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Last active May 30, 2023 19:34
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Chrome_Extension - cVim.conf
" Updated: 2022-06-25
" Author: zhlinh
" Gist:
" ----------------------------------------- Base Settings -------------------------------------------
let mapleader=','
set nosmoothscroll
" autofocus: allows websites to automatically focus an input box when they are first loaded
set noautofocus
" typelinkhints: (numerichints required) type text in the link to narrow down numeric hints
set typelinkhints
"case-insensitive find mode searches except when input contains a capital letter
set smartcase
set incsearch
"use regexp in find mode
set regexp
let barposition = "top"
let previousmatchpattern="((?!last)(上一页|上一頁|上页|上頁|前页|前頁|上一篇|prev(ious)?|newer|back|«|less|<|‹| )+)"
let nextmatchpattern = "((?!first)(下一页|下一頁|下页|下頁|后页|后頁|下一篇|前进|前進|繼續|继续|更多|next|nextpage|nextpagestatic|more|>|›|»|forward| )+)"
let blacklists = ["*","*","*","https://**","*"]
let searchlimit = 30
let scrollstep = 70
let zoomfactor = 0.05
"hints when using f
let hintcharacters = "asdfjklh"
" ----------------------------------------- Search Things -------------------------------------------
" cVim already Add Google/IMDB/Wikipedia/Amazon/Duckduckgo/Yahoo/Bing.etc search completion.
" So don't use the same name.You can see all the completionengines in the top when you type 't' for new tab.
" Be able to do :tabopen gm Seattle [:tabopen can be shorted by 't'] or :tabopen w Seattle to look up Seattle on Google Maps or Wikipedia.
let searchengine s = ""
let searchengine android = ""
let searchengine wk_cn = ""
let searchengine wk = ""
let searchengine mba = ""
let searchengine gp = ""
let searchengine ge = ""
let searchengine dict = ""
let searchengine rj = ""
let searchengine db = ""
let searchengine wp1 = ""
let searchengine wp2 = ""
let searchengine wp3 = ""
let searchengine wp4 = ""
let searchengine zm1 = ""
let searchengine zm2 = ""
let searchengine zm3 = ""
let searchengine h3c = ""
" For now I use Ubuntu, If use other linux distribution,just change it.
let searchengine uman = ""
let searchengine ubug = ""
let searchengine upkg = ""
" Linux all distributions:
let searchengine lk = ";i="
let searchengine lman = ""
let searchengine lpkg = ""
" let completionengines =[*] means only the completionengines[serchengine] you list in [] will display. No recommended.
"let completionengines = ["android","dict","bug","pkg","pkgc","stack"]
let searchalias a = "android"
let searchalias g = "Google"
let searchalias d = "Duckduckgo"
let searchalias s = "stack"
let defaultengine = "dict"
" ----------------------------------------- Mapping -------------------------------------------
" unmap some duplicates and two-step keys
" d is used to dl, dh, d0 and d$
unmap a
unmap gq
unmap gQ
unmap [[
unmap ]]
unmap <C-p>
" t is also tabnew
map t :open!&<Space>
map T :open!<Space>
map o goToInput
map O goToLastInput
"## ;<*> to setMark and then '<*> go to mark <*>
"## '' can also go to last lastScrollPosition
" close Tab or Tabs.
map x closeTab
map X closeTabsToLeft
map D closeTabsToRight
map U lastClosedTab
map q cancelWebRequest
map Q hideDownloadsShelf
map R reloadAllTabs
map i :history!&<Space>
map I insertMode
map S :viewsource!<CR>
map p openPasteTab
map P openPaste
map > nextMatchPattern
map < previousMatchPattern
"map J lastUsedTab
map J createHint
map K lastClosedTab
map <Space> scrollPageDown
map h previousTab
map l nextTab
map H goBack
map L goForward
map + zoomPageIn
map - zoomPageOut
map _ zoomPageOut
map = zoomOrig
map [ moveTabLeft
map ] moveTabRight
map <Backspace> clearSearchHighlight
"CTL + <Number>, switch to tab <Number>, provided by chrome.
map <C-u> rootFrame
"input mode, make it more vim like
imap <C-h> backwardChar
imap <C-l> forwardChar
imap <C-f> forwardWord
imap <C-b> backwardWord
" make it similar to the setting of AHK using CapLock
imap <C-m> deleteForwardWord
" Code blocks
getIP() -> {{
httpRequest({url: '', json: true},
function(res) { Status.setMessage('IP: ' + res.ip ,5); });
" Displays your public IP address in the status bar
map ci :call getIP<CR>
" go to Chrome ge: extentions;gd: downloads; gh: history.
map ga :tabopen chrome://apps<CR>
map gh :tabnew chrome://history<CR>
map gb :tabnew chrome://bookmarks<CR>
map cc :tabopen chrome://settings/clearBrowserData<CR>
" ----------------------------------------- Quick Visit -------------------------------------------
" Then you can vist by 'gog'[in current tab] or 'gng'[in a new tab]
"let qmark g = ["]
" But the following ways is more effective!
map <Leader>ge :tabopen<CR>
map <Leader>ga :tabopen<CR>
map <Leader>gm :tabopen<CR>
" ----------------------------;
map <Leader>gh :tabopen<CR>
map <Leader>gp :tabopen<CR>
map <Leader>zh :tabopen<CR>
map <Leader>dd :tabopen<CR>
map <Leader>sb :tabopen<CR>
map <Leader>yt :tabopen<CR>
map <Leader>gd :tabopen<CR>
map <Leader>rs :tabopen<CR>
map <Leader>cx :tabopen<CR>
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