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Created March 30, 2020 07:15
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chromedp event callback
package main
import (
var (
msgChann = make(chan cdproto.Message)
ctxt context.Context
func devToolHandler(s string, is ...interface{}) {
Uncomment the following line to have a log of the events
log.Printf(s, is...)
We need this to be on a separate gorutine
otherwise we block the browser and we don't receive messages
go func () {
for _, elem := range is {
var msg cdproto.Message
// The CDP messages are sent as strings so we need to convert them back
json.Unmarshal([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s", elem)), &msg)
msgChann <- msg
func main() {
// create context
ctxt, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
// create chrome instance
c, err := chromedp.New(ctxt,
runner.Flag("disable-infobars", true)),
if err != nil {
err = c.Run(ctxt, network.Enable())
if err != nil {
c.Run(ctxt, chromedp.ActionFunc(func(_ context.Context, h cdp.Executor) error {
// This is in an action function because the Executor is needed in some method
go func() {
for {
Right now I have no guaranties (did not run enough tests) that the messages are evaluated
in the same order they are received
msg := <- msgChann
switch msg.Method.String() {
case "Page.frameScheduledNavigation":
var schednavevent page.EventFrameScheduledNavigation
json.Unmarshal(msg.Params, &schednavevent)
case "Network.requestWillBeSent":
var reqWillSend network.EventRequestWillBeSent
json.Unmarshal(msg.Params, &reqWillSend)
case "Network.responseReceived":
var respevent network.EventResponseReceived
// json.Unmarshal(msg.Params, &respevent)
// This contains a bunch of data, like the response headers
Uncomment the following lines if you want to print the response body
rbp := network.GetResponseBody(respevent.RequestID)
b, e := rbp.Do(ctxt, h)
if e != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", b)
return nil
err = c.Run(ctxt, chromedp.Navigate(""))
if err != nil {
Since chromedp.Navigate does not wait for the page to be fully loaded
we wait manually, there may be a better and more reliable way to do this
state := "notloaded"
for {
script := `document.readyState`
err = c.Run(ctxt, chromedp.EvaluateAsDevTools(script, &state))
if err != nil {
if strings.Compare(state, "complete") == 0 {
// shutdown chrome
err = c.Shutdown(ctxt)
if err != nil {
// wait for chrome to finish the shutdown
err = c.Wait()
if err != nil {
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