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Last active April 17, 2024 00:12
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# MIT Licensed - 2021 Zhaofeng Li
set -euo pipefail
log() {
>&2 echo -ne "\033[1m\033[34m*** "
>&2 echo -n "$@"
>&2 echo -e "\033[0m"
error() {
>&2 echo -ne "\033[1m\033[31m*** Error: "
>&2 echo -n "$@"
>&2 echo -e "\033[0m"
nix() {
(run env nix --experimental-features nix-command "$@")
run() {
set -x
exec -- "$@"
ssh() {
(run env ssh $NIX_SSHOPTS $@)
finish() {
set +eu
log "Cleaning up..."
if [[ -n "${target}" && -n "${tmpdir}" ]]; then
log "Disconnecting from host..."
run ssh -o "ControlPath ${tmpdir}/ssh.sock" -O exit "${target}"
rm -rf "${tmpdir}"
if [[ "${ret}" != "0" ]]; then
log "Return Code -> ${ret}"
exit $ret
trap finish EXIT
if [[ "$#" != "2" ]]; then
>&2 echo "Usage: $0 [name of host] [mountpoint]"
>&2 echo "Example: $0 somehost /mnt"
exit 1
if [[ "${mountpoint}" = "" ]]; then
error "Mountpoint cannot be empty!"
exit 1
tmpdir=$(mktemp -d)
log "Our temporary directory is ${tmpdir}"
# The argument expansion for NIX_SSHOPTS is broken and we can't
# directly put "quoted arguments with spaces" :(
echo -e "ControlMaster auto\nControlPath ${tmpdir}/ssh.sock\nControlPersist 30m" > $tmpdir/ssh_config
export NIX_SSHOPTS="-F ${tmpdir}/ssh_config"
log "Getting SSH target..."
target=$(run colmena eval -E "{ nodes, ... }: with nodes.\"$name\".config.deployment; \"\${targetUser}@\${targetHost}\"" | jq -r)
log "~~~~~~"
log "Deploying to ${target} on mountpoint ${mountpoint}"
log "~~~~~~"
log "Obtaining a persistent connection..."
ssh "${target}" true
log "-> Success"
log "Evaluating configuration... "
drv=$(run colmena eval --instantiate -E "{ nodes, ... }: nodes.\"$name\"")
log "-> ${drv}"
log "Building configuration..."
system=$(run nix-build $drv)
log "-> ${system}"
log "Pushing configuration..."
nix copy -s --to "ssh://${target}?remote-store=local?root=${mountpoint}" "${system}"
log "-> Pushed"
log "Activating configuration..."
if [[ "${mountpoint}" == "/" ]]; then
ssh "${target}" -- "nix-env --profile /nix/var/nix/profiles/system --set ${system} && NIXOS_INSTALL_BOOTLOADER=1 ${system}/bin/switch-to-configuration boot"
ssh "${target}" -- "mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/etc && touch ${mountpoint}/etc/NIXOS && nix-env --store ${mountpoint} --profile ${mountpoint}/nix/var/nix/profiles/system --set ${system} && NIXOS_INSTALL_BOOTLOADER=1 nixos-enter --root ${mountpoint} -- /run/current-system/bin/switch-to-configuration boot"
log "All done!"
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