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Last active November 15, 2017 05:55
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const compose = (...functions) => data =>
functions.reduceRight((value, func) => func(value), data) // right to left
const pipe = (...functions) => data =>
functions.reduce((value, func) => func(value), data) // left to right
const encodeAttribute = (x = '') => x.replace(/"/g, '"')
const toAttributeString = (x = {}) =>
.map(attr => `${encodeAttribute(attr)}="${encodeAttribute(x[attr])}"`)
.join(' ')
const tagAttributes = x => (c = '') =>
`<${x.tag}${x.attr ? ' ' : ''}${toAttributeString(x.attr)}>${c}</${x.tag}>`
const tag = x =>
typeof x === 'string' ? tagAttributes({ tag: x }) : tagAttributes(x)
const listGroupTag = tag({ tag: 'ul', attr: { class: 'list-group' } })
const listGroupItem = tag({ tag: 'li', attr: { class: 'list-group-item' } })
const listGroupItems = items =>'')
// const listGroup = items => listGroupTag(listGroupItems(items)) // compose pattern
// const listGroup = items => compose(listGroupTag, listGroupItems)(items) // items can be ignored
const listGroup = compose(listGroupTag, listGroupItems)
const panelTag = tag({ tag: 'div', attr: { class: 'panel panel-default' } })
const panelBody = tag({ tag: 'div', attr: { class: 'panel-body' } })
const basicPanel = compose(panelTag, panelBody)
const listGroupPanel = compose(basicPanel, listGroup)
// const listGroupPanel = compose(basicPanel, listGroupTag, listGroupItems) // equivelant above
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