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Created September 22, 2016 19:04
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import UIKit
precedencegroup PipingPrecedence {
associativity: left
higherThan: LogicalConjunctionPrecedence
infix operator |> : PipingPrecedence
func |><A,B>(a:A, function: (A)->B) -> B {
return function(a)
precedencegroup ComposePrecedence {
associativity: left
higherThan: PipingPrecedence
infix operator • : ComposePrecedence
func •<A,B,C>(f:@escaping (A) -> B, g:@escaping (B)->C) -> (A) -> C {
return { g(f($0)) }
func sideEffect<A>(function: @escaping (A) -> Void) -> (A) -> A {
return { a in
return a
typealias ConstraintConfig = (NSLayoutConstraint) -> NSLayoutConstraint
func identity<T>(input:T) -> T {
return input
func make<T: AnyObject>(_ relation: NSLayoutRelation) -> (NSLayoutAnchor<T>, NSLayoutAnchor<T>) -> NSLayoutConstraint {
return { a, b in
switch relation {
case .greaterThanOrEqual:
return a.constraint(greaterThanOrEqualTo: b)
case .lessThanOrEqual:
return a.constraint(lessThanOrEqualTo: b)
case .equal:
return a.constraint(equalTo: b)
func make(_ relation: NSLayoutRelation) -> (NSLayoutDimension) -> NSLayoutConstraint {
return { anchor in
switch relation {
case .equal:
return anchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 0)
case .greaterThanOrEqual:
return anchor.constraint(greaterThanOrEqualToConstant: 0)
case .lessThanOrEqual:
return anchor.constraint(lessThanOrEqualToConstant: 0)
func make(priority: UILayoutPriority) -> ConstraintConfig {
return sideEffect() {
$0.priority = priority
func make(constant: CGFloat) -> ConstraintConfig {
return sideEffect() {
$0.constant = constant
func make(activate: Bool) -> ConstraintConfig {
return sideEffect() {
$0.isActive = activate
struct Edge {
static let top: (UIView) -> NSLayoutYAxisAnchor = { $0.topAnchor }
static let bottom: (UIView) -> NSLayoutYAxisAnchor = { $0.bottomAnchor }
static let leading: (UIView) -> NSLayoutXAxisAnchor = { $0.leadingAnchor }
static let trailing: (UIView) -> NSLayoutXAxisAnchor = { $0.trailingAnchor }
static let centerX: (UIView) -> NSLayoutXAxisAnchor = { $0.centerXAnchor }
static let centerY: (UIView) -> NSLayoutYAxisAnchor = { $0.centerYAnchor }
static let topGuide: (UIViewController) -> NSLayoutYAxisAnchor = {
static let width: (UIView) -> NSLayoutDimension = { $0.widthAnchor }
static let height: (UIView) -> NSLayoutDimension = { $0.heightAnchor }
enum EdgeToPin {
typealias Horizontal = (NSLayoutAnchor<NSLayoutXAxisAnchor>, NSLayoutAnchor<NSLayoutXAxisAnchor>) -> NSLayoutConstraint
typealias Vertical = (NSLayoutAnchor<NSLayoutYAxisAnchor>, NSLayoutAnchor<NSLayoutYAxisAnchor>) -> NSLayoutConstraint
case leading(Horizontal)
case trailing(Horizontal)
case top(Vertical)
case bottom(Vertical)
static let all:[EdgeToPin] = [
struct AnchorMan {
static func pin<U, V, T: AnyObject>(
anchor: (U) -> NSLayoutAnchor<T>,
ofItem item: U,
toAnchor: (V) -> NSLayoutAnchor<T>,
ofOtherItem otherItem: V,
config: (NSLayoutAnchor<T>, NSLayoutAnchor<T>) -> NSLayoutConstraint
) -> NSLayoutConstraint {
return config(anchor(item), toAnchor(otherItem))
static func pin<U>(
anchor: (U) -> NSLayoutDimension,
ofItem item: U,
config: (NSLayoutDimension) -> NSLayoutConstraint
) -> NSLayoutConstraint {
return item |> anchor |> config
extension UIView {
func pin<U, T>(anchor: (UIView) -> NSLayoutAnchor<T>, toAnchor: (U) -> NSLayoutAnchor<T>, ofItem: U, config: (NSLayoutAnchor<T>, NSLayoutAnchor<T>) -> NSLayoutConstraint = make(.equal)) -> NSLayoutConstraint {
return anchor, ofItem: self, toAnchor: toAnchor, ofOtherItem: ofItem, config: config)
func pin<T>(anchor: (UIView) -> NSLayoutAnchor<T>, togetherWithView: UIView, config: (NSLayoutAnchor<T>, NSLayoutAnchor<T>) -> NSLayoutConstraint = make(.equal)) -> NSLayoutConstraint {
return anchor, toAnchor: anchor, ofItem: togetherWithView, config: config)
func pinToView(view: UIView, edges: [EdgeToPin] = EdgeToPin.all) -> [NSLayoutConstraint] {
switch $0 {
case .top(let config):
return, togetherWithView: view, config: config)
case .leading(let config):
return Edge.leading, togetherWithView: view, config: config)
case .trailing(let config):
return Edge.trailing, togetherWithView: view, config: config)
case .bottom(let config):
return Edge.bottom, togetherWithView: view, config: config)
func pinToSuperView(edges: [EdgeToPin] = EdgeToPin.all) -> [NSLayoutConstraint] {
guard let superview = self.superview else {
fatalError("Sholud have superview")
return self.pinToView(view: superview, edges: edges)
func setSize(width: ((NSLayoutDimension) -> NSLayoutConstraint)? = nil, height: ((NSLayoutDimension) -> NSLayoutConstraint)? = nil) -> [NSLayoutConstraint] {
return [{ self.widthAnchor |> $0 }),{ self.heightAnchor |> $0 })
let viewController = UIViewController()
let view = viewController.view!
let subview = UIView()
let subviewB = UIView()
subviewB.pinToView(view: subview, edges: [
.leading(make(.equal) • make(constant: 10)),
.top(make(.greaterThanOrEqual) • make(priority: 100))
width: make(.equal) • make(constant: 100),
height: make(.greaterThanOrEqual) • make(constant: 10)
let subviewC = UIView()
//Bind to viewController, toAnchor: Edge.topGuide, ofItem: viewController)
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