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Save zhilongjia/a954da801f766587a3a9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
rpm is revised to convert Rnw to Rmd for vignette, originally from Main function is convertDocs.
# @knitr template_objects
# For package 'rpm'
# data
rmd.template <-
## Introduction
### Motivation
### Details
#### Capabilities
#### Limitations
## Related items
### Files and Data
### Code flow
```{r code_sankey, echo=F, eval=T}
```{r code_sankey_embed, echo=F, eval=T, comment=NA, results="asis", tidy=F}
## R code
### Setup
Setup consists of loading required **R** packages and additional files, preparing any command line arguments for use, and defining functions and other **R** objects.
# default path
matt.proj.path <- "C:/github"
# @knitr fun_newProject
newProject <- function(name, path,
dirs=c("code", "data", "docs", "plots", "workspaces"),
docs.dirs=c("diagrams", "ioslides", "notebook", "Rmd/include", "md", "html", "Rnw", "pdf", "timeline", "tufte"),
name <- file.path(path, name)
if(file.exists(name) && !overwrite) stop("This project already exists.")
dir.create(name, recursive=TRUE, showWarnings=FALSE)
if(!file.exists(name)) stop("Directory appears invalid.")
path.dirs <- file.path(name, dirs)
sapply(path.dirs, dir.create, showWarnings=FALSE) <- file.path(name, "docs", docs.dirs)
if("docs" %in% dirs) sapply(, dir.create, recursive=TRUE, showWarnings=FALSE)
if(overwrite) cat("Project directories updated.\n") else cat("Project directories created.\n")
# @knitr fun_rmdHeader
# Generate Rmd files
# Rmd yaml front-matter
# called by genRmd
.rmdHeader <- function(title="filenames", author="Matthew Leonawicz", theme="united", highlight="zenburn", toc=FALSE,, ioslides=FALSE, include.pdf=FALSE){
if(toc) toc <- "true" else toc <- "false"
if( <- "true" else <- "false"
if(ioslides) hdoc <- "ioslides_presentation" else hdoc <- "html_document"
rmd.header <- "---\n"
if(!is.null(title)) rmd.header <- paste0(rmd.header, 'title: ', title, '\n')
if(!is.null(author)) rmd.header <- paste0(rmd.header, 'author: ', author, '\n')
rmd.header <- paste0(rmd.header, 'output:\n ', hdoc, ':\n toc: ', toc, '\n theme: ', theme, '\n highlight: ', highlight, '\n keep_md: ',, '\n')
if(ioslides) rmd.header <- paste0(rmd.header, ' widescreen: true\n')
if(include.pdf) rmd.header <- paste0(rmd.header, ' pdf_document:\n toc: ', toc, '\n highlight: ', highlight, '\n')
rmd.header <- paste0(rmd.header, '---\n')
# @knitr fun_rmdknitrSetup
# Rmd knitr setup chunk
# called by genRmd
.rmdknitrSetup <- function(file, include.sankey=FALSE){
x <- paste0('\n```{r knitr_setup, echo=FALSE}\nopts_chunk$set(cache=FALSE, eval=FALSE, tidy=TRUE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE)\n')
if(include.sankey) x <- paste0(x, 'read_chunk("../../code/proj_sankey.R")\n')
x <- paste0(x, 'read_chunk("../../code/', gsub("\\.Rmd", "\\.R", basename(file)), '")\n```\n')
# @knitr fun_genRmd
genRmd <- function(path, replace=FALSE,
header.args=list(title="filename", author=NULL, theme="united", highlight="zenburn", toc=FALSE,, ioslides=FALSE, include.pdf=FALSE),
update.header=FALSE, ...){
files <- list.files(path, pattern=".R$", full=TRUE)
stopifnot(length(files) > 0)
rmd <- gsub("\\.R", "\\.Rmd", basename(files))
rmd <- file.path(dirname(path), "docs/Rmd", rmd)
if(!(replace | update.header)) rmd <- rmd[!sapply(rmd, file.exists)]
if(update.header) rmd <- rmd[sapply(rmd, file.exists)]
stopifnot(length(rmd) > 0)
sinkRmd <- function(x, arglist, ...){
if(arglist$title=="filename") arglist$title <- gsub("\\.Rmd", "\\.R", basename(x))
y1 <-, arglist)
y2 <- .rmdknitrSetup(file=x, ...)
y3 <- list(...)$rmd.template
if(is.null(y3)) y3 <- rmd.template
sapply(c(y1, y2, y3), cat)
swapHeader <- function(x, arglist){
if(arglist$title=="filename") arglist$title <- gsub("\\.Rmd", "\\.R", basename(x))
header <-, arglist)
l <- readLines(x)
ind <- which(l=="---")
l <- l[(ind[2] + 1):length(l)]
l <- paste0(l, "\n")
sapply(c(header, l), cat)
sapply(rmd, swapHeader, arglist=header.args)
cat("yaml header updated for each .Rmd file.\n")
} else {
sapply(rmd, sinkRmd, arglist=header.args, ...)
cat(".Rmd files created for each .R file.\n")
# @knitr fun_chunkNames
chunkNames <- function(path, rChunkID="# @knitr", rmdChunkID="```{r",{
files <- list.files(path, pattern=".R$", full=TRUE)
stopifnot(length(files) > 0)
l1 <- lapply(files, readLines)
l1 <- rapply(l1, function(x) x[substr(x, 1, nchar(rChunkID))==rChunkID], how="replace")
l1 <- rapply(l1, function(x, p) gsub(paste0(p, " "), "", x), how="replace", p=rChunkID)
if(! return(l1)
appendRmd <- function(x, rmd.files, rChunks, rmdChunks, ID){
r1 <- rmdChunks[[x]]
r2 <- rChunks[[x]] <- r2[!(r2 %in% r1)]
if(length({ <- paste0(ID, " ",, "}\n```\n", collapse="") # Hard coded brace and backticks
sink(rmd.files[x], append=TRUE)
paste(basename(rmd.files[x]), "appended with new chunk names from .R file")
else paste("No new chunk names appended to", basename(rmd.files[x]))
rmd <- gsub("\\.R", "\\.Rmd", basename(files))
rmd <- file.path(dirname(path), "docs/Rmd", rmd)
rmd <- rmd[sapply(rmd, file.exists)]
stopifnot(length(rmd) > 0) # Rmd files must exist
files.ind <- match(gsub("\\.Rmd", "", basename(rmd)), gsub("\\.R", "", basename(files))) # Rmd exist for which R script
l2 <- lapply(rmd, readLines)
l2 <- rapply(l2, function(x) x[substr(x, 1, nchar(rmdChunkID))==rmdChunkID], how="replace")
l2 <- rapply(l2, function(x, p) gsub(paste0(p, " "), "", x), how="replace", p=gsub("\\{", "\\\\{", rmdChunkID))
l2 <- rapply(l2, function(x) gsub("}", "", sapply(strsplit(x, ","), "[[", 1)), how="replace")
sapply(1:length(rmd), appendRmd, rmd.files=rmd, rChunks=l1[files.ind], rmdChunks=l2, ID=rmdChunkID)
# @knitr fun_swapHeadings
# Rmd <-> Rnw document conversion
# Conversion support functions
# called by .swap()
.swapHeadings <- function(from, to, x){
nc <- nchar(x)
ind <- which(substr(x, 1, 1)=="\\")
if(!length(ind)){ # assume Rmd file
ind <- which(substr(x, 1, 1)=="#")
ind.n <- rep(1, length(ind))
for(i in 2:6){
ind.tmp <- which(substr(x[ind], 1, i)==substr("######", 1, i))
if(length(ind.tmp)) ind.n[ind.tmp] <- ind.n[ind.tmp] + 1 else break
for(i in 1:length(ind)){
n <- ind.n[i]
input <- paste0(substr("######", 1, n), " ")
h <- x[ind[i]]
h <- gsub("\\*", "_", h) # Switch any markdown boldface asterisks in headings to double underscores
heading <- gsub("\n", "", substr(h, n+2, nc[ind[i]]))
#h <- gsub(input, "", h)
if(n <= 2) subs <- "\\" else if(n==3) subs <- "\\sub" else if(n==4) subs <- "\\subsub" else if(n >=5) subs <- "\\subsubsub"
output <- paste0("\\", subs, "section{", heading, "}\n")
x[ind[i]] <- gsub(h, output, h)
} else { # assume Rnw file
ind <- which(substr(x, 1, 8)=="\\section")
for(i in 1:length(ind)){
h <- x[ind[i]]
heading <- paste0("## ", substr(h, 10, nchar(h)-2), "\n")
x[ind[i]] <- heading
ind <- which(substr(x, 1, 4)=="\\sub")
for(i in 1:length(ind)){
h <- x[ind[i]]
z <- substr(h, 2, 10)
if(z=="subsubsub") {p <- "##### "; n <- 19 } else if(substr(z, 1, 6)=="subsub") { p <- "#### "; n <- 16 } else if(substr(z, 1, 3)=="sub") { p <- "### "; n <- 13 }
heading <- paste0(p, substr(h, n, nchar(h)-2), "\n")
x[ind[i]] <- heading
# @knitr fun_swapChunks
# Rmd <-> Rnw document conversion
# Conversion support functions
# called by .swap()
.swapChunks <- function(from, to, x, offset.end=1){
gsbraces <- function(txt) gsub("\\{", "\\\\{", txt)
nc <- nchar(x) <- substr(x, 1, nchar(from[1]))==from[1]
chunk.start.close <- substr(x, nc-offset.end-nchar(from[2])+1, nc - offset.end)==from[2]
chunk.start <- which( & chunk.start.close)
chunk.end <- which(substr(x, 1, nchar(from[3]))==from[3] & nc==nchar(from[3]) + offset.end)
x[chunk.start] <- gsub(from[2], to[2], gsub(gsbraces(from[1]), gsbraces(to[1]), x[chunk.start]))
x[chunk.end] <- gsub(from[3], to[3], x[chunk.end])
chunklines <- as.numeric(unlist(mapply(seq, chunk.start, chunk.end)))
list(x, chunklines)
# @knitr fun_swapEmphasis
# Rmd <-> Rnw document conversion
# Conversion support functions
# called by .swap()
# I know I use '**' strictly for bold font in Rmd files.
# For now, this function assumes:
# 1. The only emphasis in a doc is boldface or typewriter.
# 2. These instances are always preceded by a space, a carriage return, or an open bracket,
# 3. and followed by a space, period, comma, or closing bracket.
.swapEmphasis <- function(x, emphasis="remove",
pat.remove=c("`", "\\*\\*", "__"),
replacement=c("\\\\texttt\\{", "\\\\textbf\\{", "\\\\textbf\\{", "\\}", "\\}", "\\}")){
stopifnot(emphasis %in% c("remove", "replace"))
n <- length(pat.replace)
rep1 <- replacement[1:n]
rep2 <- replacement[(n+1):(2*n)]
prefix <- c(" ", "^", "\\{", "\\(")
suffix <- c(" ", ",", "-", "\n", "\\.", "\\}", "\\)")
n.p <- length(prefix)
n.s <- length(suffix)
pat.replace <- c(paste0(rep(prefix, n), rep(pat.replace, each=n.p)), paste0(rep(pat.replace, each=n.s), rep(suffix, n)))
replacement <- c(paste0(rep(gsub("\\^", "", prefix), n), rep(rep1, each=n.p)), paste0(rep(rep2, each=n.s), rep(suffix, n)))
if(emphasis=="remove") for(k in 1:length(pat.remove)) x <- sapply(x, function(v, p, r) gsub(p, r, v), p=pat.remove[k], r="")
if(emphasis=="replace") for(k in 1:length(pat.replace)) x <- sapply(x, function(v, p, r) gsub(p, r, v), p=pat.replace[k], r=replacement[k])
# @knitr fun_swap
# Rmd <-> Rnw document conversion
# Conversion support functions
# called by .convertDocs()
.swap <- function(file, header=NULL, outDir, rmdChunkID, rnwChunkID, emphasis, overwrite, ...){
title <- list(...)$title
author <- list(...)$author
highlight <- list(...)$highlight
ext <- tail(strsplit(file, "\\.")[[1]], 1)
l <- readLines(file)
l <- l[substr(l, 1, 7)!="<style>"] # Strip any html style lines
from <- rmdChunkID; to <- rnwChunkID
hl.default <- "solarized-light"
out.ext <- "Rnw"
h.ind <- 1:which(l=="---")[2]
h <- l[h.ind]
t.ind <- which(substr(h, 1, 7)=="title: ")
a.ind <- which(substr(h, 1, 8)=="author: ")
highlight.ind <- which(substr(h, 1, 11)=="highlight: ")
if(is.null(title) & length(t.ind)) title <- substr(h[t.ind], 8, nchar(h[t.ind])) else if(is.null(title)) title <- ""
if(is.null(author) & length(a.ind)) author <- substr(h[a.ind], 9, nchar(h[a.ind])) else if(is.null(author)) author <- ""
if(is.null(highlight) & length(highlight.ind)) highlight <- substr(h[highlight.ind], 12, nchar(h[highlight.ind])) else if(is.null(highlight)) highlight <- hl.default else if(!(highlight %in% knit_theme$get())) highlight <- hl.default
if(!is.null(title)) header <- c(header, paste0("\\title{", title, "}"))
if(!is.null(author)) header <- c(header, paste0("\\author{", author, "}"))
if(!is.null(title)) header <- c(header, "\\maketitle\n")
header <- c(header, paste0("<<highlight, echo=FALSE>>=\nknit_theme$set(knit_theme$get('", highlight, "'))\n@\n"))
} else if(ext=="Rnw") {
from <- rnwChunkID; to <- rmdChunkID
hl.default <- "tango"
out.ext <- "Rmd"
begin.doc <- which(l=="\\begin{document}")
make.title <- which(l=="\\maketitle")
if(length(make.title)) h.ind <- 1:make.title else h.ind <- 1:begin.doc
h <- l[h.ind]
t.ind <- which(substr(h, 1, 6)=="\\title")
a.ind <- which(substr(h, 1, 7)=="\\author")
highlight.ind <- which(substr(l, 1, 11)=="<<highlight")
if(is.null(title) & length(t.ind)) title <- substr(h[t.ind], 8, nchar(h[t.ind])-1)
if(is.null(author) & length(a.ind)) author <- substr(h[a.ind], 9, nchar(h[a.ind])-1)
l1 <- l[highlight.ind+1]
h1 <- substr(l1, nchar("knit_theme$set(knit_theme$get('") + 1, nchar(l1) - nchar("'))\n"))
if(!(h1 %in% knit_theme$get())) h1 <- hl.default
if(is.null(highlight) & length(highlight.ind)) highlight <- h1 else if(is.null(highlight)) highlight <- hl.default else if(!(highlight %in% knit_theme$get())) highlight <- hl.default
header <- .rmdHeader(title=title, author=author, highlight=highlight)
h.chunks <- .swapChunks(from=from, to=to, x=h, offset.end=0)
header <- c(header, h.chunks[[1]][h.chunks[[2]]])
header <- paste0(header, collapse="\n")
l <- paste0(l[-h.ind], "\n")
l <- .swapHeadings(from=from, to=to, x=l)
chunks <- .swapChunks(from=from, to=to, x=l)
l <- chunks[[1]]
if(ext=="Rmd") l <- .swapEmphasis(x=l, emphasis=emphasis)
if(ext=="Rmd") l[-chunks[[2]]] <- sapply(l[-chunks[[2]]], function(v, p, r) gsub(p, r, v), p="_", r="\\\\_")
l <- c(header, l)
if(ext=="Rmd") l <- c(l, "\n\\end{document}\n")
ind <- which(substr(l, 1, 1)=="\\") # drop any remaining lines beginning with a backslash
l <- l[-ind]
outfile <- file.path(outDir, gsub(paste0("\\.", ext), paste0("\\.", out.ext), basename(file)))
if(overwrite || !file.exists(outfile)){
sapply(l, cat)
print(paste("Writing", outfile))
# @knitr fun_convertDocs
# Rmd <-> Rnw document conversion
# Main conversion function
convertDocs <- function(path, path = "./vignettes", type = "Rnw", rmdChunkID=c("```{r", "}", "```"), rnwChunkID=c("<<", ">>=", "@"), emphasis="replace", overwrite=FALSE, ...){
rmd.files <- list.files(path, pattern=".Rmd$", full=TRUE)
rnw.files <- list.files(path, pattern=".Rnw$", full=TRUE)
dots <- list(...)
if(rmdChunkID[1]=="```{r") rmdChunkID[1] <- paste0(rmdChunkID[1], " ")
stopifnot(length(rmd.files) > 0)
outDir <- file.path(dirname(path), "Rnw")
if(is.null(doc.class <- dots$doc.class)) doc.class <- "article"
if(is.null(doc.packages <- dots$doc.packages)) doc.packages <- "geometry"
doc.class.string <- paste0("\\documentclass{", doc.class, "}")
doc.packages.string <- paste0(sapply(doc.packages, function(x) paste0("\\usepackage{", x, "}")), collapse="\n")
if("geometry" %in% doc.packages) doc.packages.string <- c(doc.packages.string, "\\geometry{verbose, tmargin=2.5cm, bmargin=2.5cm, lmargin=2.5cm, rmargin=2.5cm}")
header.rnw <- c(doc.class.string, doc.packages.string, "\\begin{document}\n")#,
#paste0("<<highlight, echo=FALSE>>=\nknit_theme$set(knit_theme$get('", theme, "'))\n@\n"))
} else if(type=="Rnw") {
stopifnot(length(rnw.files) > 0)
# outDir <- file.path(dirname(path), "Rmd")
outDir <- path
} else stop("path must end in 'Rmd' or 'Rnw'.")
sapply(rmd.files, .swap, header=header.rnw, outDir=outDir, rmdChunkID=rmdChunkID, rnwChunkID=rnwChunkID, emphasis=emphasis, overwrite=overwrite, ...)
cat(".Rmd to .Rnw file conversion complete.\n")
} else {
sapply(rnw.files, .swap, header=NULL, outDir=outDir, rmdChunkID=rmdChunkID, rnwChunkID=rnwChunkID, emphasis=emphasis, overwrite=overwrite)
cat(".Rnw to .Rmd file conversion complete.\n")
# @knitr fun_moveDocs
# Organization documentation
moveDocs <- function(, type=c("md", "html","pdf"), move=TRUE, copy=FALSE, remove.latex=TRUE, latexDir="latex"){
if(any(!(type %in% c("md", "html","pdf")))) stop("type must be among 'md', 'html', and 'pdf'")
stopifnot(move | copy)
if("." |"./") <- getwd()
if(strsplit(, "/")[[1]][1]==".."){
tmp <- strsplit(, "/")[[1]][-1]
if(length(tmp)) <- file.path(getwd(), paste0(tmp, collapse="/")) else stop("Check argument.")
for(i in 1:length(type)){
if(type[i]=="pdf") origin <- "Rnw" else origin <- "Rmd"
path.i <- file.path(, origin)
infiles <- list.files(path.i, pattern=paste0("\\.", type[i], "$"), full=TRUE)
extensions <- c("tex", "aux", "log")
all.pdfs <- basename(list.files(, pattern=".pdf$", full=T, recursive=T))
pat <- paste0("^", rep(gsub("pdf", "", all.pdfs), length(extensions)), rep(extensions, each=length(all.pdfs)), "$")
latex.files <- unlist(sapply(1:length(pat), function(p, path, pat) list.files(path, pattern=pat[p], full=TRUE), path=path.i, pat=pat))
} else {
dir.create(file.path(, latexDir), showWarnings=FALSE, recursive=TRUE)
file.rename(latex.files, file.path(, latexDir, basename(latex.files)))
infiles <- infiles[basename(dirname(infiles))==origin]
html.dirs <- gsub("\\.html", "_files", infiles)
dirs <- list.dirs(path.i, recursive=FALSE)
ind <- which(dirs %in% html.dirs)
html.dirs <- dirs[ind]
html.dirs.recur <- list.dirs(html.dirs)
for(p in 1:length(html.dirs.recur)) dir.create(gsub("/Rmd", "/html", html.dirs.recur[p]), recursive=TRUE, showWarnings=FALSE)
subfiles <- unique(unlist(lapply(1:length(html.dirs.recur), function(p, path) list.files(path[p], full=TRUE), path=html.dirs.recur)))
subfiles <- subfiles[!(subfiles %in% html.dirs.recur)]
file.copy(subfiles, gsub("/Rmd", "/html", subfiles), overwrite=TRUE)
if(move) unlink(html.dirs, recursive=TRUE)
outfiles <- file.path(, type[i], basename(infiles))
if(move) file.rename(infiles, outfiles) else if(copy) file.copy(infiles, outfiles, overwrite=TRUE)
# @knitr fun_getProjectStats
# Compile project code and documentation statistics and other metadataR
# Count R scripts, standard functions, lines of code, hierarchical function tree,
# number of Rmd documents, lines of documentation,
# Shiny app reactive expressions not yet included, e.g.,
# input references, output references, render* calls
# other references of interest in the code, e.g., number of conditional panels in a Shiny app
# These instances would be easy to count but a hierarchical reactive elements tree would be challenging
# 'type' argument not currently in use
getProjectStats <- function(path, type=c("project", "app"), code=TRUE, docs=TRUE, exclude=NULL){
if(!(code | docs)) stop("At least one of 'code' or 'docs' must be TRUE.")
r.files <- if(code) list.files(path, pattern=".R$", full=TRUE, recursive=TRUE) else NULL
rmd.files <- if(docs) list.files(path, pattern=".Rmd$", full=TRUE, recursive=TRUE) else NULL
getFunctionInfo <- function(x, func.names=NULL, func.lines=NULL){
if(is.null(func.names) & is.null(func.lines)){
x.split <- strsplit(gsub(" ", "", x), "<-function\\(")
func.ind <- which(sapply(x.split, length) > 1 & !(substr(x, 1, 1) %in% c(" ", "\t")))
n <- length(func.ind)
func.names <- if(n > 0) sapply(x.split[func.ind], "[[", 1) else stop("No functions found.")
func.close <- rep(NA, n)
for(i in 1:n){
func.ind2 <- if(i < n) min(func.ind[i+1] - 1, length(x)) else length(x)
ind <- func.ind[i]:func.ind2
func.close[i] <- ind[which(nchar(x[ind])==1 & x[ind]=="}")[1]]
func.lines <- mapply(seq, func.ind, func.close)
if(!is.list(func.lines)) func.lines <- as.list(data.frame(func.lines))
return(list(func.names=func.names, func.lines=func.lines, n.func=n))
} else {
m <- c()
n <- length(func.names)
for(i in 1:n){
func.ref <- rep(NA, n)
for(j in c(1:n)[-i]){
x.tmp <- x[func.lines[[i]]]
x.tmp <- gsub(paste0(func.names[j], "\\("), "_1_SOMETHING_TO_SPLIT_ON_2_", x.tmp) # standard function usage
x.tmp <- gsub(paste0("\\(", func.names[j]), "_1_SOMETHING_TO_SPLIT_ON_2_", x.tmp) # function reference inside
x.tmp <- gsub(paste0(func.names[j], ","), "_1_SOMETHING_TO_SPLIT_ON_2_", x.tmp) # function reference followed by mere comma, e.g., in *apply functions: NOT IDEAL
x.tmp.split <- strsplit(x.tmp, "SOMETHING_TO_SPLIT_ON")
func.ref[j] <- any(sapply(x.tmp.split, length) > 1)
m.tmp <- if(any(func.ref, na.rm=TRUE)) cbind(func.names[i], func.names[which(func.ref)]) else cbind(func.names[i], NA)
m <- rbind(m, m.tmp)
if(is.character(exclude) & length(r.files)) r.files <- r.files[!(basename(r.files) %in% exclude)]
n.scripts <- length(r.files)
if(n.scripts > 0){
l <- unlist(lapply(r.files, readLines))
n.codelines <- length(l[l != ""]) <- getFunctionInfo(l)
func.names <-$func.names
n.func <-$n.func
func.mat <- getFunctionInfo(l, func.names=func.names,$func.lines)
} else { n.codelines <- n.func <- 0; func.names <- func.mat <- NULL }
if(is.character(exclude) & length(rmd.files)) rmd.files <- rmd.files[!(basename(r.files) %in% exclude)] <- length(rmd.files)
if( > 0){
l <- unlist(lapply(rmd.files, readLines))
n.doclines <- length(l[l != ""])
} else { n.doclines <- 0 }
total.files <- length(list.files(path, recursive=TRUE))
return(list(total.files=total.files,, n.doclines=n.doclines, n.scripts=n.scripts, n.codelines=n.codelines, n.func=n.func, func.mat=func.mat))
# @knitr fun_buttonGroup
# Functions for Github websites
buttonGroup <- function(txt, urls, fa.icons=NULL, colors="primary",{
stopifnot(is.character(txt) & is.character(urls))
n <- length(txt)
stopifnot(colors %in% c("default", "primary", "success", "info", "warning", "danger", "link"))
stopifnot(n %% length(colors)==0)
if(is.null(fa.icons)) icons <- vector("list", length(txt)) else if(is.character(fa.icons)) icons <- as.list(fa.icons) else stop("fa.icons must be character or NULL")
if(length(colors) < n) colors <- rep(colors, length=n)
btnlink <- function(i, txt, url, icon, col){
x <- paste0('<a class="btn btn-', col[i], '" href="', url[i], '">')
y <- if(is.null(icon[[i]])) "" else paste0('<i class="fa fa-', icon[[i]], ' fa-lg"></i>')
z <- paste0(" ", txt[i], '</a>\n')
paste0(x, y, z)
x <- if( '<div class="btn-group btn-group-justified">\n' else ""
y <- paste0(sapply(1:length(txt), btnlink, txt=txt, url=urls, icon=icons, col=colors), collapse="")
z <- if( '</div>\n' else ""
paste0(x, y, z)
# @knitr fun_genNavbar
genNavbar <- function(htmlfile="navbar.html", before_body=NULL, title, menu, submenus, files, title.url="index.html", home.url="index.html", site.url="","Github", media.button.args=NULL, include.home=FALSE){
ncs <- c("navbar-brand", "navbar-collapse collapse navbar-responsive-collapse", "nav navbar-nav", "nav navbar-nav navbar-right", "container", "navbar-header", " </div>\n", "navbar-toggle", ".navbar-responsive-collapse", "")
media.buttons <-, media.button.args)
} else if("Github" & site.url!="") {
media.buttons <- paste0('<a class="btn btn-link" href="', site.url, '">\n <i class="fa fa-github fa-lg"></i>\n ',,'\n </a>\n')
} else media.buttons <- ""
fillSubmenu <- function(x, name, file){ <- "dropdown-header"
if(file[x]=="divider") return(' <li class="divider"></li>\n')
if(file[x]=="header") return(paste0(' <li class="',, '">', name[x], '</li>\n'))
paste0(' <li><a href="', file[x], '">', name[x], '</a></li>\n')
fillMenu <- function(x, menu, submenus, files){
m <- menu[x] <- gsub(" ", "-", tolower(m))
s <- submenus[[x]]
f <- files[[x]]
y <- paste0('<li><a href="', f,'">', m, '</a></li>\n')
} else {
y <- paste0(
'<li class="dropdown">\n <a href="',,
'" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">', m,
' <b class="caret"></b></a>\n <ul class="dropdown-menu">\n',
paste(sapply(1:length(s), fillSubmenu, name=s, file=f), sep="", collapse=""),
' </ul>\n', collapse="")
if(include.home) home <- paste0('<li><a href="', home.url, '">Home</a></li>\n ') else home <- ""
x <- paste0(
'<div class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top">\n <div class="', ncs[5], '">\n <div class="', ncs[6], '">\n <button type="button" class="', ncs[8], '" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="', ncs[9], '">\n <span class="icon-bar"></span>\n <span class="icon-bar"></span>\n <span class="icon-bar"></span>\n </button>\n <a class="', ncs[1], '" href="', title.url, '">', title, '</a>\n', ncs[7], ' <div class="', ncs[2], '">\n <ul class="', ncs[3], '">\n ',
paste(sapply(1:length(menu), fillMenu, menu=menu, submenus=submenus, files=files), sep="", collapse="\n "),
' </ul>\n <ul class="', ncs[4], '">\n ', media.buttons, ' </ul>\n </div><!--/.nav-collapse -->\n </div>\n ', ncs[10], '</div>\n',
if(!is.null(before_body)) x <- paste0(readLines(before_body), x)
# @knitr fun_genOutyaml
genOutyaml <- function(file, theme="cosmo", highlight="zenburn", lib=NULL, header=NULL, before_body=NULL, after_body=NULL){
output.yaml <- paste0('html_document:\n self_contained: false\n theme: ', theme, '\n highlight: ', highlight, '\n mathjax: null\n toc_depth: 2\n')
if(!is.null(lib)) output.yaml <- paste0(output.yaml, ' lib_dir: ', lib, '\n')
output.yaml <- paste0(output.yaml, ' includes:\n')
if(!is.null(header)) output.yaml <- paste0(output.yaml, ' in_header: ', header, '\n')
if(!is.null(before_body)) output.yaml <- paste0(output.yaml, ' before_body: ', before_body, '\n')
if(!is.null(after_body)) output.yaml <- paste0(output.yaml, ' after_body: ', after_body, '\n')
# @knitr fun_insert_gatc
insert_gatc <- function(file, gatc=NULL){
nc <- nchar(file)
stopifnot(all(substr(file, nc-4, nc)==".html"))
l <- lapply(file, readLines)
l.ind <- sapply(l, function(x) which(gsub(" ", "", substr(x, 1, 7)) == "</head>"))
if(is.null(gatc)) gatc <-
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
ga('create', 'UA-46129458-3', 'auto');
ga('send', 'pageview');
l <- lapply(1:length(l), function(i, x, ind, gatc) { x[[i]][ind[i]] <- paste0(gatc, "\n</head>"); x[[i]] }, x=l, ind=l.ind, gatc=gatc)
function(i, file, x){
x <- x[[i]]
x <- paste0(x, "\n")
sapply(x, cat)
}, file=file, x=l)
cat("Google Analytics tracking script inserted.\n")
# @knitr fun_genPanelDiv
genPanelDiv <- function(outDir, type="projects", main="Projects",
github.user="leonawicz", prjs.dir="C:/github", exclude=c("", "shiny-apps", "eris2", "DataVisExamples", ".git", "_images"),
img.loc="_images/small", lightbox=FALSE, include.buttons=TRUE, include.titles=TRUE, ...){
stopifnot(github.user %in% c("leonawicz", "ua-snap"))
dots <- list(...)
filename <- "apps_container.html"
web.url <- ""
gh.url.tail <- "shiny-apps/tree/master"
atts <- ' target="_blank"'
go.label <- "Launch"
prjs.dir <- file.path(prjs.dir, "shiny-apps")
prjs.img <- list.files(file.path(prjs.dir, img.loc))
prjs <- sapply(strsplit(prjs.img, "\\."), "[[", 1)
filename <- "projects_container.html"
web.url <- paste0("http://", github.user, "")
gh.url.tail <- ""
atts <- ""
go.label <- "Website"
prjs <- list.dirs(prjs.dir, full=TRUE, recursive=FALSE)
prjs <- prjs[!(basename(prjs) %in% exclude)]
prjs.img <- sapply(1:length(prjs), function(i, a) list.files(file.path(a[i], "plots"), pattern=paste0("^_", basename(a)[i])), a=prjs)
prjs <- basename(prjs)
filename <- "data-visualizations_container.html"
web.url <- paste0("http://", github.user, "")
gh.url.tail <- "DataVisExamples/tree/master"
atts <- ""
go.label <- "See More"
prjs.dir <- file.path(prjs.dir, "DataVisExamples")
prjs.img <- list.files(file.path(prjs.dir, img.loc))
prjs <- sapply(strsplit(prjs.img, "\\."), "[[", 1)
web.url <- paste0("http://", github.user, "")
gh.url.tail <- "DataVisExamples/tree/master"
if(lightbox) atts1 <- ' data-lightbox="ID"' else atts1 <- ""
go.label <- "Expand"
prjs <- list.dirs(file.path(prjs.dir, "DataVisExamples"), full=T, recursive=F)
prjs <- prjs[!(basename(prjs) %in% exclude)]
prjs.img <- lapply(1:length(prjs), function(x, files, imgDir) list.files(path=file.path(files[x], imgDir), recursive=FALSE), files=prjs, imgDir=img.loc)
prjs <- basename(prjs)
filename <- tolower(paste0("gallery-", gsub(" ", "-", gsub(" - ", " ", prjs)), ".html"))
gh.url <- file.path("", github.user, gh.url.tail)
fillRow <- function(i, ...){
prj <- panels[i]
go.label <- go.label[i]
col <- col[i]
panel.main <- panel.main[i]
if(type=="apps") img.src <- file.path(gsub("/tree/", "/raw/", gh.url), img.loc, prjs.img[i])
if(type=="projects") img.src <- file.path(gh.url, prj, "raw/master/plots", prjs.img[i])
if(type=="datavis") img.src <- file.path(gsub("/tree/", "/raw/", gh.url), img.loc, prjs.img[i])
pfx <- "gallery-"
sfx <- ".html"
base <- tolower(paste0(pfx, gsub("_", "-", gsub("_-_", "-", prj)), sfx))
} else {
base <- prj
web.url <- file.path(web.url, base)
} else {
prj <- prjs[p]
img.src <- file.path(gsub("/tree/", "/raw/", gh.url), prjs[p], img.loc, panels[i])
web.url <- file.path(gsub("/tree/", "/raw/", gh.url), prjs[p], panels[i])
if(lightbox) atts <- gsub("ID", gsub(" - ", ": ", gsub("_", " ", prjs[p])), atts1) else atts <- atts1
panel.title <- paste0('<div class="panel-heading"><h3 class="panel-title">', panel.main, '</h3>
</div>\n ')
} else panel.title <- ""
if(go.label=="UAF ONLY") { web.url <- "#"; atts <- ""; go.btn <- "danger" } else go.btn <- "success"
panel.buttons <- paste0('<div class="btn-group btn-group-justified">
<a href="', web.url, '"', atts, ' class="btn btn-', go.btn, '">', go.label, '</a>
<a href="', file.path(gh.url, prj), '" class="btn btn-info">Github</a>
</div>\n ')
} else panel.buttons <- ""
x <- paste0(' <div class="col-lg-4">
<div class="bs-component">
<div class="panel panel-', col, '">\n ', panel.title,
'<div class="panel-body"><a href="', web.url, '"', atts, '><img src="', img.src, '" alt="', panel.main, '" width=100% height=200px></a><p></p>\n ', panel.buttons,
' </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n ')
for(p in 1:length(filename)){
panels <- prjs.img[[p]]
main <- gsub(" - ", ": ", gsub("_", " ", prjs[p]))
} else panels <- prjs
n <- length(panels)
if(is.null(dots$go.label)) go.label <- rep(go.label, length=n) else go.label <- rep(dots$go.label, length=n)
if(is.null(dots$col)) col <- rep("warning", length=n) else col <- rep(dots$col, length=n)
if(is.null(dots$panel.main)) panel.main <- gsub(" - ", ": ", gsub("_", " ", panels)) else panel.main <- rep(dots$panel.main, length=n)
seq1 <- seq(1, n, by=3)
x <- paste0('<div class="container">\n <div class="row">\n <div class="col-lg-12">\n <div class="page-header">\n <h3 id="', type, '">', main, '</h3>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n ')
y <- c()
for(j in 1:length(seq1)){
ind <- seq1[j]:(seq1[j] + 2)
ind <- ind[ind %in% 1:n]
y <- c(y, paste0('<div class="row">\n', paste0(sapply(ind, fillRow, panels=panels, go.label=go.label, col=col, panel.main=panel.main), collapse="\n"), '</div>\n'))
z <- '</div>\n'
sink(file.path(outDir, filename[p]))
sapply(c(x, y, z), cat)
cat("div container html file created.\n")
# @knitr fun_htmlHead
htmlHead <- function(author="Matthew Leonawicz", title=author, script.paths=NULL, stylesheet.paths, stylesheet.args=vector("list", length(path.stylesheets)),, ...){
x <- paste0('<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta name="author" content=', author, ' />
<title>', title, '</title>
if(is.character(script.paths)) x <- c(x, paste0(paste0('<script src="', script.paths, '"></script>', collapse="\n"), "\n"))
x <- c(x, '<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />\n')
n <- length(stylesheet.paths)
for(i in 1:n){
string <- ""
v <- stylesheet.args[i]
arg <- names(v)
if(is.character(arg) && all(arg!="")) string <- paste0(" ", paste(arg, paste0('\"', v, '\"'), sep="=", collapse=" "))
x <- c(x, paste0('<link rel="stylesheet" href="', stylesheet.paths[i], '"', string, '>\n'))
if( {
x <- c(x,
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
ga('create', 'UA-46129458-3', 'auto');
ga('send', 'pageview');
x <- c(x, '</head>\n')
# @knitr fun_htmlBodyTop
htmlBodyTop <- function(css.file=NULL, css.string=NULL, background.image="", include.default=TRUE, ...){
x <- '<body>\n<style type = "text/css">\n'
default <- paste0('
.main-container {
max-width: 940px;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
body {
background-image: url("', background.image, '");
background-attachment: fixed;
background-size: 1920px 1080px;
/* padding for bootstrap navbar */
body {
padding-top: 50px;
padding-bottom: 40px;
@media (max-width: 979px) {
body {
padding-top: 0;
.nav>.btn {
line-height: 0.75em;
margin-top: 9px;
if(!is.null(css.file)) y <- readLines(css.file) else y <- ""
if(!is.null(css.string)) y <- c(y, css.string)
if(include.default) y <- c(default, y)
z <- '\n</style>\n'
c(x, y, z)
# @knitr fun_htmlBottom
htmlBottom <- function(...){ # temporary
'<div class="container">Site made with <a href="">rpm</a></div>\n</body>\n</html>'
# @knitr fun_genUserPage
genUserPage <- function(file="C:/github/", containers=NULL, navbar="", ...){
x1 <- htmlHead(...)
x2 <- htmlBodyTop(...)
if(!is.null(containers)) x3 <- sapply(containers, function(x) paste0(paste0(readLines(x), collapse="\n"), "\n\n")) else x3 <- ""
x4 <- htmlBottom(...)
nb <- if(file.exists(navbar) && substr(navbar, nchar(navbar)-4, nchar(navbar))==".html") nb <- paste0(paste0(readLines(navbar), collapse="\n"), "\n\n")
sapply(c(x1, x2, nb, x3, x4), cat)
cat("Github User page html file created.\n")
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