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Created December 6, 2014 04:51
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Fetching source index from
Installing rake 10.0.4
Installing i18n 0.6.9
Using multi_json 1.10.1
Installing activesupport 3.2.17
Installing builder 3.0.4
Installing activemodel 3.2.17
Using erubis 2.7.0
Installing journey 1.0.4
Installing rack 1.4.5
Installing rack-cache 1.2
Using rack-test 0.6.2
Using hike 1.2.3
Using tilt 1.4.1
Installing sprockets 2.2.2
Installing actionpack 3.2.17
Installing mime-types 1.25.1
Installing polyglot 0.3.4
Installing treetop 1.4.15
Installing mail 2.5.4
Installing actionmailer 3.2.17
Installing arbre 1.0.1
Installing sass 3.2.6
Installing thor 0.18.1
Installing bourbon 3.2.3
Installing bcrypt-ruby 3.0.1
Installing orm_adapter 0.4.0
Installing rack-ssl 1.3.3
Using json 1.8.1
Installing rdoc 3.12.2
Installing railties 3.2.17
Installing warden 1.2.1
Installing devise 2.2.3
Installing formtastic 2.2.1
Installing has_scope 0.6.0.rc
Installing responders 1.1.0
Installing inherited_resources 1.5.0
Installing jquery-rails 2.3.0
Installing kaminari 0.16.1
Installing arel 3.0.3
Installing tzinfo 0.3.38
Installing activerecord 3.2.17
Installing polyamorous 0.5.0
Installing meta_search 1.1.3
Installing activeresource 3.2.17
Using bundler 1.7.7
Installing rails 3.2.17
Installing activeadmin 0.6.3
Installing addressable 2.3.6
Installing annotate 2.5.0
Installing apipie-rails 0.0.24
Installing nokogiri 1.5.9
Installing authorize-net 1.5.2
Installing awesome_print 1.2.0
Installing htmlentities 4.3.2
Installing rubyzip 1.0.0
Installing axlsx 2.0.1
Installing axlsx_rails 0.2.1
Installing blankslate 3.1.3
Installing fastercsv 1.5.5
Installing haml 3.1.8
Installing highline 1.6.15
Installing sexp_processor 4.1.5
Installing ruby_parser 3.1.1
Installing ruby2ruby 2.0.3
Installing terminal-table 1.4.5
Installing brakeman 1.9.1
Installing uniform_notifier 1.2.0
Installing bullet 4.6.0
Installing cancan 1.6.9
Installing net-ssh 2.7.0
Installing net-scp 1.1.2
Installing net-sftp 2.1.2
Installing net-ssh-gateway 1.2.0
Installing capistrano 2.15.5
Installing xpath 2.0.0
Installing capybara 2.4.4
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