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Created March 15, 2021 05:02
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type Status = "pending" | "resolved" | "rejected";
type State<R, E = unknown> = {
status: Status;
data: null | R;
error: null | E;
type Action<R, E = unknown> =
| { type: "pending" }
| { type: "resolved"; data: R }
| { type: "rejected"; error: E };
// useSafeDispatch is for making sure that we do not dispatch actions after the component has unmounted, which creates memory leaks.
function useSafeDispatch<R, E = unknown>(
dispatch: React.Dispatch<Action<R, E>>
): React.Dispatch<Action<R, E>> {
const mountRef = useRef(false);
useLayoutEffect(() => {
mountRef.current = true;
return () => {
mountRef.current = false;
}, []);
return useCallback(
(...args) => {
if (mountRef.current) dispatch(...args);
function createReducer<R, E>() {
return function reducer(
state: State<R, E>,
action: Action<R, E>
): State<R, E> {
switch (action.type) {
case "pending": {
return { status: "pending", data: null, error: null };
case "resolved": {
return { status: "resolved", data:, error: null };
case "rejected": {
return { status: "rejected", data: null, error: action.error };
default: {
throw new Error(`unhandled action type`);
export default function useRequest<R, E = unknown>(intialState?: State<R, E>) {
const reducer = createReducer<R, E>();
const [state, unsafeDispatch] = useReducer(reducer, {
status: "pending",
data: null,
error: null,
const safeDispatch = useSafeDispatch(unsafeDispatch);
const currentRequestRef = useRef<null | symbol>(null);
const request = useCallback(
// Wrap it inside useCallback so it has stable reference between re-renders
(promise: Promise<R>) => {
if (!promise || !promise.then) {
throw new Error("The argument must be a promise");
// Taking advantage of the uniqueness of symbol and use it to mark the requests we have made
// This is for avoiding race conditions that might occur in rare cases
// e.g. when user makes two requests in a row and the second request comes back faster than the first request
// I could have used abort controller here to avoid the race condition but it has its own downsides.
const id = Symbol();
currentRequestRef.current = id;
safeDispatch({ type: "pending" });
(data: R) => {
if (currentRequestRef.current === id)
safeDispatch({ type: "resolved", data });
(error: E) => safeDispatch({ type: "rejected", error })
return {
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