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Last active March 29, 2016 03:32
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ButterKnife (Kotlin)
package butterknife
import android.view.View
import kotlin.reflect.KProperty
import as SupportFragment
fun <V : View> View.bindView(id: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<View, V> = required(id, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> Activity.bindView(id: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<Activity, V> = required(id, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> Dialog.bindView(id: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<Dialog, V> = required(id, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> Fragment.bindView(id: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<Fragment, V> = required(id, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> SupportFragment.bindView(id: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<SupportFragment, V> = required(id, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> ViewHolder.bindView(id: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<ViewHolder, V> = required(id, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> View.bindOptionalView(id: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<View, V?> = optional(id, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> Activity.bindOptionalView(id: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<Activity, V?> = optional(id, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> Dialog.bindOptionalView(id: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<Dialog, V?> = optional(id, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> Fragment.bindOptionalView(id: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<Fragment, V?> = optional(id, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> SupportFragment.bindOptionalView(id: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<SupportFragment, V?> = optional(id, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> ViewHolder.bindOptionalView(id: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<ViewHolder, V?> = optional(id, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> View.bindViews(vararg ids: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<View, List<V>> = required(ids, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> Activity.bindViews(vararg ids: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<Activity, List<V>> = required(ids, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> Dialog.bindViews(vararg ids: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<Dialog, List<V>> = required(ids, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> Fragment.bindViews(vararg ids: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<Fragment, List<V>> = required(ids, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> SupportFragment.bindViews(vararg ids: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<SupportFragment, List<V>> = required(ids, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> ViewHolder.bindViews(vararg ids: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<ViewHolder, List<V>> = required(ids, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> View.bindOptionalViews(vararg ids: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<View, List<V>> = optional(ids, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> Activity.bindOptionalViews(vararg ids: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<Activity, List<V>> = optional(ids, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> Dialog.bindOptionalViews(vararg ids: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<Dialog, List<V>> = optional(ids, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> Fragment.bindOptionalViews(vararg ids: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<Fragment, List<V>> = optional(ids, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> SupportFragment.bindOptionalViews(vararg ids: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<SupportFragment, List<V>> = optional(ids, viewFinder)
fun <V : View> ViewHolder.bindOptionalViews(vararg ids: Int)
: ReadOnlyProperty<ViewHolder, List<V>> = optional(ids, viewFinder)
private val View.viewFinder: View.(Int) -> View?
get() = { findViewById(it) }
private val Activity.viewFinder: Activity.(Int) -> View?
get() = { findViewById(it) }
private val Dialog.viewFinder: Dialog.(Int) -> View?
get() = { findViewById(it) }
private val Fragment.viewFinder: Fragment.(Int) -> View?
get() = { view.findViewById(it) }
private val SupportFragment.viewFinder: SupportFragment.(Int) -> View?
get() = { view!!.findViewById(it) }
private val ViewHolder.viewFinder: ViewHolder.(Int) -> View?
get() = { itemView.findViewById(it) }
private fun viewNotFound(id: Int, desc: KProperty<*>): Nothing =
throw IllegalStateException("View ID $id for '${}' not found.")
private fun <T, V : View> required(id: Int, finder: T.(Int) -> View?)
= Lazy { t: T, desc -> t.finder(id) as V? ?: viewNotFound(id, desc) }
private fun <T, V : View> optional(id: Int, finder: T.(Int) -> View?)
= Lazy { t: T, desc -> t.finder(id) as V? }
private fun <T, V : View> required(ids: IntArray, finder: T.(Int) -> View?)
= Lazy { t: T, desc -> { t.finder(it) as V? ?: viewNotFound(it, desc) } }
private fun <T, V : View> optional(ids: IntArray, finder: T.(Int) -> View?)
= Lazy { t: T, desc -> { t.finder(it) as V? }.filterNotNull() }
// Like Kotlin's lazy delegate but the initializer gets the target and metadata passed to it
private class Lazy<T, V>(private val initializer: (T, KProperty<*>) -> V) : ReadOnlyProperty<T, V> {
private object EMPTY
private var value: Any? = EMPTY
override fun getValue(thisRef: T, property: KProperty<*>): V {
if (value == EMPTY) {
value = initializer(thisRef, property)
return value as V
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