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Last active August 2, 2018 06:28
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PortAudio example
package main
import (
func isPowerOfTwo(n int) bool {
for n&1 == 0 && n > 1 {
n >>= 1
return (n == 1)
func NaiveDFT(input []complex128) []complex128 {
n := len(input)
result := make([]complex128, n, n)
for k := 0; k < n; k++ {
wk := cmplx.Rect(1, 2*math.Pi*float64(k)/float64(n))
w := complex(1, 0)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
result[k] += input[i] * w
w *= wk
return result
func RecursiveFFT(input []complex128) []complex128 {
n := len(input)
if !isPowerOfTwo(n) {
panic("input must be padded already.")
if n == 1 {
return input
halfLen := n / 2
wn := cmplx.Rect(1, 2*math.Pi/float64(n))
w := complex(1, 0)
a0 := make([]complex128, halfLen, halfLen)
a1 := make([]complex128, halfLen, halfLen)
for i := 0; i < halfLen; i++ {
a0[i] = input[i*2]
a1[i] = input[i*2+1]
y0 := RecursiveFFT(a0)
y1 := RecursiveFFT(a1)
result := make([]complex128, n, n)
for i := 0; i < halfLen; i++ {
v := w * y1[i]
result[i] = y0[i] + v
result[i+halfLen] = y0[i] - v
w *= wn
return result
func bitReverse(n, bits int) int {
m := 0
for i := 0; i < bits; i++ {
m = (m << 1) | (n & 1)
n >>= 1
return m
func IterativeFFT(input []complex128) []complex128 {
n := len(input)
if !isPowerOfTwo(n) {
panic("input must be padded already.")
// Calculate number of bits.
bits := 0
for i := n; i > 1; i >>= 1 {
bits += 1
// Bit reverse copy
a := make([]complex128, n, n)
for i := range input {
a[bitReverse(i, bits)] = input[i]
// log2(m) iterations
for m := 2; m <= n; m <<= 1 {
wm := cmplx.Rect(1, 2*math.Pi/float64(m))
w := complex(1, 0)
for i := 0; i < m/2; i++ {
for g := 0; g < n; g += m {
u := a[g+i]
v := w * a[g+i+m/2]
a[g+i] = u + v
a[g+i+m/2] = u - v
w *= wm
return a
package main
import (
func main() {
length := 128
waveLength := 16
x := make([]complex128, length, length)
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
x[i] = complex(math.Sin(2*math.Pi*float64(i)/float64(waveLength))+
math.Sin(2*math.Pi*float64(i)/float64(waveLength*2)+math.Pi/4), 0)
y := RecursiveFFT(x)
// Make a plot using plotinum.
p, err := plot.New()
if err != nil {
p.Title.Text = "Fast Fourier Transform"
p.X.Label.Text = "X"
p.Y.Label.Text = "Y"
raw := make(plotter.XYs, length)
amp := make(plotter.XYs, length)
phase := make(plotter.XYs, length)
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
raw[i].X = float64(i)
raw[i].Y = real(x[i])
amp[i].X = float64(i)
amp[i].Y = cmplx.Abs(y[i]) / float64(length)
phase[i].X = float64(i)
if amp[i].Y > 0.00001 {
phase[i].Y = cmplx.Phase(y[i])
fmt.Println(i, amp[i].Y, phase[i].Y)
err = plotutil.AddLines(p,
"Raw", raw,
"Amp", amp,
"Phase", phase)
if err != nil {
// Save the plot to a PNG file.
if err := p.Save(800, 600, "fft.png"); err != nil {
package main
import (
func main() {
if err := portaudio.Initialize(); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error initializing PortAudio: %v", err)
defer portaudio.Terminate()
version := portaudio.Version()
versionText := portaudio.VersionText()
fmt.Printf("PortAudio version '%s' (%d)\n", versionText, version)
hostApis, err := portaudio.HostApis()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error finding host APIs: %v\n", err)
fmt.Printf("Available host APIs are:\n")
for _, apiInfo := range hostApis {
fmt.Printf("\t%d\t%v\t%v\n", apiInfo.Type, apiInfo.Name, len(apiInfo.Devices))
for _, deviceInfo := range apiInfo.Devices {
fmt.Printf("\t >\t%v\t%v\t%v\t%v\n", deviceInfo.Name, deviceInfo.MaxInputChannels,
deviceInfo.MaxOutputChannels, deviceInfo.DefaultSampleRate)
if apiInfo.DefaultInputDevice != nil {
fmt.Printf("\t\tDefault input device is: %v\n", apiInfo.DefaultInputDevice.Name)
if apiInfo.DefaultOutputDevice != nil {
fmt.Printf("\t\tDefault output device is: %v\n", apiInfo.DefaultOutputDevice.Name)
defaultHostApi, err := portaudio.DefaultHostApi()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error finding default host API: %v\n", err)
if defaultHostApi != nil {
fmt.Printf("\tDefault host API is: %v\n", defaultHostApi.Name)
streamParams := portaudio.HighLatencyParameters(defaultHostApi.DefaultInputDevice, nil)
file, err := os.Create("recording.dat")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error opening file for writing: %v.\n", err)
stream, err := portaudio.OpenStream(streamParams, func(in [][]int32, timeinfo portaudio.StreamCallbackTimeInfo) {
for i := range in[0] {
fmt.Fprintln(file, in[0][i])
time.Sleep(time.Second * 10)
package main
import (
func main() {
if err := portaudio.Initialize(); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error initializing PortAudio: %v", err)
defer portaudio.Terminate()
version := portaudio.Version()
versionText := portaudio.VersionText()
fmt.Printf("PortAudio version '%s' (%d)\n", versionText, version)
hostApis, err := portaudio.HostApis()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error finding host APIs: %v\n", err)
fmt.Printf("Available host APIs are:\n")
for _, apiInfo := range hostApis {
fmt.Printf("\t%d\t%v\t%v\n", apiInfo.Type, apiInfo.Name, len(apiInfo.Devices))
for _, deviceInfo := range apiInfo.Devices {
fmt.Printf("\t >\t%v\t%v\t%v\t%v\n", deviceInfo.Name, deviceInfo.MaxInputChannels,
deviceInfo.MaxOutputChannels, deviceInfo.DefaultSampleRate)
if apiInfo.DefaultInputDevice != nil {
fmt.Printf("\t\tDefault input device is: %v\n", apiInfo.DefaultInputDevice.Name)
if apiInfo.DefaultOutputDevice != nil {
fmt.Printf("\t\tDefault output device is: %v\n", apiInfo.DefaultOutputDevice.Name)
defaultHostApi, err := portaudio.DefaultHostApi()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error finding default host API: %v\n", err)
if defaultHostApi != nil {
fmt.Printf("\tDefault host API is: %v\n", defaultHostApi.Name)
streamParams := portaudio.HighLatencyParameters(nil, defaultHostApi.DefaultOutputDevice)
var t float64 = 0
var l int32
recording := make([]int32, 0, 44100)
sample := 0
file, err := os.Open("recording.dat")
for {
n, _ := fmt.Fscanf(file, "%d", &l)
if n == 0 {
recording = append(recording, l)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Cannot open file for playing, using sine wave: %v\n", err)
stream, err := portaudio.OpenStream(streamParams, func(out [][]int32,
timeinfo portaudio.StreamCallbackTimeInfo) {
if file != nil {
for i := range out[0] {
out[0][i] = recording[sample]
out[1][i] = recording[sample]
sample = (sample + 1) % len(recording)
} else {
for i := range out[0] {
out[0][i] = int32(math.Sin(t*2*math.Pi*440) * math.MaxInt32)
t += 1.0 / 44100.0
out[1][i] = int32(math.Sin(t*2*math.Pi*659) * math.MaxInt32)
t += 1.0 / 44100.0
time.Sleep(time.Second * 10)
if file != nil {
package main
import (
const BUFFER_FRAMES = 8192
func progressBar(current, total time.Duration) {
currentStr := fmt.Sprintf("%02d:%02d", int(current.Minutes()), int(current.Seconds())%60)
totalStr := fmt.Sprintf("%02d:%02d", int(total.Minutes()), int(total.Seconds())%60)
fmt.Printf("\r%s / %s", currentStr, totalStr)
func main() {
if len(flag.Args()) == 0 {
if err := portaudio.Initialize(); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error initializing PortAudio: %v\n", err)
defer portaudio.Terminate()
for _, fileName := range flag.Args() {
// Open the audio file.
var info sndfile.Info
audio, err := sndfile.Open(fileName, sndfile.Read, &info)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Could not open file %v: %v\n", fileName, err)
fmt.Printf("\nPlaying %s\n", fileName)
// Buffer
out := make([]int32, BUFFER_FRAMES*info.Channels)
// Opening stream
stream, err := portaudio.OpenDefaultStream(0, int(info.Channels), float64(info.Samplerate),
len(out), &out)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error opening output stream: %v\n", err)
totalDuration := time.Duration(info.Frames/int64(info.Samplerate)) * time.Second
for remaining := info.Frames; remaining > 0; remaining -= BUFFER_FRAMES {
if remaining < BUFFER_FRAMES {
out = out[:remaining*int64(info.Channels)]
_, err := audio.ReadFrames(out)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error reading file: %v\n", err)
currentDuration := time.Duration((info.Frames-remaining)/int64(info.Samplerate)) * time.Second
progressBar(currentDuration, totalDuration)
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brydavis commented Aug 2, 2018

Thanks for the sample code...
What's the best way to interpret the output of RecursiveFFT?

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