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Created July 31, 2019 10:14
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Accessing Dictionaries with Key Paths
// DictionaryExtension.swift
// Haiyu
// Created by zhaozzq@github on 2019/7/31.
// Copyright © 2019 Haiyu. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
struct KeyPath {
var segments: [String]
var isEmpty: Bool { return segments.isEmpty }
var path: String {
return segments.joined(separator: ".")
/// 分离首路径并且
/// 返回一组值,包含分离出的首路径以及余下的键路径
/// 如果键路径没有值的话返回nil。
func headAndTail() -> (head: String, tail: KeyPath)? {
guard !isEmpty else { return nil }
var tail = segments
let head = tail.removeFirst()
return (head, KeyPath(segments: tail))
///使用 "" 这种格式的字符串初始化一个 KeyPath
extension KeyPath {
init(_ string: String) {
segments = string.components(separatedBy: ".")
// MARK: - 字符串字面量创建键路径
extension KeyPath: ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
init(stringLiteral value: String) {
init(unicodeScalarLiteral value: String) {
init(extendedGraphemeClusterLiteral value: String) {
extension Dictionary where Key == String {
subscript(keyPath keyPath: KeyPath) -> Any? {
get {
switch keyPath.headAndTail() {
case nil:
// 键路径为空。
return nil
case let (head, remainingKeyPath)? where remainingKeyPath.isEmpty:
// 到达了路径的尾部。
return self[head]
case let (head, remainingKeyPath)?:
// 键路径有一个尾部,我们需要遍历。
switch self[head] {
case let nestedDict as [Key: Any]:
// 嵌套的下一层是一个字典
// 用剩下的路径作为下标继续取值
return nestedDict[keyPath: remainingKeyPath]
// 嵌套的下一层不是字典
// 键路径无效,中止。
return nil
set {
switch keyPath.headAndTail() {
case nil:
// 键路径为空。
case let (head, remainingKeyPath)? where remainingKeyPath.isEmpty:
// 直达键路径的末尾。
self[head] = newValue as? Value
case let (head, remainingKeyPath)?:
let value = self[head]
switch value {
case var nestedDict as [Key: Any]:
// 键路径的尾部需要遍历
nestedDict[keyPath: remainingKeyPath] = newValue
self[head] = nestedDict as? Value
// 无效的键路径
extension Dictionary where Key == String {
subscript(string keyPath: KeyPath) -> String? {
get { return self[keyPath: keyPath] as? String }
set { self[keyPath: keyPath] = newValue }
subscript(dict keyPath: KeyPath) -> [Key: Any]? {
get { return self[keyPath: keyPath] as? [Key: Any] }
set { self[keyPath: keyPath] = newValue }
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