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Last active December 3, 2017 00:04
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Save zhiyb/7b3e7c9707d4dfe54fd13339b84cda1e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Building Qt and QtCreator from git using Makefile
diff -crN a/src/build-data/arch/arm64.txt b/src/build-data/arch/arm64.txt
*** a/src/build-data/arch/arm64.txt 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
--- b/src/build-data/arch/arm64.txt 2017-08-08 06:40:10.745399354 +0100
*** 0 ****
--- 1,13 ----
+ endian little
+ family arm64
+ <aliases>
+ aarch64
+ </aliases>
+ <submodels>
+ armv8-a
+ </submodels>
+ <isa_extn>
+ </isa_extn>
#GIT_FLAGS ?= --depth 1
QT_GIT_URI ?= git://
QT_GIT_TAG ?= -b 5.10
QT_INSTALL ?= /opt/Qt/g$$(git rev-list -n1 --abbrev-commit HEAD)
#QTC_GIT_TAG ?= -b v4.3.1
QTC_INSTALL ?= /opt/QtCreator/g$$(git rev-list -n1 --abbrev-commit HEAD)
BOTAN_ARGS ?= #--cpu=aarch64
.PHONY: all
all: qtcreator
status botan root:
mkdir -p $@
.PHONY: update
update: update-qt update-qtcreator
.PHONY: update-qt
update-qt: status/qt-git
cd qt; git pull; ./init-repository -f
rm -rf qt/build
touch status/qt-git-submodule
update-qtcreator: status/qtcreator-git
cd qtcreator; git pull; git submodule update --recursive --init
rm -rf qtcreator/build
touch status/qtcreator-git
.PHONY: update-qtcreator
# For Qt
.PHONY: qt
qt: status/qt-install
status/qt-git: | status
@echo "*** Retrieving Qt source from git ***"
git clone $(QT_GIT_URI) qt $(GIT_FLAGS) $(QT_GIT_TAG)
@touch $@
status/qt-git-submodule: status/qt-git
@echo "*** Retrieving git submodules ***"
cd qt; perl init-repository -f
@touch $@
status/qt-configure: status/qt-git-submodule
@echo "*** Configuring Qt ***"
mkdir -p qt/build
cd qt/build; ../configure -release -opensource -confirm-license -prefix "$(QT_INSTALL)" -nomake examples -nomake tests -make tools
@touch $@
status/qt-make: status/qt-configure
@echo "*** Building Qt ***"
cd qt/build; $(MAKE)
@touch $@
status/qt-install: status/qt-make
@echo "*** Installing Qt ***"
cd qt/build; $(INSTALL_SUDO) $(MAKE) install
@touch $@
# For Qt Creator
.PHONY: qtcreator
qtcreator: status/qtcreator-install
status/qtcreator-git: | status
@echo "*** Retrieving Qt Creator source from git ***"
git clone --recursive $(QTC_GIT_URI) qtcreator $(GIT_FLAGS)
@touch $@
status/qtcreator-qmake: status/qt-install status/qtcreator-patch
@echo "*** qmake Qt Creator ***"
mkdir -p qtcreator/build
cd qtcreator/build; "$(shell cd qt; echo "$(QT_INSTALL)")/bin/qmake" -r ../
@touch $@
status/qtcreator-make: status/qtcreator-qmake
@echo "*** Building Qt Creator ***"
cd qtcreator/build; $(MAKE)
@touch $@
status/qtcreator-install: status/qtcreator-make
@echo "*** Installing Qt Creator ***"
cd qtcreator/build; $(INSTALL_SUDO) $(MAKE) install INSTALL_ROOT="$(shell cd qtcreator; echo "$(QTC_INSTALL)")"
@touch $@
status/qtcreator-patch: status/qtcreator-git status/botan-gen
@echo "*** Patching Qt Creator Botan library ***"
cat botan/Botan-*/botan_all.h > qtcreator/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/botan.h
cat botan/Botan-*/botan_all.cpp | sed -e 's/\<botan_all\.h\>/botan\.h/g' > qtcreator/src/libs/3rdparty/botan/botan.cpp
@touch $@
# Botan patch for Qt Creator
status/botan-get: | botan status
@echo "*** Downloading Botan ***"
cd botan; wget "$(BOTAN_URI)"
@touch $@
status/botan-extract: status/botan-get
@echo "*** Extracting Botan ***"
cd botan; tar zxf Botan-*.tgz
@touch $@
status/botan-patch: status/botan-extract
@echo "*** Patching Botan for aarch64 ***"
cd botan/Botan-*/; patch -p1 < ../../botan.patch
@touch $@
status/botan-gen: status/botan-patch
@echo "*** Generating Botan amalgamation ***"
cd botan/Botan-*/; ./ --gen-amalgamation $(BOTAN_ARGS)
@touch $@
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