mtime
switch -- $type {
directory {
file mkdir $dst/$fileName
file attributes $dst/$fileName -permissions $arg
file {
file mkdir [file dirname $dst/$fileName]
file copy $src/$fileName $dst/$fileName
set numParts [llength [lindex $props 4]]
if {$numParts > 0} {
set fdst [open $dst/$fileName {WRONLY APPEND BINARY}]
for {set i 1} {$i < $numParts} {incr i} {
set fsrc [open $src/${fileName}___bitrockBigFile$i {RDONLY BINARY}]
fcopy $fsrc $fdst
close $fsrc
close $fdst
file attributes $dst/$fileName -permissions $arg
file mtime $dst/$fileName $mtime
link {
file mkdir [file dirname $dst/$fileName]
# file link -symbolic $dst/$fileName $arg
# file mtime $dst/$fileName $mtime
exec ln -s -- $arg $dst/$fileName
exec touch -h -t [clock format $mtime -format %Y%m%d%H%M.%S] $dst/$fileName
default {
error "not implemented"
## restore directory mtime
foreach {fileName props} $manifest {
lassign $props type arg mtime
if {$type == "directory"} {
file mtime $dst/$fileName $mtime
## unmount cookfs
vfs::filesystem unmount $src
extract {*}$argv
cp installbuilder/paks/linux-x64-noupx.pak tclkit
sed --in-place --null-data --expression='/^if {\[file isfile \[file join \$::tcl::kitpath main.tcl/{s/^./\x1A/}' tclkit
chmod +x tclkit
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banxian commented Aug 12, 2020

thank you @jon1scr, today I placed a logger on TclEvalObjvInternal and found (sha256->encrypt*16000->sha256) is belong of a64bL, too.

209 binary +++++++
209 binary -------
1 a64bL +++++++
1 sha2::sha256 +++++++
::sha2::sha256 buflen: 11, buf:
00000000: 7A 31 32 33 34 35 36 37  38 39 30                | z1234567890
1 ::sha2::_sha256 +++++++
8346 array +++++++
8346 array -------
1183 unset +++++++
1183 unset -------
2 SHA256Final -------
2 ::sha2::_sha256 -------
sha256 hash:
00000000: 50 8A 8C 5F EE 98 49 AA  1A 9B 85 9A BA 19 4D 67 | P.._..I.......Mg
00000010: FA 4D A2 D3 58 4E 7F 4C  32 59 A4 B7 59 FC 96 04 | .M..XN.L2Y..Y...
2 sha2::sha256 -------
1 a64bL -------
1 tcltwofish::decrypt +++++++
::tcltwofish::decrypt buflen: 64, buf:
00000000: 05 8A 77 A1 15 85 96 D3  62 33 04 CC F3 2D B4 67 | ..w.....b3...-.g
00000010: C1 0E 28 6A 2C A9 EF 30  B4 BC 67 86 B2 F9 D1 2D | ..(j,..0..g....-
00000020: F6 29 C3 9F 4E EB 33 AE  7C 28 96 B6 F0 C2 4F 58 | .)..N.3.|(....OX
00000030: 02 B9 4A D7 21 30 E2 37  62 C3 60 45 65 42 46 AF | ..J.!0.7b.`EeBF.
1 tcltwofish::decrypt -------

I'll try verify your decompiled code on known password installers.
PS: how do you decompile the bytecode from maui-utils, is there any tools sugguested?

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Tbc is not good at protecting string literals. They can be decoded directly.

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banxian commented Aug 13, 2020

I think use installbuilder to build a empty installer with payload encrypt option enabled, then the built installer's metakit will have tcltwofish now.

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@banxian You can always extract pre-built tcltwofish for win/linux/mac from optional.pak under InstallBuilder installation directory.

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banxian commented Aug 13, 2020

Infact I compared metakit content between built installer and windows-noupx.pak, the installer contains all package plus tcltwofish and 8 extra project files than windows-noupx.pak.
I mean it's a better start point which does not require additional optional.pak dependency, so it's easy to use tcltksh to pack the script and runtime to a single executable.

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