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Last active March 1, 2023 06:59
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# 设置主机名称 (centos7+支持)
# centos6修改主机名的配置文件是 /etc/sysconfig/network
# centos7修改主机名的配置文件是 /etc/hostname
$hostnamectl set-hostname <your hostname>
--static # 注:该命令会同步修改 /etc/hostname
--pretty # 给主机起别名(昵称)
# eg: 设置为 ts01
$hostnamectl set-hostname "ts01" --static
# 查看设置后的主机信息
Static hostname: ts01
Icon name: computer-vm
Chassis: vm
Machine ID: <MachineID>
Boot ID: <BootID>
Virtualization: kvm
Operating System: CentOS Stream 9
CPE OS Name: cpe:/o:centos:centos:9
Kernel: Linux 5.14.0-202.el9.x86_64
Architecture: x86-64
Hardware Vendor: Aliyun Cloud
Hardware Model: CVM
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