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Created June 29, 2021 15:33
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  • Save zhitongLIU/57314e690476d73ba56221fb467889cd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Deepfake iperdance installation

  1. download git from link
  2. download anaconda from link
  3. download cuda from link
  4. open enviroment editor add new CUDA_HOME: C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v10.1
  5. download project ipercore from link
  6. download ffmpeg the exact version ffmpeg-4.3.1-win64-static from link
  7. create folder executables inside iPERCore-main\iPERCore-main\assets\ and put downloaded&extracted ffmpeg(ffmpeg-4.3.1-win64-static) in it, the ffmpeg should contains a bin and we should see ffplay and ffprobe
  8. download checklist from link extract and put inside iPERCore-main\iPERCore-main\assets\
  9. open anaconda prompt
    1. cd to the iPERCore-main\iPERCore-main dir ( change drive by typing D: )
    2. create environment by conda create -n iperc python=3.6
    3. active created environment by conda activate iperc
    4. install libs by conda install pytorch==1.6.0 torchvision==0.7.0 cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch
    5. setup by python develop
  10. import source image to iPERCore-main\iPERCore-main\assets\samples, image should be png
  11. import source video to iPERCore-main\iPERCore-main\assets\samples\references, video should be mp4
  12. run command pip install mmcv==1.1.5 ( i needed this)
  13. run command
python demo/ --gpu_ids 0 --image_size 384 --num_source 2 --output_dir "./results" --assets_dir "./assets" --model_id   "donald_trump_2" --src_path   "path?=./assets/samples/sources/donald_trump_2/00000.png,name?=donald_trump_2" --ref_path   "path?=./assets/samples/references/akun_1.mp4,name?=akun_1,pose_fc?=100"

or use other functions

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