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Last active January 9, 2025 17:15
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Smart send a transaction using Jito dedicated endpoint
import { Connection, SendOptions } from '@solana/web3.js';
export type JitoRegion = 'mainnet' | 'amsterdam' | 'frankfurt' | 'ny' | 'tokyo';
export const JitoEndpoints = {
mainnet: '',
amsterdam: '',
frankfurt: '',
ny: '',
tokyo: '',
export function getJitoEndpoint(region: JitoRegion) {
return JitoEndpoints[region];
* Send a transaction using Jito. This only supports sending a single transaction on mainnet only.
* See
* @param args.serialisedTx - A single transaction to be sent, in serialised form
* @param args.region - The region of the Jito endpoint to use
export async function sendTxUsingJito({
region = 'mainnet'
}: {
serializedTx: Uint8Array | Buffer | number[];
region: JitoRegion;
}) {
let rpcEndpoint = getJitoEndpoint(region);
let encodedTx = bs58.encode(serializedTx);
let payload = {
jsonrpc: "2.0",
id: 1,
method: "sendTransaction",
params: [encodedTx]
let res = await fetch(`${rpcEndpoint}?bundleOnly=true`, {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify(payload),
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }
let json = await res.json();
if (json.error) {
throw new Error(json.error.message);
return json;
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hello ser, you have the wrong endpoints. otherwise the txn won't go thru.

  export const JitoEndpoints = {
    mainnet: '',
    amsterdam: '',
    frankfurt: '',
    ny: '',
    tokyo: '',

if you add ?bundleOnly=true at the end, then you can send bundles.

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zhe-t commented Apr 20, 2024

Thx! Updated

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hi bro, how to build the serializedTx, only add tip instruction in it, right ? for example, one transfer tx, only contain transfer ins,if i want to send jito, i need add another ins for the tip, some thing wrong?

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SC4RECOIN commented Jul 26, 2024

modified for sending bundles:

export async function sendTxUsingJito(serializedTxs: (Uint8Array | Buffer | number[])[]): Promise<string> {
  let endpoint = '';

  let payload = {
    jsonrpc: "2.0",
    id: 1,
    method: "sendBundle",
    params: [ => bs58.encode(t))]

  let res = await fetch(endpoint, {
    method: 'POST',
    body: JSON.stringify(payload),
    headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}

  let json = await res.json();
  if (json.error) {
    throw new Error(json.error.message);

  // return bundle ID
  return json.result;

and confirming bundles

export type bundleStatus = {
  jsonrpc: string
  result: {
    context: {
      slot: number
    value: {
      bundle_id: string
      transactions: string[]
      slot: number
      confirmation_status: string
      err: any
  id: number

export async function getBundleStatus(id: string): Promise<bundleStatus> {
  let endpoint = '';

  let payload = {
    jsonrpc: "2.0",
    id: 1,
    method: "getBundleStatuses",
    params: [[id]]

  let res = await fetch(endpoint, {
    method: 'POST',
    body: JSON.stringify(payload),
    headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}

  let json = await res.json();
  if (json.error) {
    throw new Error(json.error.message);

  return json

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winer328 commented Aug 6, 2024

Hi, bro.
I'm not sure how can I build serialized tx and include jito tip instruction.
Could you explain more detail?
I implemented with another way and I want know your method, too.

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I am getting a result but this result is not found on solscan. So I am not sure how it means, seems like it failed but there was no error.

jsonrpc: '2.0',
result: 'yeAuVKQRYVbJm7J5AfByZcihesgAu1ZzKFA6GVvvWcy41AuiDPwM5Bb6gVKrUA3bEDcjWhPVSnJZwTx2jCqErKd',
id: 1

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hammad-ali18 commented Sep 5, 2024

I am getting this issue

Error: 7 PERMISSION_DENIED: The supplied pubkey is not authorized to generate a token.

configurations I am using AUTH_KEYPAIR_PATH=/home/xyz/wallet/keypair1.json BUNDLE_TRANSACTION_LIMIT=5 RPC_URL=my_own_rpc
While using sendBundle on mainnet

const sendBundle = async (
c: SearcherClient,
bundleTransactionLimit: number,
keypair: Keypair,
const _tipAccount = ( await c.getTipAccounts())[0];
console.log("tipAccount: ",_tipAccount);

const tipAccount = new PublicKey(_tipAccount);
const balance  = await conn.getBalance(keypair.publicKey);
console.log("current account has balance: ",balance);

let isLeaderSlot = false;

    const next_leader = await c.getNextScheduledLeader();
    const num_slots = next_leader.nextLeaderSlot - next_leader.currentSlot;
    isLeaderSlot = num_slots <=2;
    console.log(`next jito leader slot in ${num_slots} slots`)
    await new Promise(r=> setTimeout(r,500));

const blockHash = await conn.getLatestBlockhash();
const b = new Bundle([],bundleTransactionLimit);

const bundles = [b];

let maybeBundle = b.addTransactions(

if (isError(maybeBundle)){
    throw maybeBundle;

maybeBundle = maybeBundle.addTipTx(

if (isError(maybeBundle)) {
    throw maybeBundle;
  } async b => {
    try {
        const resp = await c.sendBundle(b);
        console.log('resp: ',resp);
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('error sending bundle:', error);



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The supplied pubkey is not authorized to generate a token.

Were you able to get through this ?

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no I cant

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HIOXOIH commented Nov 3, 2024

I am getting this issue

Error: 7 PERMISSION_DENIED: The supplied pubkey is not authorized to generate a token.

configurations I am using AUTH_KEYPAIR_PATH=/home/xyz/wallet/keypair1.json BUNDLE_TRANSACTION_LIMIT=5 RPC_URL=my_own_rpc While using sendBundle on mainnet

` const sendBundle = async ( c: SearcherClient, instructions1:TransactionInstruction[], instructions2:TransactionInstruction[], bundleTransactionLimit: number, keypair: Keypair, conn:Connection )=>{ const _tipAccount = ( await c.getTipAccounts())[0]; console.log("tipAccount: ",_tipAccount);

const tipAccount = new PublicKey(_tipAccount);
const balance  = await conn.getBalance(keypair.publicKey);
console.log("current account has balance: ",balance);

let isLeaderSlot = false;

    const next_leader = await c.getNextScheduledLeader();
    const num_slots = next_leader.nextLeaderSlot - next_leader.currentSlot;
    isLeaderSlot = num_slots <=2;
    console.log(`next jito leader slot in ${num_slots} slots`)
    await new Promise(r=> setTimeout(r,500));

const blockHash = await conn.getLatestBlockhash();
const b = new Bundle([],bundleTransactionLimit);

const bundles = [b];

let maybeBundle = b.addTransactions(

if (isError(maybeBundle)){
    throw maybeBundle;

maybeBundle = maybeBundle.addTipTx(

if (isError(maybeBundle)) {
    throw maybeBundle;
  } async b => {
    try {
        const resp = await c.sendBundle(b);
        console.log('resp: ',resp);
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('error sending bundle:', error);



bro have you solved this? i encountered the same issue.

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jito do not need auth key now, so remove authKeypair when creating searcherClient, e.g:


const c = searcherClient(blockEngineUrl, authKeypair);


const c = searcherClient(blockEngineUrl);

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Yes, you are exactly right.

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growwnoww commented Dec 3, 2024

@youngqqcn thank you. i sent my bundle . it returns me bundleId . but after that there nothing on terminal why here is my code
export async function sendBundle(bundledTxns: VersionedTransaction[]) { try { console.log('controlled reached') const bundleId = await searcherClient.sendBundle(new JitoBundle(bundledTxns, bundledTxns.length)); console.log(Bundle ${bundleId} sent.`);

	// Assuming onBundleResult returns a Promise<BundleResult>
	const result = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
			(result) => {
				console.log("Received bundle result:", result);
				resolve(result); // Resolve the promise with the result
			(e: Error) => {
				console.error("Error receiving bundle result:", e);
				reject(e); // Reject the promise if there's an error

	console.log("Result:", result);
} catch (error) {
	const err = error as any;
	console.error("Error sending bundle:", err.message);

	if (err?.message?.includes("Bundle Dropped, no connected leader up soon")) {
		console.error("Error sending bundle: Bundle Dropped, no connected leader up soon.");
	} else {
		console.error("An unexpected error occurred:", err.message);


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ankitzm commented Jan 9, 2025

Did anyone got here txn success with jito using api call. How did you sent the transaction from frontend ?

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winer328 commented Jan 9, 2025

it's same as be.

Did anyone got here txn success with jito using api call. How did you sent the transaction from frontend ?

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ankitzm commented Jan 9, 2025

Sorry, I didn't understand.
sendBundle calls the api to get bundleId, but how it it send on chain from frontend ?

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winer328 commented Jan 9, 2025

Sorry, I didn't understand. sendBundle calls the api to get bundleId, but how it it send on chain from frontend ?

we implement jito bundle with api request.
so also we can call it as api request.
Only sign tx with wallet in fe is different from be.
@Cool0328 (TG)

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