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Created October 22, 2019 11:32
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type Config = {
title: string
description: string
rules: Rule[]
type Rule = {
description: string,
manipulators: Manipulator[]
type Manipulator = {
modifier: string
modifierVariable: string
keys: Array<{ from: string, to: string }>
const HappyDeletion = [
{ from: 'y', to: '↤' }, { from: 'Y', to: '↦' },
const config: Config = {
title: 'HappyKeyout',
description: 'HappyKeyout',
rules: [
description: 'wander_w',
manipulators: [
modifier: 'w',
modifierVariable: 'wander_w',
keys: [
{ from: '7', to: '7', }, { from: '8', to: '8' }, { from: '9', to: '9', },
{ from: 'u', to: '4', }, { from: 'i', to: '5' }, { from: 'o', to: '6', },
{ from: 'j', to: '1', }, { from: 'k', to: '2', }, { from: 'l', to: '3', },
{ from: 'm', to: '0', }, { from: ',', to: '00', },
{ from: 'p', to: '+', }, { from: ';', to: '-', }, { from: '[', to: '*', }, { from: '\'', to: '%' },
description: 'fancy_f',
manipulators: [
modifier: 'f',
modifierVariable: 'fancy_f',
keys: [
{ from: 'i', to: '↑', }, { from: 'j', to: '←' }, { from: 'k', to: '↓', }, { from: 'l', to: '→', },
{ from: 'u', to: '▲', }, { from: 'o', to: '▼' }, { from: 'm', to: '◄', }, { from: '.', to: '►', },
{ from: 'o', to: '5' }, { from: 'm', to: '6', },
{ from: 'j', to: '1', }, { from: 'k', to: '2', }, { from: 'l', to: '3', },
{ from: 'm', to: '0', }, { from: ',', to: '00', },
{ from: 'p', to: '+', }, { from: ';', to: '-', }, { from: '[', to: '*', }, { from: '\'', to: '%' },
description: 'junior_j',
manipulators: [
modifier: 'j',
modifierVariable: 'junior_j',
keys: [
{ from: '1', to: '!', }, { from: '2', to: '@' }, { from: '3', to: '#', }, { from: '4', to: '$', }, { from: '5', to: '%' },
{ from: 'q', to: '\'', }, { from: 'w', to: '_' }, { from: 'e', to: '=', }, { from: 'r', to: '\\', }, { from: 't', to: '|' },
{ from: 'a', to: '&', }, { from: 's', to: '<' }, { from: 'd', to: '>', }, { from: 'f', to: '(', }, { from: 'g', to: ')' },
{ from: 'z', to: '^', }, { from: 'x', to: '{' }, { from: 'c', to: '}', }, { from: 'v', to: '[', }, { from: 'b', to: ']' },
description: 'extra_x',
manipulators: [
modifier: 'x',
modifierVariable: 'extra_x',
keys: [
{ from: 'u', to: '∆', }, { from: 'j', to: '∇' }, { from: 'm', to: '∅' },
{ from: 'i', to: '☀', }, { from: 'k', to: '☼', },
const genCode = (key: string) =>
const NamedKeyMap: Record<string, string> = {
'-': 'hyphen',
'=': 'equal_sign',
'`': 'backquote',
'[': 'open_bracket',
']': 'close_bracket',
'\\': 'backslash',
';': 'semicolon',
'\'': 'quote',
',': 'comma',
'.': 'period',
'/': 'slash',
'↑': 'up_arrow',
'←': 'left_arrow',
'↓': 'down_arrow',
'→': 'right_arrow',
'▲': 'pageup',
'▼': 'pagedown',
'◄': 'home',
'►': 'end',
'↤': 'delete_or_backspace',
'↦': 'delete_forward',
'∆': 'volume_increment',
'∇': 'volume_decrement',
'∅': 'mute',
'☀': 'display_brightness_increment',
'☼': 'display_brightness_decrement',
const ShiftUpKeyMap: Record<string, string> = {
'!': '1',
'@': '2',
'#': '3',
'$': '4',
'%': '5',
'^': '6',
'&': '7',
'*': '8',
'(': '9',
')': '0',
'_': 'hyphen',
'+': 'equal_sign',
'~': 'backquote',
'{': 'open_bracket',
'}': 'close_bracket',
'|': 'backslash',
':': 'semicolon',
'"': 'quote',
'<': 'comma',
'>': 'period',
'?': 'slash',
return ShiftUpKeyMap[key]
? { key_code: ShiftUpKeyMap[key], modifiers: ['left_shift'] }
: NamedKeyMap[key]
? { key_code: NamedKeyMap[key] }
: /[a-z]/.test(key) && key === key.toUpperCase()
? { key_code: key, modifiers: ['left_shift'] }
: { key_code: key }
const genManipulators = (manipulator: Manipulator) =>
{ type: 'basic'
, from:
{ key_code: manipulator.modifier
, modifiers: { optional: ['any'] },
, conditions: [
{ type: 'variable_if', name: 'uniqueModifier', value: 0 },
, to: [
{ set_variable: { name: 'uniqueModifier', value: 1 } },
{ set_variable: { name: manipulator.modifierVariable, value: 1 } }
, to_after_key_up: [
{ set_variable: { name: 'uniqueModifier', value: 0 } },
{ set_variable: { name: manipulator.modifierVariable, value: 0 } },
, to_if_alone: [
{ key_code: manipulator.modifier },
, => (
{ type: 'basic'
,description: `from ${key.from} to ${}`
, conditions: [
{ type: 'variable_if', name: manipulator.modifierVariable, value: 1 },
, from: genCode(key.from)
, to:'').map(genCode)
const gen = (config: Config) => {
const keymap = {
title: config.title,
rules: => ({
description: rule.description,
manipulators:, c) => acc.concat(c), []),
return JSON.stringify(keymap, null, 4)
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