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Forked from davebshow/
Created May 5, 2018 22:28
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import collections
import datetime
import logging
from goblin import properties
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CARD_MAPPING = {'Cardinality.single': 'Cardinality.SINGLE',
'Cardinality.set_': 'Cardinality.SET'}
DATA_TYPE_MAPPING = {properties.Integer: 'Integer.class',
properties.Float: 'Float.class',
properties.String: 'String.class',
properties.Boolean: 'Boolean.class'}
prop_keys = {}
PropertyKey = collections.namedtuple('PropertyKey', ['name', 'data_type', 'card'])
async def create_schema(app, indices, cluster):
client = await cluster.connect()
schema_definition = get_schema(app, indices)
start_time ="Processing schema....")
resp = await client.submit(schema_definition)
await resp.all()"Processed schema in {}".format( - start_time))
def get_schema(app, indices=None):
if not indices:
indices = []
schema_definition = """graph.tx().rollback()
mgmt = graph.openManagement()\n"""
for label, vertex in app.vertices.items():
schema_definition += get_vertex_schema(label, vertex)
schema_definition += "// Edge schema\n"
for label, edge in app.edges.items():
schema_definition += get_edge_schema(label, edge)
# Need to register vertex props with app TODO Fix in Goblin
schema_definition += get_indices_schema(indices)
schema_definition += "mgmt.commit()"
return schema_definition
def get_vertex_schema(label, vertex):
vertex_schema = "// Schema for vertex label: {}\n".format(label)
vertex_schema += "{} = mgmt.makeVertexLabel('{}').make()\n".format(label, label)
mapping = vertex.__mapping__
properties = vertex.__properties__
for db_name, (ogm_name, _) in mapping.db_properties.items():
prop = properties[ogm_name]
# Get cardinality
if hasattr(prop, 'cardinality'):
card = str(prop.cardinality)
card = 'Cardinality.single'
mapped_card = CARD_MAPPING[card]
# Get data type
data_type = prop.data_type
mapped_data_type = DATA_TYPE_MAPPING[data_type.__class__]
prop_key = PropertyKey(db_name, mapped_data_type, mapped_card)
if db_name in prop_keys:
assert prop_key == prop_keys[db_name]
prop_keys[db_name] = prop_key
prop_key_string = "{} = mgmt.makePropertyKey('{}').dataType({}).cardinality({}).make()\n".format(,, prop_key.data_type, prop_key.card)
vertex_schema += prop_key_string
vertex_schema += "\n"
return vertex_schema
def get_indices_schema(indices):
indices_schema = "// Indices ...\n"
for index in indices:
indices_schema += "mgmt.buildIndex('by_{}', Vertex.class).addKey({}).buildCompositeIndex()\n".format(index, index)
return indices_schema
def get_edge_schema(label, edge):
edge_schema = "{} = mgmt.makeEdgeLabel('{}').multiplicity(SIMPLE).make()\n".format(label, label)
#TODO edge prop keys
return edge_schema
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