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Last active December 10, 2021 13:19
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import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import functools
import time
def trunc_gauss(mu, sigma, bottom, top):
a = random.gauss(mu,sigma)
while (bottom <= a <= top) == False:
a = random.gauss(mu,sigma)
return a
def draw_stats(run_counts = 10000):
def handle_func(func):
def handle_args(*args, **kwargs):
result_lists = []
t = time.clock()
for i in xrange(0, run_counts):
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
print func.__name__, time.clock() - t
result_lists = [item for sublist in result_lists for item in sublist]
num_bins = 100
plt.hist(result_lists,bins=num_bins, normed=1, facecolor='green', alpha=0.5)
plt.title(r'$\mu=%s$, $\sigma=%s$'%(np.mean(result_lists), np.std(result_lists)))
return handle_args
return handle_func
def generate_red_packets(all_moneys = 100, peoples_num = 10, money_up_boundry = 13,money_down_boundry = 7):
tmp_money_up_boundry = money_up_boundry - money_down_boundry
tmp_money_down_boundry = 0
left_distributie_moneys = all_moneys - peoples_num * money_down_boundry
assert(left_distributie_moneys > 0)
mu = left_distributie_moneys / float(peoples_num)
list_moneys = [money_down_boundry] * peoples_num
for i in xrange(0,peoples_num - 1):
max_left_moneys = (peoples_num - i - 1) * tmp_money_up_boundry
while True:
get_moneys = trunc_gauss(mu,1,tmp_money_down_boundry,tmp_money_up_boundry)
#get_moneys = random.uniform(tmp_money_down_boundry, tmp_money_up_boundry)
if max_left_moneys >= (left_distributie_moneys - get_moneys) and left_distributie_moneys - get_moneys >0:
if tmp_money_down_boundry > left_distributie_moneys:
tmp_money_down_boundry = left_distributie_moneys
left_distributie_moneys = left_distributie_moneys - get_moneys
list_moneys[i] += get_moneys
list_moneys[peoples_num - 1] += left_distributie_moneys
return list_moneys
def generate_red_packets_2(all_moneys = 100, peoples_num = 10, money_up_boundry = 13,money_down_boundry = 7,unit=0.01,random_func = random.uniform):
list_moneys = [money_down_boundry] * peoples_num
count_n = (all_moneys - money_down_boundry * peoples_num) / unit
for i in xrange(0,int(count_n)):
while True:
index = int(random_func(0, peoples_num))
if list_moneys[index] < money_up_boundry:
list_moneys[index] += unit
return list_moneys
#generate_red_packets(money_up_boundry = 12,money_down_boundry = 6)
generate_red_packets_2(money_up_boundry = 12,money_down_boundry = 6)
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